
Submissions from 2017


How can public transit get people out of their cars? An analysis of transit mode choice for commute trips in Los Angeles, Sandip Chakrabarti


Vehicle kilometers traveled reduction impacts of Transit-Oriented Development: Evidence from Shanghai City, Faan Chen, Jiaorong Wu, Xiaohong Chen, and Jianjun Wang


Priority Areas of Intervention for Improving Urban Bus Services: Experience in Kolkata, India, Munavar Fairooz Cheranchery and Bhargab Maitra


Influencing Longitudinal Passenger Distribution on Railway Platforms to Shorten and Regularize Train Dwell Times, Zoi Christoforou, Pierre-Adrien Collet, Bachar Kabalan, Fabien Leurent, Axelle de Feraudy, Awzan Ali, Thilo Jessaï Arakelian-von Freeden, and Yuelu Li


Willingness-to-pay for a bus fare reform: A contingent valuation approach with multiple bound dichotomous choices, Yi-Shih Chung and Yu-Chiun Chiou


Impacts of New Light Rail Transit Service on Riders' Residential Relocation Decisions, You-Lian Chu, Yi Deng, and Rongfang (Rachel) Liu


Who Rides Public Transportation, Hugh M. Clark


Examining changes in travel patterns among lower wealth households after BRT investment in Bogotá, Colombia, Tabitha S. Combs


Tweeting Transit: An examination of social media strategies for transport information management during a large event, Caitlin Cottrill, Paul Gault, Godwin Yeboah, John D. Nelson, Jillian Anable, and Thomas Budd


An empirical model for the psychology of deliberate and unintentional fare evasion, Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc


Cost and time damping: evidence from aggregate rail direct demand models, Andrew Daly, Nobuhiro Sanko, and Mark Wardman


A life course perspective on the travel of Australian millennials, Alexa Delbosc and Hitomi Nakanishi


Investigating Potential Transit Ridership by Fusing Smartcard and Global System for Mobile Communications Data, Karin de Regt, Oded Cats, Niels Van Oort, and Hans van Lint


Watching the clock on the way to work? Analysing trends in commuting activities, modes and gender differences in commute times, using hazard-based duration modelling methods, Dilum Dissanayake


Electronic ticketing systems as a mechanism for travel behaviour change? Evidence from Sydney’s Opal card, Richard B. Ellison, Adrian B. Ellison, Stephen P. Greaves, and Breno Sampaio


Bergen light rail – Effects on travel behaviour, Øystein Engebretsen, Petter Christiansen, and Arvid Strand


Public transit, active travel, and the journey to school: a cross-nested logit analysis, Alireza Ermagun and David Levinson


When I’m 64: Assessing Generational Differences in Public Transit Use of Seniors in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Lesley Fordham, Emily Grisé, and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Can rail pedestrian violations be deterred? An investigation into the threat of legal and non-legal sanctions, James Freeman and Andry Rakotonirainy


Flexing service schedules: Assessing the potential for demand-adaptive hybrid transit via a stated preference approach, Charlotte Frei, Michael Hyland, and Hani S. Mahmassani


Drivers of transit service loyalty considering heterogeneity between user segments, Xuemei Fu and Zhicai Juan


Exploring the psychosocial factors associated with public transportation usage and examining the “gendered” difference, Xuemei Fu and Zhicai Juan


Understanding public transit use behavior: integration of the theory of planned behavior and the customer satisfaction theory, Xuemei Fu and Zhicai Juan


Harassment on public transport and its impacts on women’s travel behaviour, Natalie Gardner, Jianqiang Cui, and Eddo Coiacetto


Effects of a Public Real-Time Multi-Modal Transportation Information Display on Travel Behavior and Attitudes, Yanbo Ge, Parastoo Jabbari, Don MacKenzie, and Jiarui Tao


A visual segmentation method for temporal smart card data, Mohammad Sajjad Ghaemi, Bruno Agard, Martin Trépanier, and Vahid Partovi Nia


