
Submissions from 2014


Exploring Synergy in Bicycle and Transit Use Empirical Evidence at Two Scales, Patrick A. Singleton and Kelly J. Clifton


The happy commuter: A comparison of commuter satisfaction across modes, Evelyne St-Louis, Kevin Manaugh, Dea van Lierop, and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Models of bus boarding and alighting dynamics, Lijun Sun, Alejandro Tirachini, Kay W. Axhausen, Alexander Erath, and Der-Horng Lee


Examining the spatial–temporal dynamics of bus passenger travel behaviour using smart card data and the flow-comap, Sui Tao, David Rohde, and Jonathan Corcoran


User Behavior in Multiroute Bus Corridors: Analysis by a Web-Based Survey, Cecilia Viggiano, Haris Koutsopoulos, and John Attanucci


A Decision Support System based on Smartphone Probes as a Tool to Promote Public Transport, Alessandro Vitale, Demetrio Carmine Festa, Giuseppe Guido, and Daniele Rogano


The stops made by commuters: evidence from the 2009 US National Household Travel Survey, Rui Wang


Waiting for public transport services: Queueing analysis with balking and reneging behaviors of impatient passengers, Yibing Wang, Jingqiu Guo, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, Graham Currie, Wei Dong, and Hao Yuan


Accessibility of Communication Technology and the Rider Experience Case Study of Saint Louis, Missouri, Metro, Sarah Windmiller, Todd Hennessy, and Kari Edison Watkins


Simulation of Passenger Flows on Urban Rail Transit Platform based on Adaptive Agents, Qi Xu, Baohua Mao, Minggao Li, and Xujie Feng


How does commuting behavior change due to incentives? An empirical study of the Beijing Subway System, Zheng Zhang, Hidemichi Fujii, and Shunsuke Managi


Analysis of Metro ridership at station level and station-to-station level in Nanjing: an approach based on direct demand models, Jinbao Zhao, Wei Deng, Yan Song, and Yueran Zhu

Submissions from 2013


Observed Customer Seating and Standing Behavior and Seat Preferences on Board Subway Cars in New York City, Aaron Berkovich, Alex Lu, Brian Levine, and Alla V. Reddy


Travel behaviors, sustainable mobility, and transit-oriented developments: a travel counts analysis of older adults in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area, E Eric Boschmann and Sylvia A. Brady


An integrated case-based reasoning approach for personalized itinerary search in multimodal transportation systems, Amna Bouhana, Afef Fekih, Mourad Abed, and Habib Chabchoub


Transportation Impact of Transitways: A Case Study of Hiawatha Light Rail Transit in Minneapolis, Jason (Xinyu) Cao and Jessica Schoner


Factors that Influence the Choice of Mode of Transport in Penang: A Preliminary Analysis, Wei Loon Chee and Jacqueline Lisa Fernandez


Stochastic transit equilibrium, Cristián E. Cortés, Pedro Jara-Moroni, Eduardo Moreno, and Cristobal Pineda


Transportation policy as spatial planning tool; reducing urban sprawl by increasing travel costs and clustering infrastructure and public transportation, Jonas De Vos and Frank Witlox


Passengers’ activities during short trips on the London Underground, Luciano Gamberini, Anna Spagnolli, Andrea Miotto, Eva Ferrari, Nicola Corradi, and Sarah Furlan


Driving transit retention to renaissance: trends in Montreal commute public transport mode share and factors by age group and birth cohort, Michael Grimsrud and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy


Choosing Public Transport—Incorporating Richer Behavioural Elements in Modal Choice Models, David A. Hensher, John M. Rose, Waiyan Leong, Alejandro Tirachini, and Zheng Li


A latent class approach to dealing with respondent uncertainty in a stated choice survey for fare simplification on bus journeys, Stephane Hess, Jeremy Shires, and Peter Bonsall


Accommodating underlying pro-environmental attitudes in a rail travel context: Application of a latent variable latent class specification, Stephane Hess, Jeremy Shires, and Ann Jopson


Residential dissonance and mode choice, Md. Kamruzzaman, Douglas Baker, Simon Washington, and Gavin Turrell


Travel behavior changes and responses to advanced traveler information in prolonged and large-scale network disruptions: A case study of west LRT line construction in the city of Calgary, Lina Kattan, Alexandre G. de Barros, and Hina Saleemi


The effect of psychological traits on mode choice behaviour: an application to a new water transit system in Seoul, Korea, Jin-Hee Kim, Jin-Hyuk Chung, and Taewan Kim


Competing risks for train tickets – An empirical investigation of customer behavior and performance in the railway industry, J. Piening, T. Ehrmann, and B. Meiseberg


A behavioural comparison of route choice on metro networks: Time, transfers, crowding, topology and socio-demographics, Sebastián Raveau, Zhan Guo, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Nigel H.M. Wilson


Bus Operation, Quality Service and The Role of Bus Provider and Driver, Munzilah Md. Rohani, Devapriya Chritral Wijeyesekera, and Ahmad Tarmizi Abd. Karim


