Submissions from 2021
Multi-Objective Optimization for Skip-Stop Strategy Based on Smartcard Data Considering Total Travel Time and Equity, Sang-Wook Han, Eun Hak Lee, and Dong-Kyu Kim
Train timetabling in rail transit network under uncertain and dynamic demand using Advanced and Adaptive NSGA-II, Zhenyu Han, Baoming Han, Dewei Li, Shangbin Ning, Ruixia Yang, and Yonghao Yin
An adapted geographically weighted LASSO (Ada-GWL) model for predicting subway ridership, Yuxin He, Yang Zhao, and Kwok Leung Tsui
Integrated optimization of capacitated train rescheduling and passenger reassignment under disruptions, Xin Hong, Lingyun Meng, Andrea D'Ariano, Lucas P. Veelenturf, Sihui Long, and Francesco Corman
The Gini index of demand imbalances in public transport, Daniel Hörcher and Daniel J. Graham
Demand-responsive passenger flow control strategies for metro networks considering service fairness and passengers’ behavioural responses, Ning Huan, Enjian Yao, and Jinmeng Zhang
Assessing the Bus Bridging Effectiveness on the Operational Resilience of the Subway Service in Toronto, Alaa Itani and Amer Shalaby
Passenger-oriented subway network capacity calculation and analysis based on simulation, Feifan Jia, Xi Jiang, Haiying Li, Xueqiao Yu, Xinyue Xu, and Man Jiang
Equilibrium analyses and operational designs of a coupled market with substitutive and complementary ride-sourcing services to public transits, Jintao Ke, Zheng Zhu, Hai Yang, and Qiaochu He
Public transport fare elasticities from smartcard data: Evidence from a natural experiment, Yaroslav Kholodov, Erik Jenelius, Oded Cats, Niels van Oort, Niek Mouter, Matej Cebecauer, and Alex Vermeulen
Optimal service zone and headways for flexible-route bus services for multiple periods, Myungseob (Edward) Kim and Austin Roche
A holding control strategy for diverging bus lines, Georgios Laskaris, Oded Cats, Erik Jenelius, Marco Rinaldi, and Francesco Viti
Forecasting bus ridership using a “Blended Approach”, Catherine T. Lawson, Alex Muro, and Eric Krans
Zonal-based flexible bus service under elastic stochastic demand, Enoch Lee, Xuekai Cen, and Hong K. Lo
Simulation of fixed versus on-demand station-based feeder operations, David Leffler, Wilco Burghout, Erik Jenelius, and Oded Cats
Impact of Weather, Activities, and Service Disruptions on Transportation Demand, Simon Lepage and Catherine Morency
A multi-task memory network with knowledge adaptation for multimodal demand forecasting, Can Li, Lei Bai, Wei Liu, Lina Yao, and S. Travis Waller
Spatial-interaction network analysis of built environmental influence on daily public transport demand, Xintao Liu, Jiawei Wu, Jianwei Huang, Junwei Zhang, Bi Yu Chen, and Anthony Chen
On the Influence of Land Use and Transit Network Attributes on the Generation of, and Relationship between, the Demand for Public Transit and Ride-Hailing Services in Toronto, Patrick Loa, Sanjana Hossain, and Khandker Nurul Habib
Passenger-oriented rescheduling of trains and rolling stock for handling large passenger demand: linearized models with train capacity constraint, Sihui Long, Xiaojie Luan, and Francesco Corman
Public transport competitiveness vs. the car: Impact of relative journey time and service attributes, Erik B. Lunke, N. Fearnley, and J. Aarhaug
Joint design of shared-bike and transit services in corridors, Xiaoling Luo, Weihua Gu, and Wenbo Fan
Car users’ attitudes towards an enhanced bus system to mitigate urban congestion in a developing country, David José Ahouagi Vaz de Magalhães and Carlos Rivera-Gonzalez
Robust optimal predictive control for real-time bus regulation strategy with passenger demand uncertainties in urban rapid transit, Qianqian Ma, Shukai Li, Huiming Zhang, Yin Yuan, and Lixing Yang
Microtransit Has the Potential to Flip Transit on Its Head, Jerome Mayaud, Francesca Ward, and Josh Andrews
Planning skip-stop transit service under heterogeneous demands, Yu Mei, Weihua Gu, Michael Cassidy, and Wenbo Fan