Effectiveness of Transit Oriented Development in Reducing Car Use: Case Study of Subiaco, Western Australia, Brittany Griffiths and Carey Curtis


How do users choose their routes in public transport? The effect of individual profile and contextual factors, Elise Grison, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, and Valérie Gyselinck


Redesigning subway map to mitigate bottleneck congestion: An experiment in Washington DC using Mechanical Turk, Zhan Guo, Jinhua Zhao, Chris Whong, Prachee Mishra, and Lance Wyman


Home-end and activity-end preferences for access to and egress from train stations in the Copenhagen region, Katrín Halldórsdóttir, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Carlo Giacomo Prato


Urban agglomeration benefits from public transit improvements: Extending and implementing the Venables model, Tim Hazledine, Stuart Donovan, and Christine Mak


Future bus transport contracts under a mobility as a service (MaaS) regime in the digital age: Are they likely to change?, David A. Hensher


Transformation from intentions to habits in travel behavior: An awareness of a mediated form of intention, Nguyen Hoang-Tung, Aya Kojima, and Hisashi Kubota


What cognitive mechanisms predict travel mode choice? A systematic review with meta-analysis, Christin Hoffmann, Charles Abraham, Mathew P. White, Susan Ball, and Stephen M. Skippon


A method to directly derive taste heterogeneity of travellers’ route choice in public transport from observed routes, Sung-Pil Hong, Kyung min Kim, Geunyeong Byeon, and Yun-Hong Min


Crowding cost estimation with large scale smart card and vehicle location data, Daniel Hörcher, Daniel J. Graham, and Richard J. Anderson


Is travel based residential self-selection a significant influence in modal choice and household location decisions?, John Humphreys and Aoife Ahern


Public bicycle as a feeder mode to rail transit in China: The role of gender, age, income, trip purpose, and bicycle theft experience, Yanjie Ji, Yingling Fan, Alireza Ermagun, Xuening Cao, Wei Wang, and Kirti Das


Smartphones, travel time-use, and attitudes to public transport services. Insights from an explorative study of urban dwellers in two Norwegian cities, Tom Erik Julsrud and Jon Martin Denstadli


Analysis of user satisfaction to promote public transportation: A pattern-recognition approach focusing on out-of-vehicle time, Sung Hoo Kim, Jin-Hyuk Chung, Sunyoung Park, and Keechoo Choi


Would fewer people drive to work in a city without excess commuting? Explorations in the Paris metropolitan area, Emre Korsu and Florent Le Néchet


Calculating Optimal School Bus Routing and Its Impact on Safety and the Environment, Kornilia Maria Kotoula, Maria Morfoulaki, Georgia Aifadopoulou, and Panagiotis Tzenos


A Nash equilibrium formulation of a tradable credits scheme for incentivizing transport choices: From next-generation public transport mode choice to HOT lanes, Salem Lahlou and Laura Wynter


A new insight on the risky behavior of motorists at railway level crossings: An observational field study, Ci Liang, Mohamed Ghazel, Olivier Cazier, and El-Miloudi El-Koursi


Assessment of metro ridership fluctuation caused by weather conditions in Asian context: Using archived weather and ridership data in Nanjing, Junlong Li, Xuhong Li, Dawei Chen, and Lucy Godding


Exploring car ownership and car use in neighborhoods near metro stations in Beijing: Does the neighborhood built environment matter?, Shengxiao Li and Zhao Pengjun


Transport resilience: The Occupy Central Movement in Hong Kong from another perspective, Becky P.Y. Loo and Kevin Y.K. Leung


What influences the decision to use automated public transport? Using UTAUT to understand public acceptance of automated road transport systems, Ruth Madigan, Tyron Louw, Marc Wilbrink, Anna Schieben, and Natasha Merat


Social marketing and the built environment: What matters for travel behaviour change?, Liang Ma, Corinne Mulley, and Wen Liu


Understanding commuting patterns using transit smart card data, Xiaolei Ma, Congcong Liu, Huimin Wen, Yunpeng Wang, and Yao-Jan Wu


