
Submissions from 2024


Incentivizing public transit to improve performance to meet the programmatic goal of a funding agency, Kofi Obeng


Modelling benefit-to-cost ratio for initial phase electrification using battery electric bus, Utsav Panta, Pranav Gairola, and N. Nezamuddin

Submissions from 2023


Applying cost–benefit analysis to the economic evaluation of a tram-train system: Evidence from Brescia (Italy), Maria De Aloe, Roberto Ventura, Michela Bonera, Benedetto Barabino, and Giulio Maternini


A multimodal multi-provider market equilibrium model: A game-theoretic approach, Ali Najmi, Taha H. Rashidi, and Travis Waller


Use of public transport and social capital building: An empirical study of Japan, Ziyi Qin and Daisuke Fukuda


Electrifying public transit benefits public finances in small island developing states, Zakia Soomauroo, Philipp Blechinger, and Felix Creutzig


A theoretical investigation of user acceptance of autonomous public transport, Kum Fai Yuen, Ling Qian Choo, Xue Li, Yiik Diew Wong, Fei Ma, and Xueqin Wang

Submissions from 2022


Public transport users' willingness-to-pay for a multi-county and multi-operator integrated ticket: Valuation and policy implications, I. B. Alhassan, B. Matthews, J. P. Toner, and Y. O. Susilo


Measuring and enhancing the connectivity reliability of a rail transit network, Jie Liu, Paul M. Schonfeld, Shuguang Zhan, Qiyuan Peng, and Yuhong Liu


Mode boundaries of automated metro and semi-rapid rail in urban transit, Luigi Moccia, Duncan W. Allen, Gilbert Laporte, and Andrea Spinosa


BEST: A software to verify the feasibility of urban bus line electrification, M. P. Valentini, V. Conti, and S. Orchi

Submissions from 2021


Economic and socioeconomic assessment of replacing conventional public transit with demand responsive transit services in low-to-medium density areas, Jaâfar Berrada and Alexis Poulhès


Transport accessibility and economic growth: Implications for sustainable transport infrastructure investments, Seongkyun Cho and Keechoo Choi


Impacts of Light Rail Transit on Labor Participation and Housing Affordability in the U.S.: Longitudinal Analysis Using Propensity Score Matching, Keuntae Kim, Keunhyun Park, and Arthur C. Nelson


Measuring Benefits of Rural and Small Urban Transit in Greater Minnesota, Jeremy Mattson and Del Peterson


Continuous Approximation Model for Hybrid Flexible Transit Systems with Low Demand Density, Charalampos Sipetas and Eric J. Gonzales


Public Transport Fleet Replacement Optimization Using Multi-Type Battery-Powered Electric Buses, Chunyan Tang, Xiaoyu Li, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, and Xiaokun Wang


Technical and economic feasibility of increasing tram system efficiency with EV batteries, Teng Zhang, Erica E.F. Ballantyne, Rui Zhao, and David A. Stone

Submissions from 2020


What remains? The influence of light rail transit on discretionary income, Dwayne Marshall Baker and Seunghoon Kim


Optimal charging scheduling and management for a fast-charging battery electric bus system, Yi He, Zhaocai Liu, and Ziqi Song


The effect of public transport quality on car ownership – A source of wider benefits?, Johan Holmgren


CNG and diesel urban buses in India: A life-cycle cost comparison, Christian Krelling and Madhav G. Badami


And the beat goes on. The continued trials and tribulations of passenger rail franchising in Great Britain, John Preston and Charles Bickel


Disentangling the role of cars and transit in employment and labor earnings, Michael J. Smart and Nicholas J. Klein

Submissions from 2019


Introducing autonomous buses and taxis: Quantifying the potential benefits in Japanese transportation systems, Ryosuke Abe


The Missing Link between Place and Productivity? The Impact of Transit-Oriented Development on the Knowledge and Creative Economy, Ahoura Zandiatashbar, Shima Hamidi, Nicole Foster, and Keunhyun Park

Submissions from 2018


When and How Much Did the Green Line LRT Increase Single-Family Housing Values in St. Paul, Minnesota?, Jason (Xinyu) Cao and Shengnan Lou


Evaluating the long-term impacts of bus-based park and ride, Mills Gareth and White Peter


Introducing a Design Framework for a Multi-Modal Public Transportation System, Focusing on Mixed-Fleet Bike-Sharing Systems, Mehrnaz Ghamami and MohammadHossein (Sam) Shojaei


The role of bus partnerships in Great Britain, John Godfrey and John Taylor


A broader perspective on social outcomes in transport, Chris Lowe, John Stanley, and Janet Stanley


Reducing passengers’ travel time by optimising stopping patterns in a large-scale network: A case-study in the Copenhagen Region, Jens Parbo, Otto A. Nielsen, and Carlo G. Prato


Evaluating the coordinated development of economic, social and environmental benefits of urban public transportation infrastructure: Case study of four Chinese autonomous municipalities, Yu Sun and Yin Cui