A clustering method for measuring accessibility and equity in public transportation service: Case study of Melbourne, Seyed Sina Mohri, Seyedamirhossein Mortazavi, and Neema Nassir
Design and analysis of control strategies for pedestrian flows, Nicholas Molyneaux, Riccardo Scarinci, and Michel Bierlaire
Designing Multiple Short-Turn Routes to Mitigate the Crowding on a Bus Network, Sedong Moon, Shin-Hyung Cho, and Dong-Kyu Kim
Design of Zonal Express Bus Services to Reduce User Travel Time and Transfers Considering Demand Diversion, Sedong Moon, Dong-Kyu Kim, and Shin-Hyung Cho
An exact method for the integrated optimization of subway lines operation strategies with asymmetric passenger demand and operating costs, Pengli Mo, Andrea D'Ariano, Lixing Yang, Lucas P. Veelenturf, and Ziyou Gao
Pareto routing and scheduling of dynamic urban rail transit services with multi-objective cross entropy method, Hoa T.M. Nguyen, Andy H.F. Chow, and Cheng-shuo Ying
Predictive decision support platform and its application in crowding prediction and passenger information generation, Peyman Noursalehi, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Jinhua Zhao
Analytical models for comparing Demand Responsive Transport with bus services in low demand interurban areas, Anestis Papanikolaou and Socrates Basbas
Evaluating crowding in individual train cars using a dynamic transit assignment model, Soumela Peftitsi, Erik Jenelius, and Oded Cats
Vehicle dispatching in modular transit networks: A mixed-integer nonlinear programming model, Mingyang Pei, Peiqun Lin, Jun Du, Xiaopeng Li, and Zhiwei Chen
Dedicated bus lane network design under demand diversion and dynamic traffic congestion: An aggregated network and continuous approximation model approach, Antoine Petit, Mehmet Yildirimoglu, Nikolas Geroliminis, and Yanfeng Ouyang
Feeder-trunk and direct-link schemes for public transit: a model to evaluate the produced accessibility, Umberto Petruccelli and Antonello Racina
Urban transportation at an inflection point: An analysis of potential influencing factors, Julian Reul, Thomas Grube, and Detlef Stolten
Spatial and socio-economic analysis of public transport systems in large cities: A case study for Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Anderson Paulo Rudke, Jorge Alberto Martins, Alex Mota dos Santos, Witan Pereira Silva, Nathan F. da Silva Caldana, Vinicius A.S. Souza, Ronaldo Adriano Alves, and Taciana T. de Almeida Albuquerque
Spatial data analysis approach for network-wide consolidation of bus stop locations, Prasanta K. Sahu, Babak Mehran, Surya P. Mahapatra, and Satish Sharma
Generating demand responsive bus routes from social network data analysis, Lidia Sala, Steve Wright, Caitlin Cottrill, and Emilio Flores-Sola
A framework for railway transit network design with first-mile shared autonomous vehicles, Ali Shan, Nam Hong Hoang, Kun An, and Hai L. Vu
Spatial and Temporal Differences in Weekday Travel Durations Between Private-for-Hire Transportation Services and Transit in the City Center, Baxter Shandobil, Ty Lazarchik, and Kelly Clifton
The boundary between random and non-random passenger arrivals: Robust empirical evidence and economic implications, Ramandeep Singh, Daniel J. Graham, Daniel Hörcher, and Richard J. Anderson
Continuous Approximation Model for Hybrid Flexible Transit Systems with Low Demand Density, Charalampos Sipetas and Eric J. Gonzales
Travel preferences of public transport users under uneven headways, Jaime Soza-Parra, Sebastián Raveau, and Juan Carlos Muñoz
Estimating the route-level passenger demand profile from bus dwell times, Wenzhe Sun, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, and Koji Fukuda
Optimal operational strategies for single bus lines using network-based method, Chunyan Tang, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, Ying-En Ge, and Tao Liu