Interurban bus service quality from the users' viewpoint, Marta Rojo, Luigi dell'Olio, Hernán Gonzalo-Orden, and Ángel Ibeas


Decision making algorithm for bus passenger simulation during the vehicle design process, Tomasz Schelenz, Ángel Suescun, MariAnne Karlsson, and Li Wikström


Measuring the impact of unfamiliar transit travel using a university access survey, Lorelei Schmitt, Graham Currie, and Alexa Delbosc


Generation and Calibration of Transit Hyperpaths, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, Hiroshi Shimamoto, and Fumitaka Kurauchi


A joint model of destination and mode choice for urban trips: a disaggregate approach, Seyedehsan Seyedabrishami and Yousef Shafahi


Illuminating the unseen in transit use: A framework for examining the effect of attitudes and perceptions on travel behavior, Steven Spears, Douglas Houston, and Marlon G. Boarnet


De Gustibus Disputandum Est: Non-Linearity in Public Transportation Service Quality Evaluation, Amanda Stathopoulos and Edoardo Marcucci


Entr’acte: Mobile Choreography and Sydney Rail Commuters, Colin Symes


A dynamic route choice model for public transport networks with boarding queues, Valentina Trozzi, Ioannis Kaparias, Michael G. Bell, and Guido Gentile


A latent class generalised nested logit model and its application to modelling carrier choice with market segmentation, Chieh-Hua Wen, Wan-Wen Huang, Chiang Fu, and Pei-Yu Chou


Unified estimator for excess journey time under heterogeneous passenger incidence behavior using smartcard data, Jinhua Zhao, Michael Frumin, Nigel Wilson, and Zhan Zhao

Submissions from 2012


Travel mode switching: Comparison of findings from two public transportation experiments, Maya Abou-Zeid and Moshe Ben-Akiva


Happiness and travel mode switching: Findings from a Swiss public transportation experiment, Maya Abou-Zeid, Regina Witter, Michel Bierlaire, Vincent Kaufmann, and Moshe Ben-Akiva


Understanding neighbourhood design impact on travel behaviour, Paulus Teguh Aditjandra, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, and Corinne Mulley


Estimation of behavioural change of railway passengers using smart card data, Yasuo Asakura, Takamasa Iryo, Yoshiki Nakajima, and Takahiko Kusakabe


Demand for Public Transport in Germany and the USA: An Analysis of Rider Characteristics, Ralph Buehler and John Pucher


An Assessment of Public Transportation Markets Using NHTS Data, Xuehao Chu


Identifying the Determinants of Light Rail Mode Choice for Medium- and Long-Distance Trips Results from a Stated Preference Study, Lieve Creemers, Mario Cools, Hans Tormans, Pieter-Jan Lateur, Davy Janssens, and Geert Wets


Detection of Activities of Public Transport Users by Analyzing Smart Card Data, Flavio Devillaine, Marcela Munizaga, and Martin Trépanier


Travel mode choice and transit route choice behavior in Montreal: insights from McGill University members commute patterns, Naveen Eluru, Vincent Chakour, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy


Perceived attributes of bus and car mediating satisfaction with the work commute, Lars Eriksson, Margareta Friman, and Tommy Gärling


Analyzing Passenger Incidence Behavior in Heterogeneous Transit Services Using Smartcard Data and Schedule-Based Assignment, Michael Frumin and Jinhua Zhao


Working on the train: from ‘dead time’ to productive and vital time, Mattias Gripsrud and Randi Hjorthol


How Do People Perceive Service Attributes at Transit Facilities? Examination of Perceptions of Transit Service by Transit User Demographics and Trip Characteristics, Hiroyuki Iseki and Michael J. Smart


Travel adaptive capacity assessment for particular geographic, demographic and activity cohorts, Susan Krumdieck, Shannon Page, and Montira Watcharasukarn


Supernetwork Approach for Modeling Traveler Response to Park-and-Ride, Feixiong Liao, Theo Arentze, and Harry Timmermans


Comparing Rail Passengers’ Travel Time Use in Great Britain Between 2004 and 2010, Glenn Lyons, Juliet Jain, Yusak Susilo, and Stephen Atkins


Measuring rail passenger crowding: Scale development and psychometric properties, Nor Diana Mohd Mahudin, Tom Cox, and Amanda Griffiths


Incorporation of customer satisfaction in public transport contracts – A preliminary analysis, Mathetha Mokonyama and Christoffel Venter


Hyperpaths in Network Based on Transit Schedules, Hyunsoo Noh, Mark Hickman, and Alireza Khani


Cost Functions for Strategies in Schedule-Based Transit Networks with Limited Vehicle Capacities, Normen Rochau, Klaus Nökel, and Michael G.H. Bell


The Impact of Weather on Bus Ridership in Pierce County, Washington, Victor W. Stover and Edward D. McCormack


Rail Transit Travel Time Reliability and Estimation of Passenger Route Choice Behavior Analysis Using Automatic Fare Collection Data, Yanshuo Sun and Ruihua Xu


