
Submissions from 2015


The same mode again? An exploration of mode choice variability in Great Britain using the National Travel Survey, Eva Heinen and Kiron Chatterjee


Estimating the Destination of Unlinked Trips in Transit Smart Card Fare Data, Li He and Martin Trépanier


Sustainable transportation infrastructure investments and mode share changes: A 20-year background of Boulder, Colorado, Alejandro Henao, Daniel Piatkowski, Kara S. Luckey, Krista Nordback, Wesley E. Marshall, and Kevin J. Krizek


Perceived vs. Actual Distance to Transit in Santiago, Chile, Diego Hernández and Regina Witter


Estimation of an origin/destination matrix: application to a ferry transport data, Adrien Ickowicz and Ross Sparks


An investigation on the performances of mode shift models in transit ridership forecasting, Ahmed Osman Idris, Khandker M. Nurul Habib, and Amer Shalaby


Fixed-Effects Panel Data Analysis of Gasoline Prices, Fare, Service Supply, and Service Frequency on Transit Ridership in 10 U.S. Urbanized Areas, Hiroyuki Iseki and Rubaba Ali


Optimal allocation of protective resources in urban rail transit networks against intentional attacks, Jian Gang Jin, Linjun Lu, Lijun Sun, and Jingbo Yin


Transit passenger origin–destination flow estimation: Efficiently combining onboard survey and large automatic passenger count datasets, Yuxiong Ji, Rabi G. Mishalani, and Mark R. McCord


Designing Shuttle Connections to Commuter Rail with Census Origin and Destination Data, Gretchen Johnson, Hazel Scher, and Thomas Wittmann


Land use characteristics of subway catchment areas and their influence on subway ridership in Seoul, Myung-Jin Jun, Keechoo Choi, Ji-Eun Jeong, Ki-Hyun Kwon, and Hee-Jae Kim


Commuting mode choice in transit oriented development: Disentangling the effects of competitive neighbourhoods, travel attitudes, and self-selection, Md. Kamruzzaman, Farjana Mostafiz Shatu, Julian Hine, and Gavin Turrell


Effects of Transit Quality of Service Characteristics on Daily Bus Ridership, Syeed Anta Kashfi, Jonathan M. Bunker, and Tan Yigitcanlar


Understanding the effects of complex seasonality on suburban daily transit ridership, Syeed Anta Kashfi, Jonathan M. Bunker, and Tan Yigitcanlar


A modified Density-Based Scanning Algorithm with Noise for spatial travel pattern analysis from Smart Card AFC data, Le Minh Kieu, Ashish Bhaskar, and Edward Chung


Does crowding affect the path choice of metro passengers?, Kyung Min Kim, Sung-Pil Hong, Suk-Joon Ko, and Dowon Kim


The impact of transit station areas on the travel behaviors of workers in Denver, Colorado, Gregory J. Kwoka, E. Eric Boschmann, and Andrew R. Goetz


Who, What, When, and Where: Revisiting the Influences of Transit Mode Share, Alexander Legrain, Ron Buliung, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy


Am stressed, must travel: The relationship between mode choice and commuting stress, Alexander Legrain, Naveen Eluru, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy


Modeling Passenger Behavior in Nonpayment Areas at Rail Transit Stations, Mingjun Liao and Gang Liu


The influence of weather characteristics variability on individual’s travel mode choice in different seasons and regions in Sweden, Chengxi Liu, Yusak O. Susilo, and Anders Karlström


Passenger Flows in Underground Railway Stations and Platforms, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Brian D. Taylor, and Carole Turley


Park-and-Ride Access Station Choice Model for Cross-Regional Commuting: Case Study of Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Canada, Mohamed Salah Mahmoud, Khandker Nurul Habib, and Amer Shalaby


Generalized behavioral framework for choice models of social influence: Behavioral and data concerns in travel behavior, Michael Maness, Cinzia Cirillo, and Elenna R. Dugundji


Why do voters support public transportation? Public choices and private behavior, Michael Manville and Benjamin Cummins


