
Submissions from 2020


Evaluating sustainability and land use integration of BRT stations via extended node place model, an application on BRT stations of Tehran, Parsa Pezeshknejad, Saeed Monajem, and Hamid Mozafari


Comparing social costs of public transport networks structured around an Open and Closed BRT corridor in medium sized cities, Francisco Proboste, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Antonio Gschwender


Assessing the Existing Bursa Light Rail Transportation System, Mehmet Rizelioğlu and Turan Arslan


Selecting the most relevant variables towards clustering bus priority corridors, Miriam Rocha, Cristina Albuquerque Moreira Silva, Reinaldo Germano Santos Junior, Michel Anzanello, Gabrielli Harumi Yamashita, and Luis Antonio Lindau


Understanding the Effectiveness of Bus Rapid Transit Systems in Small and Medium-Sized Cities in North America, Michaela Sidloski and Ehab Diab


Assessing the social costs of urban transport infrastructure options in low and middle income countries, Tam Vu and John Preston


Park-and-Ride Choice Behavior in a Multimodal Network with Overlapping Routes, Alexander Webb and Alireza Khani


Estimation of passenger waiting time using automatically collected transit data, Alexander Webb, Pramesh Kumar, and Alireza Khani


Optimal design of transit networks fed by shared bikes, Liyu Wu, Weihua Gu, Wenbo Fan, and Michael J. Cassidy


Mega-event transport legacy in a developing country: The case of Rio 2016 Olympic Games and its Transolímpica BRT corridor, Y. Yamawaki, Castro Filho, and G. E.G.d. Costa


Accessibility and proximity effects of bus rapid transit on housing prices: Heterogeneity across price quantiles and space, Linchuan Yang, Xiaoling Chu, Zhonghua Gou, Hongtai Yang, Yi Lu, and Wencheng Huang


Modeling demand for ridesourcing as feeder for high capacity mass transit systems with an application to the planned Beirut BRT, Najib Zgheib, Maya Abou-Zeid, and Isam Kaysi


An investigation of the open-system Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network and property values: The case of Brisbane, Australia, Min Zhang, Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, and Neil Sipe


How does an open system bus rapid transit (BRT) facilitate inter and intra-modal mobility? A visual analytic analysis of Brisbane, Australia, Min Zhang, Barbara T.H. Yen, Corinne Mulley, and Neil Sipe

Submissions from 2019


Understanding public transport satisfaction: Using Maslow's hierarchy of (transit) needs, Jaime Allen, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Juan de Dios Ortúzar


Analysis of Private Participation Effects in Bus Rapid Transit Projects in Ecuador, Juan F. Arias and Chris Bachmann


The efficiency of bus rapid transit (BRT) systems: A dynamic congestion approach, Leonardo J. Basso, Fernando Feres, and Hugo E. Silva


The influence of passenger load, driving cycle, fuel price and different types of buses on the cost of transport service in the BRT system in Curitiba, Brazil, Dennis Dreier, Semida Silveira, Dilip Khatiwada, Keiko V. O. Fonseca, Rafael Nieweglowski, and Renan Schepanski


Multimodal Connections with Transitways: Ridership, Access Mode, and Route Choice Implications, Yingling Fan, Andrew Guthrie, Alireza Khani, and Jacqueline Nowak


2019 Public Transportation Fact Book, MacPherson Hughes-Cromwick


Development of a driving cycle for Istanbul bus rapid transit based on real-world data using stratified sampling method, Habib Kaymaz, Hayriye Korkmaz, and Hasan Erdal


Evaluating the Environmental Benefits of Median Bus Lanes: Microscopic Simulation Approach, Daejin Kim, Joonho Ko, Xiaodan Xu, Haobing Liu, Michael O. Rodgers, and Randall Guensler


Transit Route Origin–Destination Matrix Estimation using Compressed Sensing, Pramesh Kumar, Alireza Khani, and Gary A. Davis