Factors influencing travel mode choice among families with young children (aged 0–4): a review of the literature, Laura McCarthy, Alexa Delbosc, Graham Currie, and Andrew Molloy


To drive or to use the bus? An exploratory study of older people in Malta, Deborah Mifsud, Maria Attard, and Stephen Ison


Does the demand response to transit fare increases vary by income?, Caroline Miller and Ian Savage


Impacts of a multimodal mobility service on travel behavior and preferences: user insights from Munich’s first Mobility Station, Montserrat Miramontes, Maximilian Pfertner, Hema Sharanya Rayaprolu, Martin Schreiner, and Gebhard Wulfhorst


Effect of integration of bicyclists and pedestrians with transit in New Delhi, Sudatta Mohanty, Sugam Bansal, and Khushi Bairwa


Statistical Inference of Transit Passenger Boarding Strategies from Farecard Data, Neema Nassir, Mark Hickman, and Zhenliang Ma


Urban travel behaviour and household income in times of economic crisis: Challenges and perspectives for sustainable mobility, Apostolos Papagiannakis, Ioannis Baraklianos, and Alexia Spyridonidou


A framework for joint modelling of activity choice, duration, and productivity while travelling, Jacek Pawlak, John W. Polak, and Aruna Sivakumar


Latent lifestyle and mode choice decisions when travelling short distances, Carlo Giacomo Prato, Katrín Halldórsdóttir, and Otto Anker Nielsen


Estimating heterogeneity of car travelers on mode shifting behavior based on discrete choice models, Huanmei Qin, Jianqiang Gao, Hongzhi Guan, and Hongbo Chi


Estimating heterogeneity of car travelers on mode shifting behavior based on discrete choice models, Huanmei Qin, Jianqiang Gao, Hongzhi Guan, and Hongbo Chi


On the factors affecting the choice of regional transit for commuting in Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area: Application of an advanced RP-SP choice model, Zohreh Rashedi, Mohamed Mahmoud, Sami Hasnine, and Khandker Nurul Habib


Estimating Fare Noninteraction and Evasion with Disaggregate Fare Transaction Data, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez


The S-Curve of Technological Adoption: Mobile Communication Devices on Commuter Trains in the Chicago Region, 2010–2015, Joseph P. Schwieterman and Lauren Ames Fischer


Combined Effect of Platform Edge Doors and Level Access on Boarding and Alighting Process in London Underground, Sebastián Seriani, Gonzalo de Ana Rodríguez, and Catherine Holloway


Exploring the pedestrian level of interaction on platform conflict areas at metro stations by real-scale laboratory experiments, Sebastian Seriani, Taku Fujiyama, and Catherine Holloway


Effects of altruism and burnout on driving behavior of bus drivers, Xia Shi and Liang Zhang


Choice of transport mode in emerging adulthood: Differences between secondary school students, studying young adults and working young adults and relations with gender, SES and living environment, Dorien Simons, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij, Peter Clarys, Bas de Geus, Corneel Vandelanotte, Jelle Van Cauwenberg, and Benedicte Deforche


Integrated planning of park-and-ride facilities and transit service, Ziqi Song, Yi He, and Lihui Zhang


A new solution framework for the limited-stop bus service design problem, Guillermo Soto, Homero Larrain, and Juan Carlos Muñoz


Can bicycle relieve overcrowded metro? Managing short-distance travel in Beijing, Guibo Sun and John Zacharias


Trip and parking generation at transit-oriented developments: a case study of Redmond TOD, Seattle region, Guang Tian, Reid Ewing, Rachel Weinberger, Kevin Shively, Preston Stinger, and Shima Hamidi


Fare evasion in public transport: A time series approach, Rodrigo Troncoso and Louis de Grange


Applications of Inferred Origins, Destinations, and Interchanges in Bus Service Planning, Catherine Vanderwaart, John P. Attanucci, and Frederick P. Salvucci