Evaluation of Transit Ecodriving in Rural, Suburban, and Urban Environments, Xiaodan Xu, Hanyan Ann Li, Haobing Liu, Michael O. Rodgers, and Randall Guensler

Submissions from 2017


Evaluating the roles and powers of rail regulatory bodies in Europe: A survey-based approach, Valerio Benedetto, Andrew S.J. Smith, and Chris A. Nash


Understanding the effects of transit benefits on employees’ travel behavior: Evidence from the New York-New Jersey region, Paola Carolina Bueno, Juan Gomez, Jonathan R. Peters, and Jose Manuel Vassallo


Value of Rail: The contribution of rail in Australia, Deloitte Access Economics


Urban agglomeration benefits from public transit improvements: Extending and implementing the Venables model, Tim Hazledine, Stuart Donovan, and Christine Mak


Assessing the value of public transport as a network, Robyn Hyde and Dave Smith


Evaluating Public Transit Criticism: Systematic Analysis of Political Attacks on High Quality Transit, and How Transportation Professionals Can Effectively Respond, Todd Litman


Impact of bus rapid transit on housing price and accessibility changes in Sydney: A repeat sales approach, Corinne Mulley and Chi-Hong (Patrick) Tsai


Practices for Evaluating the Economic Impacts and Benefits of Transit: A Synthesis of Transit Practice, Glen Weisbrod, Naomi Stein, Chandler Duncan, and Adam Blair

Submissions from 2016


Evaluation of Horizontal Equity under a Distance-Based Transit Fare Structure, Milad Bandegani and Meisam Akbarzadeh


Valuing crowding in public transport: Implications for cost-benefit analysis, Marco Batarce, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Juan de Dios Ortúzar


The impact of travel time variability and travelers’ risk attitudes on the values of time and reliability, Mickael Beaud, Thierry Blayac, and Maïté Stéphan


A dynamic stochastic model for evaluating congestion and crowding effects in transit systems, Oded Cats, Jens West, and Jonas Eliasson


Application of Bus-Only Lanes in Downtown Washington, D.C. Concurrent Versus Contraflow Bus Lanes, Burak Cesme, Selman Altun, Wendy Jia, Michael Eichler, Circe Torruellas, Srividya Santhanam, Zhuojin Wang, and Timothy Brulle


Deregulation, Franchising, Outsourcing, and Corporatisation in Local Public Transport: International experience, Graham Currie


Evaluating Pay-on-Entry Versus Proof-of-Payment Ticketing in Light Rail Transit, Graham Currie and James Reynolds


Evaluating the impacts and benefits of public transport design and operational measures, Masoud Fadaei and Oded Cats


Decreasing fare evasion without fines? A microeconomic analysis, Pablo Guarda, Patricia Galilea, Susan Handy, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Juan de Dios Ortúzar


Streetcar projects as spatial planning: A shift in transport planning in the United States, David A. King and Lauren Ames Fischer


Airport rail links and economic productivity: Evidence from 82 cities with the world’s 100 busiest airports, Jin Murakami, Yurika Matsui, and Hironori Kato


Optimizing station location and fleet composition for a high-speed rail line, Hugo M. Repolho, Richard L. Church, and António P. Antunes


Long-term planning for ring-radial urban rail transit networks, Saeid Saidi, S. C. Wirasinghe, and Lina Kattan


Social capital and local public transportation in Japan, Kiyohito Utsunomiya


Incorporating enhanced service reliability of public transport in cost-benefit analyses, Niels van Oort


Modeling Fuel Consumption of Hybrid Electric Buses: Model Development and Comparison with Conventional Buses, Jinghui Wang and Hesham A. Rakha


Recognising the complementary contributions of cost benefit analysis and economic impact analysis to an understanding of the worth of public transport investment: A case study of bus rapid transit in Sydney, Australia, Glen Weisbrod, Corinne Mulley, and David Hensher


The Downs–Thomson paradox with imperfect mode substitutes and alternative transit administration regimes, Fangni Zhang, Robin Lindsey, and Hai Yang

Submissions from 2015


Using spike model to reduce traffic congestion and improve public transportation in Malaysia, Aldukali Salem I. Almselati, Riza Atiq bin O.K. Rahmat, Othman Jaafar, and Hussin A.M. Yahia


Efficient transit network design and frequencies setting multi-objective optimization by alternating objective genetic algorithm, Renato Oliveira Arbex and Claudio Barbieri da Cunha


Labor–Management Partnerships for Public Transportation Volume 1: Toolkit, Scott Baker, Chuyuan (Viktor) Zhong, Douglas Taylor, William F. Scott, and Richard Plante


Perceived accessibility, mobility, and connectivity of public transportation systems, Yung-Hsiang Cheng and Ssu-Yun Chen


Evaluation of Conditional Transit Signal Priority Technology for Regional Implementation, Frank A. Consoli, Ahmad H. Alomari, Haitham Al-Deek, John H. Rogers (Jr.), Adrian Sandt, Mehdi Noori, Omer Tatari, and Mohammed Hadi


