
Submissions from 2016


Combining robustness and recovery in rapid transit network design, L. Cadarso and Á. Marín


Guidebooks for Estimating Total Transit Usage through Extrapolating Incomplete Counts, Xuehao Chu


A historical overview of enhanced bus services in Australian cities: What has been tried, what has worked?, Geoffrey T. Clifton and Corinne Mulley


BRT in Brazil: Designing services in function of given infrastructure projects or designing infrastructure in function of established service quality patterns?, Joaquim José Guilherme de Aragão, Yaeko Yamashita, and Romulo Dante Orrico Filho


Measuring the impacts of Bus Rapid Transit on residential property values: The Beijing case, Taotao Deng, Mulan Ma, and John D. Nelson


Genetic Algorithm and Regression-Based Model for Analyzing Fare Payment Structure and Transit Dwell Time, S. Kiavash Fayyaz, Xiaoyue (Cathy) Liu, and Richard J. Porter


Exploring alternative service schemes for busy transit corridors, Weihua Gu, Zahra Amini, and Michael J. Cassidy


Why is Light Rail Starting to Dominate Bus Rapid Transit Yet Again?, David Hensher


Forty years of modelling rapid transit’s land value uplift in North America: moving beyond the tip of the iceberg, Christopher D. Higgins and Pavlos S. Kanaroglou


Assessing multiple criteria for rapid bus routes in the public transport system in Vilnius, Marius Jakimavičius, Marija Burinskienė, Modesta Gusarovienė, and Askoldas Podviezko


When and where are limited-stop bus services justified?, Homero Larrain and Juan Carlos Muñoz


Mega events and the transformation of Rio de Janeiro into a mass-transit city, Luis Antonio Lindau, Guillermo Petzhold, Virginia Bergamaschi Tavares, and Daniela Facchini


Optimization of Main Public Transport Paths Based on Accessibility — Case Study: Mashhad, Iran, Houman Shadab Mehr, Mohamad Rahim Rahnama, Mohamad Ajza Shokouhi, and Ezatollah Mafi


Residential property value impacts of proximity to transport infrastructure: An investigation of bus rapid transit and heavy rail networks in Brisbane, Australia, Corinne Mulley, Liang Ma, Geoffrey Clifton, Barbara Yen, and Matthew Burke


When and how much does new transport infrastructure add to property values? Evidence from the bus rapid transit system in Sydney, Australia, Corinne Mulley and Chi-Hong (Patrick) Tsai


Towards multi-modal integrated mobility systems: Views from Panama City and Barranquilla, Adriana Ortegon-Sanchez and Nick Tyler


Guide to Value Capture Financing for Public Transportation Projects, Sasha Page, Bill Bishop, and Waiching Wong


A review of general practice in contracting public transport services and transfer to BRT systems, Marisa J.D. Pedro and Rosário Macário


Big buses in a small country: The prospects for bus services in Wales, John Preston


Creating a Bus Rapid Transit Boulevard: Making Woodhaven Boulevard Select Bus Service Work for Transit, Traffic, and the Public in Queens, New York, Varanesh Singh, Eric B. Beaton, Taylor Reiss Gouge, and Nina Harvey Schatmeier


Evaluation of GPS-Based Transit Signal Priority for Mixed-Traffic Bus Rapid Transit, Yu Song, Milan Zlatkovic, and Richard J. Porter


Assessing the potential of bus rapid transit-led network restructuring for enhancing affordable access to employment – The case of Johannesburg's Corridors of Freedom, Christoffel Venter


Customer satisfaction with bus rapid transit: a study of New York City select bus service applying structural equation modeling, Dan Wan, Camille Kamga, Wei Hao, Aaron Sugiura, and Eric B. Beaton


Rider perception of a “light” Bus Rapid Transit system - The New York City Select Bus Service, Dan Wan, Camille Kamga, Jun Liu, Aaron Sugiura, and Eric B. Beaton