Modeling the Effect of New Commuter Bus Service on Demand and Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Application to Greater Boston, Christopher Lyman, Nicholas Campbell, Eric J. Gonzales, and Eleni Christofa


Optimization-based operations control for public transportation service with transfers, Hend Manasra and Tomer Toledo


In-vehicle crowding: Integrating tangible attributes, attitudes, and perceptions in a choice context between BRT and metro, Luis Márquez, Julieth V. Alfonso A, and Juan C. Poveda


Review of asset management for metro systems: challenges and opportunities, Alireza Mohammadi, Luis Amador-Jimenez, and Fuzhan Nasiri


Express busways and economic development: Case study of the Miami-Dade South Express Busway, Arthur C. Nelson and Robert Hibberd


The Politics of Prioritizing Transit on City Streets, Rosalie Singerman Ray


The Real Estate Mantra- Locate Near Public Transportation, Preeti Shankar, Linda Young, Peter Haas, and Paul Esling


Accessibility-based premiums and proximity-induced discounts stemming from bus rapid transit in China: Empirical evidence and policy implications, Linchuan Yang, K. W. Chau, and Xiaoling Chu


Exploring rider satisfaction with transit service in Indore, India: an application of the three-factor theory, Chen Zhang, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, Ajay Nagpure, and Siddharth Agarwal


Commuting Efficiency Gains: Assessing Different Transport Policies with New Indicators, Jiangping Zhou, Enda Murphy, and Ying Long

Submissions from 2018


Evaluation of the impact of Bus Rapid Transit on air pollution in Mexico City, Germà Bel and Maximilian Holst


An analysis of changes to transit accessibility and equity after the opening of a bus rapid transit system in Hartford, Connecticut, Kelly Layne Bertolaccini


High volume bus stop upstream average waiting time for working capacity and quality of service, Jonathan M. Bunker


Minimizing the total costs of urban transit systems can reduce greenhouse gas emissions: The case of San Francisco, Han Cheng, Chao Mao, Samer Madanat, and Arpad Horvath


A cost-competitiveness analysis of charging infrastructure for electric bus operations, Zhibin Chen, Yafeng Yin, and Ziqi Song


Well-to-Wheel analysis of fossil energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for conventional, hybrid-electric and plug-in hybrid-electric city buses in the BRT system in Curitiba, Brazil, Dennis Dreier, Semida Silveira, Dilip Khatiwada, Keiko V.O. Fonseca, Rafael Nieweglowski, and Renan Schepanski


Exploring difference in value uplift resulting from new bus rapid transit routes within a medium size metropolitan area, Jean Dubé, Eugénie Andrianary, François Assad-Déry, Janie Poupart, and Justine Simard


From bus to tramway: Is there an economic impact of substituting a rapid mass transit system? An empirical investigation accounting for anticipation effect, Jean Dubé, Diègo Legros, and Nicolas Devaux


Developing bus rapid transit, Fiona Ferbrache


Defining TransMilenio Users’ Value and Satisfaction through the Lean Thinking Approach, Carlos Garcia-Suarez, Andres L. Rivera-Perez, and Alvaro Rodriguez-Valencia


Transit-oriented development and air quality in Chinese cities: A city-level examination, Peiqin Gu, Dongxu He, Yulin Chen, P. Christopher Zegras, and Yang Jiang


Fare discrimination and daily demand distribution in the BRT system in Bogotá, Luis A. Guzman, Carlos A. Moncada, and Santiago Gómez


Effects of new bus and rail rapid transit systems – an international review, Jesper Bláfoss Ingvardson and Otto Anker Nielsen


A linear bus rapid transit with transit signal priority formulation, Tarikul Islam, Hai L. Vu, Nam H. Hoang, and Antonio Cricenti


Bus rapid transit (BRT): A simulation and multi criteria decision making (MCDM) approach, Reza Kiani Mavi, Navid Zarbakhshnia, and Armin Khazraei


