
Submissions from 2018


Will commute drivers switch to park-and-ride under the influence of multimodal traveler information? A stated preference investigation, Hongcheng Gan and Xin Ye


Transfer penalties in multimodal public transport networks, Andres Garcia-Martinez, Rocio Cascajo, Sergio R. Jara-Diaz, Subeh Chowdhury, and Andres Monzon


Modeling the effects of real time traffic information on travel behavior: A case study of Istanbul Technical University, Ilgin Gokasar and Gozde Bakioglu


BART Perks: Using Incentives to Manage Transit Demand, Ryan Greene-Roesel, Joe Castiglione, Camille Guiriba, and Mark Bradley


The Transformation of the American Commuter​, Darnell Chadwick Grisby, Zach Smith, Rich Weaver, Mantill Williams, Matthew Dickens, Macpherson Hughes-Cromwick, and Francisca Villalobos


Urban form, transit supply, and travel behavior in Latin America: Evidence from Mexico's 100 largest urban areas, Erick Guerra, Camilo Caudillo, Paavo Monkkonen, and Jorge Montejano


Fare discrimination and daily demand distribution in the BRT system in Bogotá, Luis A. Guzman, Carlos A. Moncada, and Santiago Gómez


Determinants of travel mode choices of post-secondary students in a large metropolitan area: The case of the city of Toronto, Md Sami Hasnine, TianYang Lin, Adam Weiss, and Khandker Nurul Habib


WiFi Scanner Technologies for Obtaining Travel Data about Circulator Bus Passengers: Case Study in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture, Japan, Arief Hidayat, Shintaro Terabe, and Hideki Yaginuma


Demand imbalances and multi-period public transport supply, Daniel Hörcher and Daniel J. Graham


Can metro transit reduce driving? Evidence from Xi'an, China, Xiaoyan Huang, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, Jiangbin Yin, and Xiaoshu Cao


The influence of bus and taxi drivers’ public self-consciousness and social anxiety on aberrant driving behaviors, Yu-Wen Huang, Pei-Chun Lin, and Jenhung Wang


Effect of information contagion during train service disruption for an integrated rail-bus transit system, Wen Hua and Ghim Ping Ong


How urban density, network topology and socio-economy influence public transport ridership: Empirical evidence from 48 European metropolitan areas, Jesper Bláfoss Ingvardson and Otto Anker Nielsen


Passenger arrival and waiting time distributions dependent on train service frequency and station characteristics: A smart card data analysis, Jesper Bláfoss Ingvardson, Otto Anker Nielsen, Sebastián Raveau, and Bo Friis Nielsen


Influence of attitudinal and low-carbon factors on behavioral intention of commuting mode choice – A cross-city study in China, Ning Jia, Liying Li, Shuai Ling, Shoufeng Ma, and Wang Yao


How does a static measure influence passengers’ boarding behaviors and bus dwell time? Simulated evidence from Nanjing bus stations, Yanjie Ji, Liangpeng Gao, Dandan Chen, Xinwei Ma, and Ruochen Zhang


Maintaining balance on a moving bus: The importance of three-peak steps whilst climbing stairs, Xenia Karekla and Nick Tyler


Urban developments and daily travel distances: Fixed, random and hybrid effects models using a Dutch pseudo-panel over three decades, Dena Kasraian, Kees Maat, and Bert van Wee


The changing influences on commuting mode choice in urban England under Peak Car: A discrete choice modelling approach, Anna K.M. Keyes and Douglas Crawford-Brown


Modeling of passengers’ safety perception for buses on mountainous roads, Hooi Ling Khoo and Muaid Ahmed


Large-scale transit market segmentation with spatial-behavioural features, Le Minh Kieu, Yuming Ou, and Chen Cai


Exploring the difference between ridership patterns of subway and taxi: Case study in Seoul, Kyoungok Kim


A robust method for estimating transit passenger trajectories using automated data, Pramesh Kumar, Alireza Khani, and Qing He