Public Transport Fleet Replacement Optimization Using Multi-Type Battery-Powered Electric Buses, Chunyan Tang, Xiaoyu Li, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, and Xiaokun Wang
A paradigm shift in urban mobility: Policy insights from travel before and after COVID-19 to seize the opportunity, Anurag Thombre and Amit Agarwal
Determining mode shift elasticity based on household income and travel cost, N. Vasudevan, Ninad Gore, Rupali Zope, Shriniwas Arkatkar, and Gaurang Joshi
Bikeshare and subway ridership changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, Haoyun Wang and Robert B. Noland
Spatial dependence and spillover effects in customized bus demand: Empirical evidence using spatial dynamic panel models, Jiangbo Wang, Toshiyuki Yamamoto, and Kai Liu
COVid-19 influenced households’ Interrupted Travel Schedules (COVHITS) survey: Lessons from the fall 2020 cycle, Kaili Wang, Yicong Liu, Sk Md Mashrur, Patrick Loa, and Khandker Nurul Habib
Providing real-time bus crowding information for passengers: A novel policy to promote high-frequency transit performance, Pengfei Wang, Xuewu Chen, Yue Zheng, Long Cheng, Yinhai Wang, and Da Lei
What moves Hong Kong's train ridership?, C. K. Woo, K. H. Cao, J. Zarnikau, T. L. Yip, and A. Chow
A modular, adaptive, and autonomous transit system (MAATS): A in-motion transfer strategy and performance evaluation in urban grid transit networks, Jiaming Wu, Balázs Kulcsár, Selpi, and Xiaobo Qu
Mitigating unfairness in urban rail transit operation: A mixed-integer linear programming approach, Yinghui Wu, Hai Yang, Shuo Zhao, and Pan Shang
Passenger and energy-saving oriented train timetable and stop plan synchronization optimization model, Jia Xie, Jie Zhang, KeYang Sun, ShaoQuan Ni, and DingJun Chen
Train timetabling with stop-skipping, passenger flow, and platform choice considerations, Xiaoming Xu, Chung-Lun Li, and Zhou Xu
Impacts of School Reopening on Variations in Local Bus Performance in Sydney, Wenbo Yan, Hudson Yao, Linji Chen, Hema Rayaprolu, and Emily Moylan
Predicting disruptions and their passenger delay impacts for public transport stops, Menno Yap and Oded Cats
Joint optimisation of transfer location and capacity for a capacitated multimodal transport network with elastic demand: a bi-level programming model and paradoxes, Jiao Ye, Yu Jiang, Jun Chen, Zhiyuan Liu, and Renzhong Guo
Development of Estimating Methodology for Transit Accessibility Using Smart Card Data, Hyunsoo Yun, Eun Hak Lee, Dong-Kyu Kim, and Shin-Hyung Cho
Understanding spatial-temporal travel demand of free-floating bike sharing connecting with metro stations, Senbin Yu, Gehui Liu, and Congru Yin
An economic analysis of integrating bike sharing service with metro systems, Fangni Zhang and Wei Liu
Short-term origin-destination demand prediction in urban rail transit systems: A channel-wise attentive split-convolutional neural network method, Jinlei Zhang, Hongshu Che, Feng Chen, Wei Ma, and Zhengbing He
A causal inference approach to measure the vulnerability of urban metro systems, Nan Zhang, Daniel J. Graham, Daniel Hörcher, and Prateek Bansal
Integrating transit systems with ride-sourcing services: A study on the system users’ stochastic equilibrium problem, Yufeng Zhang and Alireza Khani
Scheduling a Bus Fleet for Evacuation Planning Using Stop-Skipping Method, Hu Zhao, Shumin Feng, and Yusheng Ci
Virus Transmission Risk in Urban Rail Systems: Microscopic Simulation-Based Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Characteristics, Jiali Zhou and Haris N. Koutsopoulos
Passenger itinerary inference model for congested urban rail networks, Yiwen Zhu, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Nigel H.M. Wilson
Estimation and prediction of dynamic matrix travel on a public transport corridor using historical data and real-time information, Felipe Zúñiga, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Ricardo Giesen
Submissions from 2020