Rail Passengers' Time Use and Utility Assessment 2010 Findings from Great Britain with Multivariate Analysis, Yusak O. Susilo, Glenn Lyons, Juliet Jain, and Steve Atkins


Urban mass transit, gender planning protocols and social sustainability – The case of Jakarta, Jeff Turner

Submissions from 2011


The effect of social comparisons on commute well-being, Maya Abou-Zeid and Moshe Ben-Akiva


Income Effects and Other New Findings on Complexity of Transit Tours, Vincent L. Bernardin Jr., Andrew Swenson, Zhuojun Jiang, and Michael Grovak


Quantitatively Understanding Transit Behavior from the Rider’s Point of View, Colin Bick


Cultures of Commuting: The Mobile Negotiation of Space and Subjectivity on Delhi’s Metro, Melissa Butcher


Effect of Real-Time Transit Information on Dynamic Path Choice of Passengers, Oded Cats, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, Wilco Burghout, and Tomer Toledo


Transportation security and the role of resilience: A foundation for operational metrics, Andrew Cox, Fynnwin Prager, and Adam Rose


Design and impact of a scheme to spread peak rail demand using pre-peak free fares, Graham Currie


To use or not to use? An empirical study of pre-trip public transport information for business and leisure trips and comparison with car travel, Sendy Farag and Glenn Lyons


Surveying Sydney rail commuters’ willingness to change travel time, Liesel Henn, Neil Douglas, and Keith Sloan


A latent class approach to dealing with respondent uncertainty in a stated choice survey for fare simplification on bus journeys, Stephane Hess, Jeremy Shires, and Peter Bonsall


I can sit but I’d rather stand: Commuter’s experience of crowdedness and fellow passenger behaviour in carriages on Australian metropolitan trains, Lily Hirsch and Kirrilly Thompson


The role of attitudes and public transport service on vehicle ownership in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, Chinh Quoc Ho and Toshiyuki Yamamoto


Managing passenger behavioral intention: an integrated framework for service quality, satisfaction, perceived value, and switching barriers, William Jen, Rungting Tu, and Tim Lu


A time-series analysis of gasoline prices and public transportation in US metropolitan areas, Bradley W. Lane


ClicSim - real time simulation of passenger crowding on trains and at stations, Naomi Langdon and Craig McPherson


Psychological Factors Influencing Behavioral Intention Toward Future Sky Train Usage in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Borith Long, Kasem Choocharukul, and Takashi Nakatsuji


Modeling heterogeneous network user route and departure time responses to dynamic pricing, Chung-Cheng Lu and Hani S. Mahmassani


Public transport crowding: the current state of forecasting techniques in the UK and Australia, Hermann Maier, Daniel Brown, and Craig McPherson


Demographic Analysis of Route Choice for Public Transit, Mohsen Nazem, Martin Trepanier, and Catherine Morency


MINT: proposition of a new transit assignment algorithm for frequency based networks, Patrick Palmier


Demand changes from metro line closures, Anastasia Pnevmatikou and Matthew Karlaftis


A new micro-simulation approach to model the impacts of bus and traffic incidents on bus performance - the bus operators' perspective, Polyvios Polyviou


Investigating the Effects of Different Types of Travel Information on Travellers’ Learning in a Public Transport Setting using An Experimental Approach, Joe Fai Poon and Peter R. Stopher


A topological route choice model for metro, Sebastián Raveau, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Louis de Grange


What Do Passengers Do During Travel Time? Structured Observations on Buses and Trains, Marie Russell, Rachel Price, Louise Signal, James Stanley, Zachery Gerring, and Jacqueline Cumming


Spatial distribution of the journey to work by sustainable modes in Australian cities, John Stone and Paul Mees


Stochastic multi-modal transport network under demand uncertainties and adverse weather condition, Agachai Sumalee, Kenetsu Uchida, and William H.K. Lam


Quality of public transport in times of expenditure reductions: what is important to the public transport user?, B. Ubbels, R. Poppeliers, N. Stroeker, and M. van Haeften


Large-scale application of MILATRAS: case study of the Toronto transit network, Mohamed Wahba and Amer Shalaby


Bus Passenger Origin-Destination Estimation and Related Analyses, Wei Wang, John P. Attanucci, and Nigel H.M. Wilson


Detailed Analysis of the Travel Patterns of Rail Users in Sydney, Min Xu, Frank Milthorpe, and Karen Tsang


Design of a user-centric decision support tool for fixed-route bus travel planning, Yuhong Zhou, Jean-Claude Thill, and Zhengdong Huang

Submissions from 2010


Public Transportation Services in Oman: A Study of Public Perceptions, Rakesh Belwal and Shweta Belwal


‘60-20 emission’—The unequal distribution of greenhouse gas emissions from personal, non-business travel in the UK, Christian Brand and John M. Preston


Conceptualising convenience: Transportation practices and perceptions of inner-urban high density residents in Brisbane, Australia, Laurie Buys and Evonne Miller