Investigating behavioral differences in the choice of distinct Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) modes for work trips in Chennai city, Parthan Kunhikrishnan and Karthik K. Srinivasan


Trip characteristics as the determinants of intention to shift to rail transport among private motor vehicle users in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Soo Chen Kwan, Rosnah Sutan, and Jamal Hisham Hashim


Estimation of rail passenger flow and system utilization with ticket transaction and gate data, Yung-Cheng (Rex) Lai, Chung-Wei Huang, and Yu-Ting Hsu


Moving Minds: The Next Generation of Real-Time Transit Information in San Francisco, Jason Lee, William Tyner, and Nealay Vasavda


The spatial and temporal variation in passenger service rate and its impact on train dwell time: A time-series clustering approach using dynamic time warping, Jinwoo (Brian) Lee, Sunhyung Yoo, Hyun Kim, and Younshik Chung


The impact of automated transit, pedestrian, and bicycling facilities on urban travel patterns, Jonathan Levine, Moira Zellner, María Arquero de Alarcón, Yoram Shiftan, and Dean Massey


Selective psychological effects of nudging, gamification and rational information in converting commuters from cars to buses: A controlled field experiment, Andreas Lieberoth, Niels Holm Jensen, and Thomas Bredahl


Modeling departure time choice of metro passengers with a smart corrected mixed logit model - A case study in Beijing, Haiying Li, Xian Li, Xinyue Xu, Jun Liu, and Bin Ran


Public transportation competitiveness analysis based on current passenger loyalty, Linbo Li, Yufang Bai, Ziqi Song, Anthony Chen, and Bing Wu


Smart card data-centric replication of the multi-modal public transport system in Singapore, Xiaodong Liu, Yuan Zhou, and Andreas Rau


Traffic dynamics in a bi-modal transportation network with information provision and adaptive transit services, Xinwei Li, Wei Liu, and Hai Yang


Mobility tools and use: Accessibility’s role in Switzerland, Allister Loder and Werner Axhausen


Public transport: One mode or several?, Juan Manuel Lorenzo Varela, Maria Börjesson, and Andrew Daly


Is transport poverty socially or environmentally driven? Comparing the travel behaviours of two low-income populations living in central and peripheral locations in the same city, Karen Lucas, Ian Philips, Corinne Mulley, and Liang Ma


Finding service quality improvement opportunities across different typologies of public transit customers, Jose Luis Machado, Rocio de Oña, Francisco Diez-Mesa, and Juan de Oña


Spatiotemporal variation in travel regularity through transit user profiling, Ed Manley, Chen Zhong, and Michael Batty


Transit in the 2000s: Where Does It Stand and Where Is It Headed?, Michael Manville, Brian D. Taylor, and Evelyn Blumenberg


Social learning under the labeling effect: Exploring travellers’ behavior in social dilemmas, Ewelina M. Marek


How worthwhile is it to maximise customer satisfaction in public transport service contracts with a large captive user base? The case of South Africa, Mathetha Mokonyama and Christo Venter


Alleviating a subway bottleneck through a platform gate, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Jaime Soza-Parra, Arturo Didier, and Constanza Silva


Designing a Transit-Feeder System using Multiple Sustainable Modes: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Ridesharing, Bike Sharing, and Walking, Daisik Nam, Dingtong Yang, Shunghi An, Jiangbo Gabriel Yu, R. Jayakrishnan, and Neda Masoud


Multi-level urban form and commuting mode share in rail station areas across the United States; a seemingly unrelated regression approach, Arefeh Nasri and Lei Zhang


Broadening Understanding of the Interplay Among Public Transit, Shared Mobility, and Personal Automobiles, National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine


Modelling the net traffic congestion impact of bus operations in Melbourne, Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, Inhi Kim, and William Young


Exploring the impact of public transport strikes on travel behavior and traffic congestion, Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, and William Young


How do public transport users adjust their travel behaviour if public transport ceases? A qualitative study, Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, and William Young