Recognising the complementary contributions of cost benefit analysis and economic impact analysis to an understanding of the worth of public transport investment: A case study of bus rapid transit in Sydney, Australia, Glen Weisbrod, Corinne Mulley, and David Hensher


Obstacles to the creation of successful bus rapid transit systems: The case of Bangkok, Irene Wu and Dorina Pojani

Submissions from 2015


Designing the Modern Multimodal Urban Arterial: Case Study of the Webster Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project, Eric B. Beaton, Evan Bialostozky, Patrick Dougherty, Taylor Reiss Gouge, and Theodore V. Orosz


How Land Use Affects Station Access Behaviors of Bus Rapid Transit Passengers in Bangkok, Thailand, Saksith Chalermpong and Apiwat Ratanawaraha


Traffic safety in surface public transport systems: a synthesis of research, Nicolae Duduta, Claudia Adriazola, Dario Hidalgo, Luis Antonio Lindau, and Rebecca Jaffe


Understanding Platform Overcrowding at Bus Rapid Transit Stations, Nicolae Duduta and Asis Subedi


Estimating the bus user time benefits of implementing a median busway: Methodology and case study, Jaime Gibson, Marcela A. Munizaga, Camila Schneider, and Alejandro Tirachini


Accident Prediction Models for Bus Rapid Transit Systems: Generalized Linear Models Compared with a Neural Network, Fidel Gómez and Juan Pablo Bocarejo


Identifying resident preferences for bus-based and rail-based investments as a complementary buy in perspective to inform project planning prioritisation, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Corinne Mulley


Identifying preferences for public transport investments under a constrained budget, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Corinne Mulley


Modal image: candidate drivers of preference differences for BRT and LRT, David A. Hensher and Corinne Mulley


Analysis of real-time control strategies in a corridor with multiple bus services, Daniel Hernández, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Ricardo Giesen, and Felipe Delgado


Development of Level-of-Service Criteria based on a Single Measure for BRT in China, Yueying Huo, Jinhua Zhao, Jian Zhang, and Feng Qiu


Analytical Five-Phase Bus Rapid Transit Traffic Flow Model, Michael F. Hyland and Hani Mahmassani


Potentials of Online Media and Location-Based Big Data for Urban Transit Networks in Developing Countries, Kelsey Lantz, Sakib Khan, Linh B. Ngo, Mashrur Chowdhury, Sarah Donaher, and Amy Apon


Generation and design heuristics for zonal express services, Homero Larrain, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Ricardo Giesen


Improved models for technology choice in a transit corridor with fixed demand, Luigi Moccia and Gilbert Laporte


A Worldwide State-of-the-Art Analysis for Bus Rapid Transit: Looking for the Success Formula, Alexandros Nikitas and MariAnne Karlsson


Stranding Cycling Transit Users on Los Angeles’ Orange Line Bus Rapid Transit, Craig T. Olwert, Jose Tchopourian, Vicente O. Arellano, and Mintesnot G. Woldeamanuel


Bus rapid transit as a neoliberal contradiction, Laurel Paget-Seekins


Impacts of Beijing Bus Rapid Transit on Pre-owned Home Values, Hao Pang and Junfeng Jiao


Reshaping the Region: Transit Proximity and Leverage in Metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts, Stephanie Pollack, Anna Gartsman, Timothy Reardon, and Meghna Hari


Land development impacts of BRT in a sample of stops in Quito and Bogotá, Daniel A. Rodriguez, Erik Vergel-Tovar, and William F. Camargo


Impact of Bus Rapid Transit and Metro Rail on Property Values in Guangzhou, China, Deborah Salon, Jingyan (Dora) Wu, and Sharon Shewmake


Ridership Response to Incremental Bus Rapid Transit Upgrades in North America Demographic and Network Effects, Anson F. Stewart, John P. Attanucci, and Nigel H.M. Wilson


Why busways? Styles of planning and mode-choice decision-making in Brisbane's transport networks, Michael Tanko and Matthew Burke