Measuring the impacts of new public transit services on space-time accessibility: An analysis of transit system redesign and new bus rapid transit in Columbus, Ohio, USA, Jinhyung Lee and Harvey J. Miller


Apples to apples: Comparing BRT and light rail while avoiding the “BRT-Lite” trap, Jonathan Levine, Matan Singer, Louis Merlin, and Joe Grengs


Equity in practice? Evaluations of equity in planning for bus rapid transit, Orly Linovski, Dwayne Marshall Baker, and Kevin Manaugh


Does public transport accessibility enhance subjective well-being? A study of the City of Johannesburg, Nahungu Lionjanga and Christo Venter


Improving Efficiency and Reliability of Bus Rapid Transit, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Milan Zlatkovic, Richard J. Porter, Kiavash Fayyaz, and Song Yu


Does Investing in Rail Transit Benefit the Poor? A Comparative Study of Rail and Bus Travel by Low-Income Households in the California Household Travel Survey, Ryland Lu


Not If, but When: Autonomous Driving and the Future of Transit, Jerome M. Lutin


Trade-offs between transaction cost, operation cost and innovation in the context of procurement and asset specificity – The example of the bus industry, R. Merkert, C. Mulley, and M. M. Hakim


A technology selection and design model of a semi-rapid transit line, Luigi Moccia, Duncan W. Allen, and Eric C. Bruun


Air quality in tramway and high-level service buses: A mixed experimental/modeling approach to estimating users' exposure, Bogdan Muresan and Denis François


Learning through collaboration in the Swedish public transport sector? Co-production through guidelines and living labs, Fredrik Pettersson, Stig Westerdahl, and Joel Hansson


Understanding Transit System Performance Using AVL-APC Data: An Analytics Platform with Case Studies for the Pittsburgh Region, Xidong Pi, Mark Egge, Jackson Whitmore, Amy Silbermann, and Zhen Sean Qian


Bus rapid transit systems as a governance reform project, Michael Poku-Boansi and Greg Marsden


Citizen participation for sustainable transport: Lessons for change from Santiago and Temuco, Chile, Lake Sagaris


Tangible Tools for Public Transportation Planning: Public Involvement and Learning for Bus Rapid Transit Corridor Design, Anson F. Stewart, P. Christopher Zegras, Phil Tinn, and Jeffrey L. Rosenblum


Transit planning, access, and justice: Evolving visions of bus rapid transit and the Chicago street, Elina Sukaryavichute and David L. Prytherch


After Study of the Bus Rapid Transit A Line Impacts, Benjamin Tomhave, Yufeng Zhang, Alireza Khani, John Hourdos, Peter Dirks, Jack Olsson, Tao Tao, Xinyi Wu, and Jason (Xinyu) Cao


The equity impacts of bus rapid transit: A review of the evidence and implications for sustainable transport, Christoffel Venter, Gail Jennings, Darío Hidalgo, and Andrés Felipe Valderrama Pineda


The ridership performance of the built environment for BRT systems: Evidence from Latin America, C. Erik Vergel-Tovar and Daniel A. Rodriguez


Who benefits from bus rapid transit? Evidence from the Metro Bus System (MBS) in Lahore, Edmund J. Zolnik, Ammar Malik, and Yasemin Irvin-Erickson

Submissions from 2017


Real-Time Bus-Holding Control Strategy to Reduce Passenger Waiting Time, Mohamadamin Asgharzadeh and Yousef Shafahi


Contested spaces and subjectivities of transit: Political ecology of a bus rapid transit development in Oakland, California, Ingrid Behrsin and Chris Benner


How can public transit get people out of their cars? An analysis of transit mode choice for commute trips in Los Angeles, Sandip Chakrabarti


The effect of BRT implementation and streetscape redesign on physical activity: A case study of Mexico City, Annie Chang, Luis Miranda-Moreno, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, and Ben Welle


Examining changes in travel patterns among lower wealth households after BRT investment in Bogotá, Colombia, Tabitha S. Combs


