Submissions from 2013
Bus Rapid Transit and Economic Development: Case study of the Eugene-Springfield BRT system., Arthur C. Nelson, Bruce Appleyard, Shyam Kannan, Reid Ewing, Matt Miller, and Dejan Eskic
A Framework for Determining Commuter Preference Along a Proposed Bus Rapid Transit Corridor, Debapratim Pandit and Shreya Das
Silver Line Bus Rapid Transit in Boston, Massachusetts, Impacts on Sale Prices of Condominiums Along Washington Street, Victoria Perk, Steven Bovino, Martin Catalá, Steven Reader, and Steven Ulloa
Transit Boardings Estimation and Simulation Tool (TBEST) Calibration for Guideway and BRT Modes, Steven Polzin, Rodney Bunner, and Xuehao Chu
Transforming cities with transit; Transit and Land-use integrtion for sustainable urban development, Hiroaki Suzuki, Robert Cervero, and Kanako Luchi
Efficient Space Dedication to Bus Rapid Transit and Light Rail Systems, H.-S. Jacob Tsao and Agus Pratama
Study of Modal Shifts to Bus Rapid Transit in Chinese Cities, Yuanqing Wang, Zhicheng Wang, Zongzhi Li, Samuel R. Staley, Adrian T. Moore, and Yanan Gao
A Bus Rapid Transit Line Case Study: Istanbul’s Metrobüs System, M. Anil Yazici, Herbert S. Levinson, Mustafa Ilicali, Nilgün Camkesen, and Camille Kamga
Feasibility of Unconditional Transit Signal Priority Considering Delay Savings at Signalized Intersections: A Case Study of Dalian BRT Line No.1, Zuo Zhongyi and Yang Guangchuan
Submissions from 2012
Istanbul Metrobüs: first intercontinental bus rapid transit, Pelin Alpkokin and Murat Ergun
A Microsimulation Model for BRT Systems Analysis, Vincenzo Ancora, Claudia Nelli, and Marco Petrelli
Select Bus Service on M15 in New York City Bus Rapid Transit Partnership, Eric B. Beaton, Joseph E. Barr, Joseph V. Chiarmonte, Theodore V. Orosz, Dominique Paukowits, and Aaron Sugiura
Transport accessibility and social inequities: a tool for identification of mobility needs and evaluation of transport investments, Juan Pablo Bocarejo and Daniel Ricardo Oviedo
Impact of Transmilenio on density, land use, and land value in Bogotá, Juan Pablo Bocarejo, Ingrid Portilla, and Maria Angélica Pérez
Impact of Bus Rapid Transit Systems on Road Safety Lessons from Bogotá, Colombia, Juan Pablo Bocarejo, Juan Miguel Velasquez, Claudia Andrea Díaz, and Luis Eduardo Tafur
Recoverable Robustness in Rapid Transit Network Design, Luis Cadarso and Ángel Marín
Comparative Study of Emissions from Bus Rapid Transit and Conventional Bus Systems Case Study from Beijing, Xumei Chen, Lei Yu, Guohua Song, and Chenyang Xian
Guidelines for Providing Access to Public Transportation Stations, Kathryn Coffel, Jamie Parks, Conor Semler, Paul Ryus, David Sampson, Carol Kachadoorian, Herbert S. Levinson, and Joseph L. Schofer
World Transit Research. Trends in need, supply, and use, Graham Currie, Alexa Delbosc, and Pauline Forbes
Evaluating the spatial equity of bus rapid transit-based accessibility patterns in a developing country: The case of Cali, Colombia, Elizabeth Cahill Delmelle and Irene Casas
Bus Rapid Transit implementation in Beijing: An evaluation of performance and impacts, Taotao Deng and John D. Nelson
The perception of Bus Rapid Transit: a passenger survey from Beijing Southern Axis BRT Line 1, Taotao Deng and John D. Nelson
Intermodal Connectivity to BRT: A Comparative Analysis of Bogotá and Curitiba, Fábio Duarte and Fernando Rojas
A first glimpse on policy packaging for implementation of BRT projects, Luis N. Filipe and Rosário Macário
Organisational structures and functions in Bus Rapid Transit, and opportunities for private sector participation, Brendan Finn
Sustainable Public Transportation: Environmentally Friendly Mobility, Harrington Hughes & Associates, Inc
Ridership drivers of bus rapid transit systems, David A. Hensher and Zheng Li
BRT and BHLS around the world: Explosive growth, large positive impacts and many issues outstanding, Darío Hidalgo and Luis Gutiérrez
Methodology for calculating passenger capacity in bus rapid transit systems: Application to the TransMilenio system in Bogotá, Colombia, Dario Hidalgo, Germán Lleras, and Enrique Hernández
TransMilenio BRT system in Bogota, high performance and positive impact – Main results of an ex-post evaluation, Darío Hidalgo, Liliana Pereira, Nicolás Estupiñán, and Pedro Luis Jiménez
Can bus really be the new tram?, Paul Hodgson, Stephen Potter, James Warren, and David Gillingwater
