
Submissions from 2016


The effect of slow zones on ridership: An analysis of the Chicago Transit Authority “El” Blue Line, Margarita Bernal, Eric W. Welch, and P. S. Sriraj


Weather, transport mode choices and emotional travel experiences, Lars Böcker, Martin Dijst, and Jan Faber


Capacity, information and minority games in public transport, P. C. Bouman, Leo Kroon, Peter Vervest, and Gábor Maróti


A Taste for Transit? Analyzing Public Transit Use Trends among Youth, Anne E. Brown, Evelyn Blumenberg, Brian D. Taylor, Kelcie Ralph, and Carole Turley Voulgaris


An examination of recent trends in multimodal travel behavior among American motorists, Ralph Buehler and Andrea Hamre


Evaluating the added-value of online bus arrival prediction schemes, Oded Cats and Gerasimos Loutos


Commuters’ behavior towards upgraded bus services in Greater Beirut: Implications for greenhouse gas emissions, social welfare and transport policy, Ali Chalak, Hani Al-Naghi, Alexandra Irani, and Maya Abou-Zeid


Study of Standing Passenger Density in Subway Cars Based on Passengers’ Spatial Comfort: Case Study of Beijing Subway Line 4, Feng Chen, Jiping Fang, and Qibing Wu


Exploring the effects of perceived values, free bus transfer, and penalties on intermodal metro–bus transfer users' intention, Yung-Hsiang Cheng and Wei-Chih Tseng


Integrating congestion pricing and transit investment planning, Ruoyun Chen and Linda Nozick


Users’ willingness to ride an integrated public-transport service: A literature review, Subeh Chowdhury and Avishai (Avi) Ceder


Changes to commute mode: The role of life events, spatial context and environmental attitude, Ben Clark, Kiron Chatterjee, and Steve Melia


An ideal journey: making bus travel desirable, William Clayton, Juliet Jain, and Graham Parkhurst


Public transport demand: dynamic panel model analysis, Manel Daldoul, Sami Jarboui, and Ahlem Dakhlaoui


Impact of Platform Edge Doors on Passengers’ Boarding and Alighting Time and Platform Behavior, Gonzalo de Ana Rodríguez, Sebastián Seriani, and Catherine Holloway


Cluster analysis of fare evasion behaviours in Melbourne, Australia, Alexa Delbosc and Graham Currie


Four types of fare evasion: A qualitative study from Melbourne, Australia, Alexa Delbosc and Graham Currie


Transit passengers’ behavioural intentions: the influence of service quality and customer satisfaction, Juan de Oña, Rocio de Oña, Laura Eboli, Carmen Forciniti, and Gabriella Mazzulla


Travel mode choice and travel satisfaction: bridging the gap between decision utility and experienced utility, Jonas De Vos, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Tim Schwanen, Veronique Van Acker, and Frank Witlox


What to expect from the future leaders of Bogotá and Curitiba in terms of public transport: Opinions and practices among university students, Fábio Duarte, Tatiana Gadda, Carlos Augusto Moreno Luna, and Fábio Teodoro Souza


Estimation of Origin and Destination Information from Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Sensing for Transit, Matthew Dunlap, Zhibin Li, Kristian Henrickson, and Yinhai Wang


Life-Oriented Approach of Modeling Commute Mode Loyalty and Transition Behavior, Mahmudur Rahman Fatmi and Muhammad Ahsanul Habib


Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit, Sharon Feigon and Colin Murphy


Regularity of Public Transport Usage: A Case Study of Bus Rides in Lisbon, Portugal, Stefan Foell, Santi Phithakkitnukoon, Marco Veloso, Gerd Kortuem, and Carlos Bento


Empirical analysis and comparisons about time-allocation patterns across segments based on mode-specific preferences, Xuemei Fu and Zhicai Juan


Impact of information intervention on travel mode choice of urban residents with different goal frames: A controlled trial in Xuzhou, China, Jichao Geng, Ruyin Long, and Hong Chen


An application-oriented model of passenger waiting time based on bus departure time intervals, Huibo Gong, Xumei Chen, Lei Yu, and Lijuan Wu


Decreasing fare evasion without fines? A microeconomic analysis, Pablo Guarda, Patricia Galilea, Susan Handy, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Juan de Dios Ortúzar


Weakening Obstacles to Transit Use: Changes in Relationships with Child Rearing and Automobile Access from 2000 to 2010, Andrew Guthrie and Yingling Fan


Modeling Transit Users Stop Choice Behavior: Do Travelers Strategize?, Mohammad Nurul Hassan, Taha Hossein Rashidi, S. Travis Waller, Neema Nassir, and Mark Hickman


Identity and travel behaviour: A cross-sectional study on commute mode choice and intention to change, Eva Heinen


New light rail transit and active travel: A longitudinal study, Andy Hong, Marlon G. Boarnet, and Douglas Houston


Precise estimation of connections of metro passengers from Smart Card data, Sung-Pil Hong, Yun-Hong Min, Myoung-Ju Park, Kyung Min Kim, and Suk Mun Oh