Transit user reactions to major service withdrawal – A behavioural study, Duy Q. Nguyen-Phuoc, Graham Currie, Chris De Gruyter, and William Young


A frequency based transit assignment model that considers online information, Nurit Oliker and Shlomo Bekhor


Combining means of transport as a users' strategy to optimize traveling in an urban context: empirical results on intermodal travel behavior from a survey in Berlin, Rebekka Oostendorp and Laura Gebhardt


Modeling park-and-ride location choice of heterogeneous commuters, Hao Pang and Alireza Khani


Suburbanization, land use of TOD and lifestyle mobility in the suburbs: An examination of passengers’ choice to live, shop and entertain in the metro station areas of Beijing, Zhao Pengjun and Li Shengxiao


The conditional effects of social influence in transportation mode choice, Susan Pike and Mark Lubell


Modal Share Change following Implementation of Travel Demand Management Strategies, Francesco Piras, Eleonora Sottile, and Italo Meloni


Determinants of sustainable mode choice in different socio-cultural contexts: A comparison of Rome and San Francisco, Samira Ramezani, Barbara Pizzo, and Elizabeth Deakin


Train timetable design under elastic passenger demand, Tomáš Robenek, Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Yousef Maknoon, Matthieu de Lapparent, and Michel Bierlaire


Understanding the impacts of a public transit disruption on bicycle sharing mobility patterns: A case of Tube strike in London, Meead Saberi, Mehrnaz Ghamami, Yi Gu, Mohammad Hossein (Sam) Shojaei, and Elliot Fishman


Commuter travel cost estimation at different levels of crowding in a suburban rail system: a case study of Mumbai, Prasanta K. Sahu, Gajanand Sharma, and Anirban Guharoy


Improved Mobility through Blurred Lines, Carol Schweiger


Experimental Study for Estimating the Passenger Space at Metro Stations with Platform Edge Doors, Sebastián Seriani and Taku Fujiyama


Is It Time for a Public Transit Renaissance?: Navigating Travel Behavior, Technology, and Business Model Shifts in a Brave New World, Susan Shaheen and Adam Cohen


Discrete-Time Hazard Model of the Dynamic Utilization of Parking Spaces within Park-and-Ride Lots, Bibhuti Sharma, Mark Hickman, and Carlo G. Prato


Analysing the trip and user characteristics of the combined bicycle and transit mode, Sanmay Shelat, Raymond Huisman, and Niels van Oort


Remembrance of Cars and Buses Past: How Prior Life Experiences Influence Travel, Michael J. Smart and Nicholas J. Klein


Multidimensional visualization of transit smartcard data using space–time plots and data cubes, Ying Song, Yingling Fan, Xin Li, and Yanjie Ji


Inviting travelers to the smorgasbord of sustainable urban transport: evidence from a MaaS field trial, Helena Strömberg, I. C. MariAnne Karlsson, and Jana Sochor


Microeconomic Model for Designing Public Transit Incentive Programs, Yanshuo Sun and Lei Zhang


To travel or not to travel: ‘Weather’ is the question. Modelling the effect of local weather conditions on bus ridership, Sui Tao, Jonathan Corcoran, Francisco Rowe, and Mark Hickman


Modelling passenger waiting time using large-scale automatic fare collection data: An Australian case study, Ahmad Tavassoli, Mahmoud Mesbah, and Ameneh Shobeirinejad


Commuting behavior in emerging urban areas: Findings of a revealed-preferences and stated-intentions survey in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Cristian Toşa, Hitomi Sato, Takayuki Morikawa, and Tomio Miwa


The Relation between Train Access Mode Attributes and Travelers’ Transport Mode-Choice Decisions in the Context of Medium- and Long-Distance Trips in the Netherlands, Peter van der Waerden and Jaap van der Waerden


Small Steps, Big Differences: Assessing the Validity of using Home and Work Locations to Estimate Walking Distances to Transit, Marie-Pier Veillette, Robbin Deboosere, Rania Wasfi, Nancy Ross, and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Provision of Bus Real-Time Information: Turning Passengers from Being Contributors of Headway Irregularity to Controllers, Pengfei Wang, Xuewu Chen, Wendong Chen, Long Cheng, and Da Lei