Bergen light rail – Effects on travel behaviour, Øystein Engebretsen, Petter Christiansen, and Arvid Strand


Public transit, active travel, and the journey to school: a cross-nested logit analysis, Alireza Ermagun and David Levinson


Development of a performance measurement system to choose the most efficient programs, the case of the Mashhad transportation system, Ali Gholami and Maysam Ziaee


Comparing Chinese and Non-Chinese Bus Rapid Transit Systems: Evidence from Evaluating Global Systems on the Basis of Bus Rapid Transit Design Indicators, Pablo Guarda, Juan Miguel Velásquez, Thet Hein Tun, Xumei Chen, and Guo Zhong


Sustainability evaluation of rapid routes for buses with a network DEA model, Jin-Seok Hahn, Seung-Young Kho, Keechoo Choi, and Dong-Kyu Kim


Analysing improvements to on-street public transport systems: a mesoscopic model approach, Jesper Bláfoss Ingvardson, Jonas Kornerup Jensen, and Otto Anker Nielsen


A Nash equilibrium formulation of a tradable credits scheme for incentivizing transport choices: From next-generation public transport mode choice to HOT lanes, Salem Lahlou and Laura Wynter


Evaluating Public Transit Criticism: Systematic Analysis of Political Attacks on High Quality Transit, and How Transportation Professionals Can Effectively Respond, Todd Litman


A novel passenger flow prediction model using deep learning methods, Lijuan Liu and Rung-Ching Chen


Deficit function related to public transport: 50 year retrospective, new developments, and prospects, Tao Liu and Avishai (Avi) Ceder


San Pablo, California, Corridor Rapid Service: Planning and 10 Years of Operational Experience, Peter Martin and Nathan Landau


Determinants of bus rapid transit (BRT) system revenue and effectiveness – A global benchmarking exercise, Rico Merkert, Corinne Mulley, and Md Mahbubul Hakim


Models for technology choice in a transit corridor with elastic demand, Luigi Moccia, Giovanni Giallombardo, and Gilbert Laporte


A Framework for Measuring the Spatial Equity in the Distribution of Public Transportation Benefits, Seyyed Amir Hosein Mortazavi and Meisam Akbarzadeh


South Eastern Busway Network in Brisbane, Australia: Value of the Network Effect, Corinne Mulley, Breno Sampaio, and Liang Ma


Impact of bus rapid transit on housing price and accessibility changes in Sydney: A repeat sales approach, Corinne Mulley and Chi-Hong (Patrick) Tsai


An integrated MCDM approach to evaluate public transportation systems in Tehran, M. Nassereddine and H. Eskandari


Transit and Real Estate Rents, Arthur C. Nelson


Measuring the Accuracy of Bus Rapid Transit Forecasts, John Perry


Accessibility, Affordability, and Addressing Informal Services in Bus Reform: Lessons from Bogotá, Colombia, Camila Rodriguez, Tatiana Peralta-Quirós, Luis A. Guzman, and Sebastian A. Cárdenas Reyes


Schedule-free high-frequency transit operations, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez, Nigel H.M. Wilson, and Haris N. Koutsopoulos


Lessons from building paratransit operators’ capacity to be partners in Cape Town’s public transport reform process, Herrie Schalekamp


A new solution framework for the limited-stop bus service design problem, Guillermo Soto, Homero Larrain, and Juan Carlos Muñoz


The Causal Effect of Bus Rapid Transit on Changes in Transit Ridership, Orion T. Stewart, Anne Vernez Moudon, and Brian E. Saelens


Stress-related psychosocial factors at work, fatigue, and risky driving behavior in bus rapid transport (BRT) drivers, Sergio A. Useche, Viviola Gómez Ortiz, and Boris E. Cendales

Submissions from 2016


Does transit mode influence the transit-orientation of urban development? – An empirical study, Laura Aston, Graham Currie, and Katerina Pavkova


Rubber Tires for Residents: Bus Rapid Transit and Changing Neighborhoods in Los Angeles, California, Anne E. Brown