Who could benefit from a bus rapid transit system in cities from developing countries? A case study from Kampala, Uganda, Karolien Vermeiren, Els Verachtert, Peter Kasaija, Maarten Loopmans, Jean Poesen, and Anton Van Rompaey


Modelling the BRT station capacity and queuing for all stopping busway operation, Rakkitha Widanapathiranage, Jonathan M. Bunker, and Ashish Bhaskar

Submissions from 2014


Integrating Livability Principles into Transit Planning: Screening Chicago Bus Rapid Transit Opportunities, Joshua K. Anderson and Josh Ellis


Designing Bus Rapid Transit Facilities for Constrained Urban Arterials Case Study of the Selection Process for the Webster Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Running Way Design in New York City, Eric B. Beaton, Evan Bialostozky, Oliver Ernhofer, Theodore V. Orosz, Taylor Reiss, and Donald Yuratovac


Potential for mitigating greenhouse gases through expanding public transport services: A case study for Gauteng Province, South Africa, Steffen Bubeck, Jan Tomaschek, and Ulrich Fahl


Identifying dimensions of exclusion from a BRT system in a developing country: a content analysis approach, Irene Casas and Elizabeth C. Delmelle


A Transit Technology Selection Model, Jeffrey M. Casello, Geoffrey McD. Lewis, Kevin Yeung, and Deborah Santiago-Rodríguez


BRT TOD: Leveraging transit oriented development with bus rapid transit investments, Robert Cervero and Danielle Dai


Bus Rapid Transit versus Heavy Rail in suburban Sydney – Comparing successive iterations of a proposed heavy rail line project to the pre-existing BRT network, Geoffrey T. Clifton, Corinne Mulley, and David A. Hensher


Joint impacts of Bus Rapid Transit and urban form on vehicle ownership: New evidence from a quasi-longitudinal analysis in Bogotá, Colombia, Tabitha S. Combs and Daniel A. Rodríguez


Buses with High Level of Service in Nantes, France: Characteristics and Results of the BusWay Compared with Light Rail Transit, Emilio Conles, Margarita Novales, Alfonso Orro, and Javier Anta


Assessing Bus Rapid Transit system performance in Australasia, Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc


Direct Ridership Models of Bus Rapid Transit and Metro Systems in Mexico City, Mexico, Nicolae Duduta


Policy packaging in BRT projects: A methodology for case study analysis, Luis N. Filipe and Rosário Macário


Road Safety Benefits from Bus Priority An Empirical Study, Kelvin Chun Keong Goh, Graham Currie, Majid Sarvi, and David Logan


Design and Implementation of Discrete-event Simulation Framework for Modeling Bus Rapid Transit System, Fergyanto E. Gunawan


Drivers of bus rapid transit systems – Influences on patronage and service frequency, David A. Hensher, Zheng Li, and Corinne Mulley


Measuring Bus Service Reliability: An Example of Bus Rapid Transit in Changzhou, Yueying Huo, Jinhua Zhao, Wenquan Li, and Xiaojian Hu


Dissecting the Role of Transit Service Attributes in Attracting Commuters Lessons from a Comprehensive Revealed Preference-Stated Preference Study on Commuting Mode-Switching Behavior in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Ahmed Osman Idris, Khandker M. Nurul Habib, and Amer Shalaby


Critical Appraisal of Web-Based Passenger Information Systems, Gaurav V. Jain, S. S. Jain, and Manoranjan Parida


Paradoxes of establishing mass rapid transit systems in african cities – A case of Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit (DART) system, Tanzania, Abdi Ka'bange, David Mfinanga, and Edwin Hema


The promise and challenges of integrating public transportation in Bogotá, Colombia, Gwen Kash and Dario Hidalgo


Barriers to planning and implementing Bus Rapid Transit systems, Luis Antonio Lindau, Dario Hidalgo, and Adriana de Almeida Lobo


Combinatorial Optimization for the Guangzhou, China, Bus Rapid Transit System: Multiple Bus Substops and Docking Bays, Peiqun Lin, Ning Zhang, Jianmin Xu, and Yu Wang