Passengers’ response to transit fare change: an ex post appraisal using smart card data, Zi-jia Wang, Feng Chen, Bo Wang, and Jian-ling Huang


Transit-oriented autonomous vehicle operation with integrated demand-supply interaction, Jian Wen, Yu Xin Chen, Neema Nassir, and Jinhua Zhao


Bus drivers’ mood states and reaction abilities at high temperatures, Sun Xianglong, Zhao Hu, Feng Shumin, and Li Zhenning


A reliability-based assignment method for railway networks with heterogeneous passengers, Guangming Xu, Wei Liu, and Hai Yang


Empirical Analysis of Traveling Backwards and Passenger Flows Reassignment on a Metro Network with Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) Data and Train Diagram, Ruihua Xu, Yanan Li, Wei Zhu, and Sijie Li


Unraveling traveler mobility patterns and predicting user behavior in the Shenzhen metro system, Chao Yang, Fenfan Yan, and Satish V. Ukkusuri


Evaluation of exclusive bus lanes in a tri-modal road network incorporating carpooling behavior, Jia Yao, Zhanhong Cheng, Feng Shi, Shi An, and Jian Wang


Improving predictions of public transport usage during disturbances based on smart card data, Menno D. Yap, S. Nijënstein, and Niels van Oort


Railway station choice modelling: a review of methods and evidence, Marcus Young and Simon Blainey


Modeling ground access mode choice behavior for Hamad International Airport in the 2022 FIFA World Cup city, Doha, Qatar, Esmat Zaidan and Ammar Abulibdeh


Do different datasets tell the same story about urban mobility — A comparative study of public transit and taxi usage, Xiaohu Zhang, Yang Xu, Wei Tu, and Carlo Ratti


Estimating metro passengers’ path choices by combining self-reported revealed preference and smart card data, Yongsheng Zhang, Enjian Yao, Junyi Zhang, and Kangning Zheng


Analyzing Passenger Travel Demand Related to the Transportation Hub inside a City Area using Mobile Phone Data, Gang Zhong, Jian Zhang, Linchao Li, Xiaoxuan Chen, Fan Yang, and Bin Ran


Analysing journey-to-work data using complex networks, Guohun Zhu, Jonathan Corcoran, Paul Shyy, Salvatore Flavio Pileggi, and Jane Hunter

Submissions from 2017


How network structure can boost and shape the demand for bus transit, Hugo Badia, Juan Argote-Cabanero, and Carlos F. Daganzo


The dynamics of commuting over the life course: Swiss experiences, Sigrun Beige and Kay W. Axhausen


First/last mile transit access as an equity planning issue, Marlon G. Boarnet, Genevieve Giuliano, Yuting Huo, and Eun Jin Shin


Effect of Price Reduction and Increased Service Frequency on Public Transport Travel, Inge Brechan


Analyzing year-to-year changes in public transport passenger behaviour using smart card data, Anne-Sarah Briand, Etienne Côme, Martin Trépanier, and Latifa Oukhellou


Understanding the effects of transit benefits on employees’ travel behavior: Evidence from the New York-New Jersey region, Paola Carolina Bueno, Juan Gomez, Jonathan R. Peters, and Jose Manuel Vassallo


Sharing riders: How bikesharing impacts bus ridership in New York City, Kayleigh B. Campbell and Candace Brakewood


The San Francisco Travel Quality Study: tracking trials and tribulations of a transit taker, Andre Carrel, Raja Sengupta, and Joan L. Walker


Impacts of the economic crisis on household transport expenditure and public transport policy: Evidence from the Spanish case, Rocío Cascajo, Lourdes Diaz Olvera, Andrés Monzon, Didier Plat, and Jean-Baptiste Ray


The prospects of fare-free public transport: evidence from Tallinn, Oded Cats, Yusak O. Susilo, and Triin Reimal