The causal relationship of the service quality of the TransJakarta Busway, Tri Basuki Jaewono, Djoen San Santoso, and Dhany Utami Ningtyas
Spatial disparity in transport social needs and public transport provision in Santiago de Cali (Colombia), Ciro Jaramillo, Carmen Lizárraga, and Alejandro Luis Grindlay
Walk the line: station context, corridor type and bus rapid transit walk access in Jinan, China, Yang Jiang, P. Christopher Zegras, and Shomik Mehndiratta
Redistributive effects of bus rapid transit (BRT) on development patterns and property values in Seoul, Korea, Myung-Jin Jun
Off-board fare payment using proof-of-payment verification, Thomas F. Larwin and Yung Koprowski
Assessing the impact of proposed transit investments and public policy choices on land use patterns (A simulation approach with UrbanSim), Chanyoung Lee and Zhenyu Wang
Impact of Bus Transit Centers on Values of Nearby Single-Family Residential Land in Houston, Texas, Carol Abel Lewis and Gwendoline C. Goodwin
Urban transport lending by the World Bank: The last decade, Slobodan Mitric
Bus rapid transit as part of enhanced service provision, Juan Carlos Muñoz and Darío Hidalgo
Spatial variation of transit service quality preferences in Dar-es-Salaam, Alphonse Nkurunziza, Mark Zuidgeest, Mark Brussel, and Frans Van den Bosch
Peer-to-Peer Information Exchange on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Bus Priority Best Practices, Marta Panero, Hyeon-Shic Shin, Allen Zedrin, and Samuel Zimmerman
Preservation in Transit-Oriented Districts: A Study on the Need, Priorities, and Tools in Protecting Assisted and Unassisted Housing in the City of Los Angeles, Abigail Thorne-Lyman and Jeffrey Wood
Accessibility and safety indicators for all road users: case study Delhi BRT, Geetam Tiwari and Deepty Jain
Transport infrastructure provision and operations: Why should governments choose private–public partnership?, D. Tsamboulas, A. Verma, and P. Moraiti
Urban mass transit, gender planning protocols and social sustainability – The case of Jakarta, Jeff Turner
Colombia's Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) development and Expansion., Michael Turner, Chuck Kooshian, and Steve Winkelman
Bus Rapid Transit: Projects improve transit service and can contribute to economic development, United Stated Government Accountability Office (GAO)
European–and Global Urban Guided Transit: Green–and Socio–Economic Fit, Dave van der Meulen and Fienie Mšller
The lurch towards formalisation: Lessons from the implementation of BRT in Johannesburg, South Africa, Christoffel Venter
Development of Location Method for Urban Public Transit Networks Based on Hub-and-Spoke Network Structure, Zhenbao Wang and Yanyan Chen
How much can public private partnership really do for urban transport in developing countries?, Christopher Willoughby
The impacts of mass transit on land development in China: The case of Beijing, Ming Zhang and Lanlan Wang
Development and Evaluation of Algorithm for Resolution of Conflicting Transit Signal Priority Requests, Milan Zlatkovic, Aleksandar Stevanovic, and Peter T. Martin
Real-time Arterial Performance Measurement Using BRT Probe Data and Signal Timing Data, Ping Zou, Zhiheng Ll, and Meng Ll
Submissions from 2011
Modelling the dynamics of bus use in a changing travel environment using panel data, Kiron Chatterjee
Development of a Mode Choice Model for Bus Rapid Transit in Santa Clara County, CA, Chun-Hung Peter Chen and George A. Naylor
Understanding bus rapid transit route ridership drivers: An empirical study of Australian BRT systems, Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc
Feasibility of Converting Two-Way Left-Turn Lane into Bus Rapid Transit Lane, Eugene H. Dawson III, Hongchao Liu, Hao Xu, Ruey Long Cheu, and Randy B. Machemehl
Thinking Outside the Box to Expand Metropolitan Travel Choices, Patrick DeCorla-Souza, Wayne Berman, and John Halkias
Recent Developments in Bus Rapid Transit: A Review of the Literature, Taotao Deng and John D. Nelson
Design and implementation of efficient transit networks: Procedure, case study and validity test, M. Estrada, M. Roca-Riu, H. Badia, F. Robusté, and C. F. Daganzo
Planning for structural transit in low density environments: the case of Canberra, Australia, Cameron Gordon
Sustainable Public Transportation: Environmentally Friendly Mobility, Harrington-Hughes & Associates, Inc