Optimal transit fare and service frequency of a nonlinear origin-destination based fare structure, Di Huang, Zhiyuan Liu, Pan Liu, and Jun Chen


How does the propensity of living near rail transit moderate the influence of rail transit on transit trip frequency in Xi'an?, Xiaoyan Huang, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, Xiaoshu Cao, and Jiangbin Yin


The association between transit access and auto ownership: evidence from Guangzhou, China, Xiaoyan Huang, Xiaoshu Cao, and Jason (Xinyu) Cao


‘Super simple stuff?’: crafting quiet in trains between Newcastle and Sydney, Ainsley Hughes, Kathleen Mee, and Adam Tyndall


Public transport promotion policy on campus: evidence from Suranaree University in Thailand, Sajjakaj Jomnonkwao, Onanong Sangphong, Buratin Khampirat, Siradol Siridhara, and Vatanavongs Ratanavaraha


Investigating the Effect of Gasoline Prices on Transit Ridership and Unobserved Heterogeneity, Hojin Jung, Gun Jea Yu, and Kyoung-Min Kwon


Toward sustainable urban mobility: Investigating nonwork travel behavior in a sprawled Canadian city, Shakil Kahn, Hanna Maoh, Chris Lee, and William Anderson


Determinants of residential dissonance: Implications for transit-oriented development in Brisbane, Md. Kamruzzaman, Douglas Baker, Simon Washington, and Gavin Turrell


Modelling and analysing effects of complex seasonality and weather on an area's daily transit ridership rate, Syeed Anta Kashfi, Jonathan M. Bunker, and Tan Yigitcanlar


Moving between mobility cultures: what affects the travel behavior of new residents?, Thomas Klinger and Martin Lanzendorf


Mobile encounters: bus 5A as a cross-cultural meeting place, Lasse Koefoed, Mathilde Dissing Christensen, and Kirsten Simonsen


Goal priming, public transportation habit and travel mode selection: The moderating role of trait mindfulness, Jean-Baptiste Légal, Thierry Meyer, Antonia Csillik, and Pierre-André Nicolas


Perception of Mode-Specific Travel Time Reliability and Crowding in Multimodal Trips, Hao Li, Kun Gao, Huizhao Tu, Yueming Ding, and Lijun Sun


Integrating the mean–variance and scheduling approaches to allow for schedule delay and trip time variability under uncertainty, Hao Li, Huizhao Tu, and David A. Hensher


Willingness to board: A novel concept for modeling queuing up passengers, Zhiyuan Liu, Shuaian Wang, Weijie Chen, and Yuan Zheng


It’s a Matter of Time Assessment of Additional Time Budgeted for Commuting to McGill University Across Modes, Charis Loong and Ahmed El-Geneidy


The role of involvement in regards to public transit riders' perceptions of the service, José Luis Machado-León, Rocío de Oña, and Juan de Oña


Commuting trip satisfaction in Beijing: Exploring the influence of multimodal behavior and modal flexibility, Zidan Mao, Dick Ettema, and Martin Dijst


Effects of Speed, Curves, and Driver Behavior on Passive Securement Systems on Large Transit Buses, Andrea Mather and Katharine Hunter-Zaworski


Russian public transport system: the customers’ feedback on the service provision, Andrey Sergeevich Mikhaylov, Ivan Sergeevich Gumenuk, and Anna Alekseevna Mikhaylova


The effect of contract renewal and competitive tendering on public transport costs, subsidies and ridership, Arnoud Mouwen and Jos van Ommeren


A utility-based travel impedance measure for public transit network accessibility, Neema Nassir, Mark Hickman, Ali Malekzadeh, and Elnaz Irannezhad


Advanced public transport and intelligent transport systems: new modelling challenges, Agostino Nuzzolo and Antonio Comi


Automatic calibration of agent-based public transit assignment path choice to count data, Manuel Moyo Oliveros and Kai Nagel


Towards multi-modal integrated mobility systems: Views from Panama City and Barranquilla, Adriana Ortegon-Sanchez and Nick Tyler


Exploring the rural passenger experience, information needs and decision making during public transport disruption, Konstantinos Papangelis, Nagendra R. Velaga, Fiona Ashmore, Somayajulu Sripada, John D. Nelson, and Mark Beecroft


Passenger Perspectives in Railway Timetabling: A Literature Review, Jens Parbo, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Carlo Giacomo Prato


Train commuters’ scheduling preferences: Evidence from a large-scale peak avoidance experiment, Stefanie Peer, Jasper Knockaert, and Erik T. Verhoef


Can Multimodal Real-Time Information Systems Induce a More Sustainable Mobility?, Cristina Pronello, José Veiga-Simão, and Valentina Rappazzo


Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco, Lisa Rayle, Danielle Dai, Nelson Chan, Robert Cervero, and Susan Shaheen


Key events and multimodality: A life course approach, Joachim Scheiner, Kiron Chatterjee, and Eva Heinen


Impact on Bus Ridership from Changes in a Route’s Span of Service, Jacob Simmons and Peter J. Haas