Mind the Gap: Perceptions of Passenger Aggression and Train Car Supervision in a Commuter Rail System, Nerea Marteache, Gisela Bichler, and Janet Enriquez


Bicycle Sharing and Public Transit: Does Capital Bikeshare Affect Metrorail Ridership in Washington, D.C.?, Ting Ma, Chao Liu, and Sevgi Erdoğan


Influences of Neighborhood Characteristics and Personal Attitudes on University Commuters’ Public Transit Use, Mi Namgung and Gulsah Akar


Changes in Transit Use and Service and Associated Changes in Driving Near a New Light Rail Transit Line, Hilary Nixon, Marlon Boarnet, Doug Houston, Steven Spears, and Jeongwoo Lee


Environmental norms, transport priorities and resistance to change associated with acceptance of push measures in transport, Trond Nordfjærn and Torbjørn Rundmo


Stranding Cycling Transit Users on Los Angeles’ Orange Line Bus Rapid Transit, Craig T. Olwert, Jose Tchopourian, Vicente O. Arellano, and Mintesnot G. Woldeamanuel


Is This Seat Taken? Multifaceted Research Study to Inform the Chicago, Illinois, Transit Authority's Future Rail Car Seating Design, Tara O'Malley and Maulik Vaishnav


Metro service disruptions: how do people choose to travel?, Anastasia M. Pnevmatikou, Matthew G. Karlaftis, and Konstantinos Kepaptsoglou


Reshaping the Region: Transit Proximity and Leverage in Metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts, Stephanie Pollack, Anna Gartsman, Timothy Reardon, and Meghna Hari


Role of Social Climate in Habitual Transit Use by Young Adults to Work and Leisure Activities: Evidence from Colombia and Mexico, Julián R. Salvá, Miguel Sierra, Ana K. J. Alanis, Sigal Kaplan, and Carlo G. Prato


Greenhouse Gas Impact of Ridership on Sheppard Subway Line, Toronto, Canada, Shoshanna Saxe, Heather Cruickshank, and Eric Miller


Lost in transit? Unfamiliar public transport travel explored using a journey planner web survey, Lorelei Schmitt, Graham Currie, and Alexa Delbosc


Measuring Passenger Loyalty to Public Transport Modes, Yoram Shiftan, Yotam Barlach, and Daniel Shefer


The role of attitudes, transport priorities, and car use habit for travel mode use and intentions to use public transportation in an urban Norwegian public, Özlem Şimşekoğlu, Trond Nordfjærn, and Torbjørn Rundmo


Travel Patterns of Urban Linear Ferry Passengers: Analysis of Smart Card Fare Data for Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, Ali Soltani, Michael Tanko, Matthew I. Burke, and Reza Farid


A zonal inference model based on observed smart-card transactions for Santiago de Chile, Sebastián Tamblay, Patricia Galilea, Paula Iglesias, Sebastián Raveau, and Juan Carlos Muñoz


Walking Access to Transit Stations: Evaluating Barriers with Stated Preference, Nebiyou Tilahun and Moyin Li


Impact of public transport and non-motorized transport infrastructure on travel mode shares, energy, emissions and safety: Case of Indian cities, Geetam Tiwari, Deepty Jain, and Kalaga Ramachandra Rao


Are Park-and-Rides Saving the Environment or Just Saving Parking Costs? Case Study of Denver, Colorado, Light Rail System, Lisa C. Truong and Wesley E. Marshall


Urban household travel behavior in a time of economic crisis: Changes in trip making and transit importance, Gudmundur F. Ulfarsson, Anne Steinbrenner, Trausti Valsson, and Sungyop Kim


Short-Term Prediction of Ridership on Public Transport with Smart Card Data, Niels van Oort, Ties Brands, and Erik de Romph


Case Study of Transit–Bicycle Integration: Openbaar Vervoer-fiets (Public Transport–Bike) (OV-Fiets), Natalie Villwock-Witte and Lotte van Grol