Cost–Benefit Analysis of Rural and Small Urban Transit in the United States, Ranjit Prasad Godavarthy, Jeremy Mattson, and Elvis Ndembe


Improving Transit Integration Among Multiple Providers, Volume I: Transit Integration Manual, Joey Goldman, Gail Murray, Cathleen Sullivan, Bethany Whitaker, Mark Chase, Alexandra Reisman, Nancy Whelan, and Tina Spencer


New QR Survey Methodologies to Analyze User Perception of Service Quality in Public Transport: The Experience of Madrid, Begoña Guirao, Antonio García, María Eugenia López, Carlos Acha, and Julio Comendador


The underground economy: Tracking the higher-order economic impacts of the São Paulo Subway System, Eduardo A. Haddad, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Alexandre A. Porsse, Eveline S. Van Leeuwen, and Renato S. Vieira


The distribution of crowding costs in public transport: New evidence from Paris, Luke Haywood and Martin Koning


Identifying resident preferences for bus-based and rail-based investments as a complementary buy in perspective to inform project planning prioritisation, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Corinne Mulley


Analytical Five-Phase Bus Rapid Transit Traffic Flow Model, Michael F. Hyland and Hani Mahmassani


Regulation of public bus services: The Israeli experience, Yoram Ida and Gal Talit


Examining the Influence of Internal Service Characteristics on Social Benefits of Multimodal Transit, Michal A. Jaroszynski


The value of new public transport links for network robustness and redundancy, Erik Jenelius and Oded Cats


Maximizing net benefits for conventional and flexible bus services, Myungseob (Edward) Kim and Paul Schonfeld


Novel Vehicle Mass-Based Automated Passenger Counter for Transit Applications, Andrew J. Kotz, David B. Kittelson, and William F. Northrop


All-Door Boarding in San Francisco, California, Jason Lee and David Papas


Optimal bus fleet management strategy for emissions reduction, Lu Li, Hong K. Lo, and Xuekai Cen


Optimizing dial-a-ride services in Maryland: Benefits of computerized routing and scheduling, Nikola Marković, Rahul Nair, Paul Schonfeld, Elise Miller-Hooks, and Matthew Mohebbi


Increasing the attractiveness of public transport by investing in soft ICT based measures: Going from words to actions under an austerity backdrop – Thessaloniki's case, Greece, Maria Morfoulaki, Glikeria Myrovali, and Kornilia Kotoula


Bus rapid transit as a neoliberal contradiction, Laurel Paget-Seekins


Evaluating the Regional Benefit/Cost Ratio for Transit State of Good Repair Investments, Liz Paterson and David Vautin


Economic Viability of Bus Bridging Reserves for Fast Response to Unplanned Passenger Rail Disruption, Brendan Pender, Graham Currie, Nirajan Shiwakoti, and Alexa Delbosc


Inclusion of quality criteria in public bus service contracts in metropolitan areas, Marta Rojo, Luigi dell’Olio, Hernán Gonzalo-Orden, and Ángel Ibeas


Impact of Bus Rapid Transit and Metro Rail on Property Values in Guangzhou, China, Deborah Salon, Jingyan (Dora) Wu, and Sharon Shewmake


Public transit and labor market outcomes: Analysis of the connections in the French agglomeration of Bordeaux, Florent Sari


Eco-driving training of professional bus drivers – Does it work?, Mark J.M. Sullman, Lisa Dorn, and Pirita Niemi


Exploring trade-offs in frequency allocation in a transit network using bus route patterns: Methodology and application to large-scale urban systems, İ. Ömer Verbas and Hani S. Mahmassani


Collective public-transport tickets and anticipated majority choice: A model of student tickets, Achim Voss


Evaluation of the Safe Routes to Transit Program in California, David Weinzimmer, Rebecca L. Sanders, Heidi Dittrich, and Jill F. Cooper


Evolving Connection of Transit, Agglomeration, and Growth of High-Technology Business Clusters, Glen Weisbrod, Chandler Duncan, and Susan Jones Moses


Transport user benefits calculation with the “Rule of a Half” for travel demand models with constraints, Christian Winkler


An energy-efficient scheduling approach to improve the utilization of regenerative energy for metro systems, Xin Yang, Anthony Chen, Xiang Li, Bin Ning, and Tao Tang

Submissions from 2014


Fare evasion in proof-of-payment transit systems: Deriving the optimum inspection level, Benedetto Barabino, Sara Salis, and Bruno Useli


Friday Exception Scheduling in Transit Systems: An Exploratory Analysis When Data Are Limited, Michael D. Benson and Robert B. Noland


An ex-post CBA for the Stockholm Metro, Maria Börjesson, R Daniel Jonsson, and Mattias Lundberg


Unbanked Transit Riders and Open Payment Fare Collection, Candace Brakewood and George Kocur


Development of location-based services for recommending departure stations to park and ride users, Zhirong Chen, Jianhong Cecilia Xia, Buntoro Irawan, and Craig Caulfied


The revenue and environmental benefits of new off-peak commuter rail service: the case of the Pascack Valley line in New Jersey, Devajyoti Deka and Thomas Marchwinski