Analysis and Optimization of the Capacity Bottlenecks of Elevated Bus Rapid Transit System, Wangrui Liu and Jing Teng


“If You're Just a Bus Community … You're Second Tier”: Motivations for Rapid Mass Transit (RMT) Development in Two Mid-sized Cities, Andrew McLellan and Damian Collins


Transantiago, five years after its launch, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Marco Batarce, and Dario Hidalgo


Transit-oriented smart growth can reduce life-cycle environmental impacts and household costs in Los Angeles, Matthew J. Nahlik and Mikhail V. Chester


Rapid Transit Investing in Australia's Transport Future, Isuru Neelagama


Implementing bus rapid transit: A tale of two Indian cities, Andrea Rizvi and Elliott Sclar


Operational Comparison of Transit Signal Priority Strategies, Adriana Rodriguez and Alan Danaher


Exploring Bus Rapid Transit passenger travel behaviour using big data, Sui Tao, Jonathan Corcoran, Iderlina Mateo-Babiano, and David Rohde


The economics and engineering of bus stops: Spacing, design and congestion, Alejandro Tirachini


Automated, Data-Driven Performance Regime for Operations Management, Planning, and Control, Dominick Tribone, David Block-Schachter, Frederick P. Salvucci, and John Attanucci


Quantifying the Effects of Modal Conflicts on Transit Reliability, Teo Wickland and Elizabeth Sall


Lessons of Bus Rapid Transit from Nine Cities in China, Xiaoning Zhang, Zichang Liu, and Hua Wang

Submissions from 2013


Using data envelopment analysis as a public transport project appraisal tool, Brian Caulfield, Diarmuid Bailey, and Shane Mullarkey


Exploring Comparative Ridership Drivers of Bus Rapid Transit and Light Rail Transit Routes, Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc


Evaluation of Bus Rapid Transit Implementation in China: Current Performance and Progress, Taotao Deng, Mulan Ma, and Jing Wang


Understanding Road Safety Impact of High-Performance Bus Rapid Transit and Busway Design Features, Nicolae Duduta, Claudia Adriazola, Dario Hidalgo, Luis Antonio Lindau, and Rebecca Jaffe


Evaluating the impacts of a new transit system on commuting mode choice using a GEV model estimated to revealed preference data: A case study of the VIVA system in York Region, Ontario, David Forsey, Khandker Nurul Habib, Eric J. Miller, and Amer Shalaby


Micro Simulation based Performance Evaluation of Delhi Bus Rapid Transit Corridor, Gautam Raj G, Ch. Ravi Sekhar, and S. Velmurugan


A Bridge Too Far? The Staten Island/Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Missed Connection, Cameron E. Gordon; Bukurije Bajrami; Nóra Tábori Santiago,; and Jonathan Peters


Impact of utility-based accessibility measures on urban public transportation planning: A case study of Denizli, Turkey, Gorkem Gulhan, Huseyin Ceylan, Mustafa Özuysal, and Halim Ceylan


Do public transport investments promote urban economic development? Evidence from bus rapid transit in Bogotá, Colombia, David R. Heres, Darby Jack, and Deborah Salon


A Research of Pedestrian Evacuation Simulation for BRT Station based on Fine Grid Method, Ji-hua Hu, Cheng-zhi Zhan, Zhi-feng Cheng, and Bo Cheng


Comparative Analysis of Personal Rapid Transit as an Urban Transportation Mode, Reuben Juster and Paul Schonfeld


Development of City-Specific Driving Cycles for Transit Buses Based on VSP Distributions: Case of Beijing, Jinxuan Lai, Lei Yu, Guohua Song, and Xumei Chen


State and Federal BRT Project Development Procedures: Managing Differences and Project Implementation Delays, Mark A. Miller


Subjective valuation of the transit transfer experience: The case of Santiago de Chile, Francisca Javiera Navarrete and Juan de Dios Ortúzar