Metro passenger behaviors and their relations to metro incident involvement, Xin Wan, Qiming Li, Jingfeng Yuan, and Paul M. Schonfeld


Use of Web-Based Rider Feedback to Improve Public Transit Services, Kari Edison Watkins, Yanzhi (Ann) Xu, Susan Bregman, and Kathryn Coffel


Evaluation of the Safe Routes to Transit Program in California, David Weinzimmer, Rebecca L. Sanders, Heidi Dittrich, and Jill F. Cooper


A stochastic optimization model for transit network timetable design to mitigate the randomness of traveling time by adding slack time, Yinghui Wu, Jiafu Tang, Yang Yu, and Zhendong Pan


Transit accessibility measures incorporating the temporal dimension, Wangtu (Ato) Xu, Yanjie Ding, Jiangping Zhou, and Yuan Li


Evaluation of exclusive bus lanes in a bi-modal degradable road network, Jia Yao, Feng Shi, Shi An, and Jian Wang


The effect of crowding on public transit user travel behavior in a large-scale public transportation system through modeling daily variations, Donghyung Yook and Kevin Heaslip


Development of Application for Estimating Daily Boarding and Alighting Counts on New York City Buses: Implementation of Daily Production System, Qifeng Zeng, Alla Reddy, Alex Lu, and Brian Levine


An agent-based choice model for travel mode and departure time and its case study in Beijing, Mingqiao Zou, Meng Li, Xi Lin, Chenfeng Xiong, Chao Mao, Cheng Wan, Ke Zhang, and Jiaying Yu

Submissions from 2014


Urban form, commuting patterns and CO2 emissions: What differences between the municipality’s residents and its jobs?, Anne Aguiléra and Marion Voisin


Modeling Riders' Behavioral Responses to Real-Time Information at Light Rail Transit Stations, Yuan Bai and Lina Kattan


Friday Exception Scheduling in Transit Systems: An Exploratory Analysis When Data Are Limited, Michael D. Benson and Robert B. Noland


The Effects of Perception vs. “Reality” on Travel Behavior after a Major Transit Service Change: The Case of Tallahassee, Florida., Torsha Bhattacharya, Jeffrey Brown, Michal Jaroszynski, and Tuna Batuhan


The influence of light rail transit on transit use: An exploration of station area residents along the Hiawatha line in Minneapolis, Jason (Xinyu) Cao and Jessica Schoner


Understanding the travel experience and its impact on attitudes, emotions and loyalty towards the transportation provider–A quantitative study with mid-distance bus trips, Rui Carreira, Lia Patrício, Renato Natal Jorge, and Chris Magee


Passengers' Perception of and Behavioral Adaptation to Unreliability in Public Transportation, Andre Carrel, Anne Halvorsen, and Joan L. Walker


Role of Social Media in Communicating Transit Disruptions, Raymond Chan and Joseph L. Schofer


A Review of Latent Variable on Urban Travel Behavior, Jian Chen and Mi Gan


Where to park? A behavioural comparison of bus Park and Ride and city centre car park usage in Bath, UK, William Clayton, Eran Ben-Elia, Graham Parkhurst, and Miriam Ricci


Joint impacts of Bus Rapid Transit and urban form on vehicle ownership: New evidence from a quasi-longitudinal analysis in Bogotá, Colombia, Tabitha S. Combs and Daniel A. Rodríguez


How Close Is Close Enough?, Ben Cummins, Greg Spitz, Tara P. O'Malley, and Margaret Campbell


Trusting partnerships in a regulatory game: The case of suburban railway transport in Russia, Andrei Dementiev and Anfisa Loboyko


The influence of attitudes on Transit-Oriented Development: An explorative analysis, Jonas De Vos, Veronique Van Acker, and Frank Witlox


Doing Business Around Transit Corridors, Yingling Fan and Andrew Guthrie


Effects of Transit Real-Time Information Usage Strategies, Achille Fonzone and Jan-Dirk Schmöcker