What influences satisfaction and loyalty in public transport? A review of the literature, Dea van Lierop, Madhav G. Badami, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy


A New Market Segmentation Approach: Evidence from Two Canadian Cities, Dea van Lierop and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Passenger oriented railway disruption management by adapting timetables and rolling stock schedules, Lucas P. Veelenturf, Leo G. Kroon, and Gábor Maróti


Public transit fare structure and social vulnerability in Montreal, Canada, David Verbich and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Journey-based characterization of multi-modal public transportation networks, Cecilia Viggiano, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, Nigel H.M. Wilson, and John Attanucci


From trend spotting to trend ’splaining: Understanding modal preference shifts in the San Francisco Bay Area, Akshay Vij, Sreeta Gorripaty, and Joan L. Walker


Estimation of Platform Waiting Time Distribution Considering Service Reliability Based on Smart Card Data and Performance Reports, Amr M. Wahaballa, Fumitaka Kurauchi, Toshiyuki Yamamoto, and Jan-Dirk Schmöcker


Exploring built environment correlates of walking distance of transit egress in the Twin Cities, Jueyu Wang and Jason (Xinyu) Cao


Using metro smart card data to model location choice of after-work activities: An application to Shanghai, Yihong Wang, Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, Erik de Romph, and H. J.P. Timmermans


Examining the difference between park and ride and kiss and ride station choices using a spatially weighted error correlation (SWEC) discrete choice model, Adam Weiss and Khandker Nurul Habib


A comparison of car driving, public transport and cycling experiences in three European cities, Ruth Woods and Judith Masthoff


Modelling bus bunching and holding control with vehicle overtaking and distributed passenger boarding behaviour, Weitiao Wu, Ronghui Liu, and Wenzhou Jin


Public attitudes toward encouraging sustainable transportation: An Australian case study, Ting Xia, Ying Zhang, Annette Braunack-Mayer, and Shona Crabb


Estimating Distributions of Walking Speed, Walking Distance, and Waiting Time with Automated Fare Collection Data for Rail Transit, Xiaoyan Xie and Fabien Leurent


Pareto-improving policies for an idealized two-zone city served by two congestible modes, Shu-Xian Xu, Ronghui Liu, Tian-Liang Liu, and Hai-Jun Huang


Exploring the impact of residential relocation on modal shift in commute trips: Evidence from a quasi-longitudinal analysis, Min Yang, Jingxian Wu, Soora Rasouli, Cinzia Cirillo, and Dawei Li


Transit Trip Itinerary Inference with GTFS and Smartphone Data, Seyed . Amir H Zahabi, Ajang Ajzachi, and Zachary Patterson


Impact of real-time crowding information: a Stockholm metro pilot study, Yizhou Zhang, Erik Jenelius, and Karl Kottenhoff


Bicycle-metro integration in a growing city: The determinants of cycling as a transfer mode in metro station areas in Beijing, Pengjun Zhao and Shengxiao Li


Impacts of weather on public transport ridership: Results from mining data from different sources, Meng Zhou, Donggen Wang, Qingquan Li, Yang Yue, Wei Tu, and Rui Cao

Submissions from 2016


Travel satisfaction effects of changes in public transport usage, Maya Abou-Zeid and Satoshi Fujii


What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Public Transit, Highways, and Local Streets and Roads? Results from Year Seven of a National Survey, Asha Weinstein Agrawal and Hilary Nixon


Validating and improving public transport origin–destination estimation algorithm using smart card fare data, Azalden Alsger, Behrang Assemi, Mahmoud Mesbah, and Luis Ferreira


An investigation into passenger preference for express trains during peak hours, Junghan Baek and Keemin Sohn


Exploring Bicycle and Public Transit Use by Low-Income Latino Immigrants: A Mixed-Methods Study in the San Francisco Bay Area, Jesus M. Barajas, Daniel G. Chatman, and Asha Weinstein Agrawal


The best of times and the worst of times: A new best–worst measure of attitudes toward public transport experiences, Matthew J. Beck and John M. Rose