Innovative Operating Solutions for Bus Rapid Transit Through a Congested Segment of San Jose, California, Michael Iswalt, Corey Wong, and Kevin Connolly
Data-Driven Support Tools for Transit Data Analysis, Scheduling and Planning, Chen-fu Liao
Exploring the effectiveness of bus rapid transit a prototype agent-based model of commuting behavior, Simon McDonnell and Moira Zellner
Can African Bus Rapid Transit inform European projects?, Nick Richardson and Stephen Luke
Universal Access to Bus Rapid Transit Design, Operation, And Working With The Community, Tom Rickert
Bus congestion, optimal infrastructure investment and the choice of a fare collection system in dedicated bus corridors, Alejandro Tirachini and David A. Hensher
Cost/Benefit Analysis of Converting a Lane for Bus Rapid Transit—Phase II Evaluation and Methodology, Transportation Research Board
Public Transportation Systems as the Foundation for Economic Growth, Transportation Research Board
Submissions from 2010
Select bus service on Bx12 in New York City, Bus Rapid Transit partnership of New York City DOT and Metropolitan Transportation Authority New York City Transit, Joseph E. Barr, Eric B. Beaton, Joseph V. Chiarmonte, and Theodore V. Orosz
Impact of Miami, Florida, Urban Partnership Agreement Phase 1A on Transit User Perceptions of I-95 Express Bus Service, Alisdair Cain, Caleb Van Nostrand, and Jennifer Flynn
Bus rapid transit impacts on land uses and land values in Seoul, Korea, Robert Cervero and Chang Deok Kang
Direct ridership model of Bus Rapid Transit in Los Angeles County, California, Robert Cervero, Jin Murakami, and Mark Miller
Effect of bus size and operation to crash occurrences, Deo Chimba, Thobias Sando, and Valerian Kwigizile
Understanding ridership drivers for bus rapid transit systems in Australia, Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc
Structure of competitive transit networks, Carlos F. Daganzo
Economic impact of a supply change in mass transit in urban areas: A Canadian example, Jean Dubé, François Des Rosiers, Marius Thériault, and Patricia Dib
Workshop report – Public transport markets in development, Brendan Finn and Jackie Walters
Latent demand for transit: the case of Canberra's proposed LRT, Cameron Gordon
Managing Increasing Ridership Demand, Harrington-Hughes & Associates
Developing a Framework for a Toolkit for Carbon Footprint that Integrates Transit (CFIT), Sara J. Hendriks, Edward Hillsman, Alec Foster, Aiah Yassin, and Amy Stuart
Incompleteness and clarity in bus contracts: Identifying the nature of the ex ante and ex post perceptual divide, David A. Hensher
Refining light rapid transit typology: a UK perspective, Paul Hodgson and Stephen Potter
Carbon Dioxide Reduction Benefits of Bus Rapid Transit Systems, Walter Hook, Chris Kost, Ulises Navarro, Michael Replogle, and Bernardo Baranda
Africa's First Bus Rapid Transit System, Robin Kaenzig, Dayo Mobereola, and Colin Brader
Choosing the Right Express Services for Bus Corridor with Capacity Restrictions, Homero Larrain, Ricardo Giesen, and Juan Carlos Muñoz
Federally-Mandated Evaluation of New Starts Transit Projects, David Laverny-Rafter
Design of limited-stop services for an urban bus corridor with capacity constraints, Carola Leiva, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Ricardo Giesen, and Homero Larrain
Bus Rapid Transit in Curitiba, Brazil A Look at the Outcome After 35 Years of Bus-Oriented Development, Luis Antonio Lindau, Dario Hildago, and Daniela Facchini
Cycling Trends and Fate in the Face of Bus Rapid Transit Case Study of Jinan, Shandong Province, China, Brittany Nikole Montgomery
Walking accessibility to bus rapid transit: Does it affect property values? The case of Bogotá, Colombia, Ramon Munoz-Raskin
From buses to BRT: Case Studies of incremental BRT projects in North America, John Niles and Lisa Callaghan Jerram
Impacts of Bus Rapid Transit Stations on Surrounding Single-Family Home Values : Study of East Busway in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Victoria Perk, Melisssa Mugharbel, and Martin Catalá
Sustainable Bus Rapid Transit initiatives in India: The role of decisive leadership and strong institutions, Raj V. Ponnaluri
A Guide for Planning and Operating Flexible Public Transportation Services, John F. Potts, Maxine A. Marshall, Emmett C. Crockett, and Joel Washington
Technical and operational challenges to inclusive Bus rapid Transit: A guide for practitioners, Tom Rickert