A network equilibrium approach for modelling activity-travel pattern scheduling problems in multi-modal transit networks with uncertainty, Xiao Fu and William H.K. Lam


Potential for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the use of mobility services, Sylvie Grischkat, Marcel Hunecke, Susanne Böhler, and Sonja Haustein


Commuter Mode Choice and Free Car Parking, Public Transportation Benefits, Showers/Lockers, and Bike Parking at Work: Evidence from the Washington, DC Region, Andrea Hamre and Ralph Buehler


Net Effects of Gasoline Price Changes on Transit Ridership in U.S. Urban Areas, Hiroyuki Iseki and Rubaba Ali


Estimation of a route choice model for urban public transport using smart card data, Ľudmila Jánošíková, Jiří Slavík, and Michal Koháni


The relationship between young people׳s transit use and their perceptions of equity concepts in transit service provision, Sigal Kaplan, João de Abreu e Silva, and Floridea Di Ciommo


Why do passengers choose a specific car of a metro train during the morning peak hours?, Hyunmi Kim, Sohee Kwon, Seung Kook Wu, and Keemin Sohn


Behavioural data mining of transit smart card data: A data fusion approach, Takahiko Kusakabe and Yasuo Asakura


Perceived Neighborhood Environment and Transit Use in Low-Income Populations, Jeongwoo Lee


Trip purpose inference using automated fare collection data, Sang Gu Lee and Mark Hickman


Impact of Concessionary Bus Travel on the Well-Being of Older and Disabled People, Roger Mackett


Validating travel behavior estimated from smartcard data, Marcela Munizaga, Flavio Devillaine, Claudio Navarrete, and Diego Silva


Behavioral shifts after a fatal rapid transit accident: A multinomial logit model, Pamela Murray-Tuite, Kris Wernstedt, and Weihao Yin


Role of Gender and Attitudes on Public Transportation Use, Mi Namgung and Gulsah Akar


The analysis of transit-oriented development (TOD) in Washington, D.C. and Baltimore metropolitan areas, Arefeh Nasri and Lei Zhang


Conducting Visitor Travel Surveys: A Transit Agency Perspective, Gregory L. Newmark


Transport priorities, risk perception and worry associated with mode use and preferences among Norwegian commuters, Trond Nordfjærn, Özlem Şimşekoğlu, Hans Brende Lind, Stig Halvard Jørgensen, and Torbjørn Rundmo


The role of deliberate planning, car habit and resistance to change in public transportation mode use, Trond Nordfjærn, Özlem Şimşekoğlu, and Torbjørn Rundmo


Assessing the Impact of Accessibility Improvement on Property Value Capitalization Post Perth – Mandurah Railway Opening, Siti Nurlaela and Adjie Pamungkas


Making plans or “just thinking about the trip”? Understanding people’s travel planning in practice, Åsa Nyblom


User perspectives in public transport timetable optimisation, Jens Parbo, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Carlo Giacomo Prato


Values, attitudes and travel behavior: a hierarchical latent variable mixed logit model of travel mode choice, Marcel Paulssen, Dirk Temme, Akshay Vij, and Joan L. Walker


Effects of Travel Demand Levels on Optimal Strategies for Metro System Management in Failure Contexts, Antonio Placido, Valerio De Martinis, Bruno Montella, Mariano Gallo, and Luca D’Acierno


Methods for pre-processing smartcard data to improve data quality, Steve Robinson, Baskaran Narayanan, Nelson Toh, and Francisco Pereira


Tricks and tactics used against troublesome travelers—Frontline staff's experiences from Swedish buses and trains, Nicklas Salomonson and Markus Fellesson


Gendered key events in the life course: effects on changes in travel mode choice over time, Joachim Scheiner


Adapting an Online Transit Journey Planner into a Low-Cost Travel Survey Tool, Lorelei Schmitt, Sally Harris, and Graham Currie


Impact of weather on urban transit ridership, Abhishek Singhal, Camille Kamga, and Anil Yazici