How do metro stations integrate with walking environments? Results from walking access within three types of built environment in Beijing, Guibo Sun, John Zacharias, Ben Ma, and Nicolas M. Oreskovic


Estimating the influence of common disruptions on urban rail transit networks, Huijun Sun, Jianjun Wu, Lijuan Wu, Xiaoyong Yan, and Ziyou Gao


The influence of weather on local geographical patterns of bus usage, Sui Tao, Jonathan Corcoran, Mark Hickman, and Robert Stimson


Observing dynamic behavioural responses due to the extension of a tram line by using panel survey, Nursitihazlin Ahmad Termida, Yusak O. Susilo, and Joel P. Franklin


Valuation of sitting and standing in metro trains using revealed preferences, Alejandro Tirachini, Lijun Sun, Alexander Erath, and Artem Chakirov


Enjoying loyalty: The relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions in public transit, Dea van Lierop and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Profiling public transport users through perceptions about public transport providers and satisfaction with the public transport service, Paula Vicente and Elizabeth Reis


What factors determine metro passengers’ risky riding behavior? An approach based on an extended theory of planned behavior, Xin Wan, Paul M. Schonfeld, and Qiming Li


Research Pays Off Assessing the Impacts of Real-Time Transit Information, Kari Edison Watkins and Candace Brakewood


Evaluating the attractiveness of a new light rail extension: Testing simple change and displacement change hypotheses, Carol M. Werner, Barbara B. Brown, Calvin P. Tribby, Doug Tharp, Kristi Flick, Harvey J. Miller, Ken R. Smith, and Wyatt Jensen


Does public transit improvement affect commuting behavior in Beijing, China? A spatial multilevel approach, Wenjie Wu and Jinhyun Hong


Accessing the Subway in Toronto, Canada: Access Mode and Catchment Areas, Yang (Luna) Xi, Shoshanna Saxe, and Eric Miller


Is the intention to use public transport for different travel purposes determined by different factors?, Suhaiza Zailani, Mohammad Iranmanesh, Tajul Ariffin Masron, and Tze-Haw Chan


Proactive sustainable university transportation: Marginal effects, intrinsic values, and university students' mode choice, Jiangping Zhou


The impacts of urban mass rapid transit lines on the density and mobility of high-income households: A case study of Singapore, Yi Zhu and Mi Diao

Submissions from 2015


Use of Smart Card Fare Data to Estimate Public Transport Origin–Destination Matrix, Azalden A. Alsger, Mahmoud Mesbah, Luis Ferreira, and Hamid Safi


What are the determinants in making people free riders in proof-of-payment transit systems? Evidence from Italy, Benedetto Barabino, Sara Salis, and Bruno Useli


Use of Mixed Stated and Revealed Preference Data for Crowding Valuation on Public Transport in Santiago, Chile, Marco Batarce, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Juan de Dios Ortúzar, Sebastián Raveau, Carlos Mojica, and Ramiro Alberto Ríos


Time Use on Trains: Media Use/Non-use and Complex Shifts in Activities, Thomas Bjørner


Mathematical programming formulations for transit network design, Héctor Cancela, Antonio Mauttone, and María E. Urquhart


Heterogeneous effects of neighborhood type on commute mode choice: An exploration of residential dissonance in the Twin Cities, Jason (Xinyu) Cao


The demand for reliable transit service: New evidence using stop level data from the Los Angeles Metro bus system, Sandip Chakrabarti


How Land Use Affects Station Access Behaviors of Bus Rapid Transit Passengers in Bangkok, Thailand, Saksith Chalermpong and Apiwat Ratanawaraha


The asymmetric effects of gasoline prices on public transportation use in Taiwan, Ming-Che Chao, Wen-Hsiu Huang, and Rong-Chang Jou


Public transport demand elasticities during the recessionary phases of economic cycles, Ruben Cordera, Cesar Canales, Luigi dell’Olio, and Angel Ibeas


Reducing car-use for leisure: Can organised walking groups switch from car travel to bus and train walks?, N. J. Davies and R. Weston


Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions: Structural Equation Model for the Metro of Seville, Spain, Rocío de Oña, José Luis Machado, and Juan de Oña


An investigation into the feasibility of increasing rail use as an alternative to the car, Jack Eagling and Tim Ryley


Public Transit Catchment Areas The Curious Case of Cycle-Transit Users, Bradley J. Flamm and Charles R. Rivasplata


What Do You Do with Your App? Study of Bus Rider Decision Making with Real-Time Passenger Information, Achille Fonzone


A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns, Achille Fonzone, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, and Ronghui Liu


Mode-Switching Behavior with the Provision of Real-Time Multimodal Traveler Information, Andreas Frei and Hongcheng Gan


Making time count: Traveler activity engagement on urban transit, Charlotte Frei, Hani S. Mahmassani, and Andreas Frei


Evaluation of Bus Reliability Measures and Development of a New Composite Indicator, Antonio Gittens and Amer Shalaby


The distribution of crowding costs in public transport: New evidence from Paris, Luke Haywood and Martin Koning