Mobility-on-demand: An empirical study of internet-based ride-hailing adoption factors, travel characteristics and mode substitution effects, Ransford A. Acheampong, Alhassan Siiba, Dennis K. Okyere, and Justice P. Tuffour
Examining impacts of time-based pricing strategies in public transportation: A study of Singapore, Muhammad Adnan, Bat-hen Nahmias Biran, Vishnu Baburajan, Kakali Basak, and Moshe Ben-Akiva
Frequency Optimization Models for Reducing Overcrowding Discomfort, Kinshuk Agrawal, Hemant K. Suman, and Nomesh B. Bolia
Optimal fares and frequencies for bus services in a small city, Disa Asplund and Roger Pyddoke
Addressing transit mode location bias in built environment-transit mode use research, Laura Aston, Graham Currie, Md. Kamruzzaman, Alexa Delbosc, Nicholas Fournier, and David Teller
Fleet Sizing for Pooled (Automated) Vehicle Fleets, Milos Balac, Sebastian Hörl, and Kay W. Axhausen
Impact of discerning reliability preferences of riders on the demand for mobility-on-demand services, Prateek Bansal, Yang Liu, Ricardo Daziano, and Samitha Samaranayake
An entropy maximizing approach to the ferry network design problem, Michael G.H. Bell, Jing-Jing Pan, Collins Teye, Kam-Fung Cheung, and Supun Parera
Resilience in railway transport systems: a literature review and research agenda, Nikola Bešinović
Robust optimization models for integrated train stop planning and timetabling with passenger demand uncertainty, Valentina Cacchiani, Jianguo Qi, and Lixing Yang
Identifying transit deserts for low-income commuters in Wuhan Metropolitan Area, China, Mingming Cai, Junfeng Jiao, Minghai Luo, and Yanfang Liu
Integrating node-place and trip end models to explore drivers of rail ridership in Flanders, Belgium, Freke Caset, Simon Blainey, Ben Derudder, Kobe Boussauw, and Frank Witlox
Learning and Adaptation in Dynamic Transit Assignment Models for Congested Networks, Oded Cats and Jens West
Joint optimization of scheduling and capacity for mixed traffic with autonomous and human-driven buses: A dynamic programming approach, Zhuang Dai, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Xi Chen, and Xiaolei Ma
How does the built environment affect transit use by train, tram and bus?, Chris De Gruyter, Tayebeh Saghapour, Liang Ma, and Jago Dodson
Joint Model of Application-Based Ride Hailing Adoption, Intensity of Use, and Intermediate Public Transport Consideration among Workers in Chennai City, Aravinda Devaraj, Ganesh Ambi Ramakrishnan, Gopindra Sivakumar Nair, Karthik K. Srinivasan, Chandra R. Bhat, Abdul R. Pinjari, Gitakrishnan Ramadurai, and Ram M. Pendyala
Evaluation of service quality in public bus transportation using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy QFD methodology, Muhammet Deveci, Sultan Ceren Öner, Faith Canıtez, and Mahir Öner
The rise and fall of transit ridership across Canada: Understanding the determinants, Ehab Diab, Dena Kasraian, Eric J. Miller, and Amer Shalaby
Integrated optimization of train stop planning and timetabling for commuter railways with an extended adaptive large neighborhood search metaheuristic approach, Xinlei Dong, Dewei Li, Yonghao Yin, Shishun Ding, and Zhichao Cao
How comparable are origin-destination matrices estimated from automatic fare collection, origin-destination surveys and household travel survey? An empirical investigation in Lyon, Oscar Egu and Patrick Bonnel
Equity of transit accessibility across Chicago, Alireza Ermagun and Nebiyou Tilahun
Valuation of transfer for bus users: The case of Gran Canaria, Raquel Espino and Concepción Román
Demand responsive transport: Generation of activity patterns from mobile phone network data to support the operation of new mobility services, Patrizia Franco, Ryan Johnston, and Ecaterina McCormick
Examining the relationship between built environment and metro ridership at station-to-station level, Zuoxian Gan, Min Yang, Tao Feng, and Harry J.P. Timmermans
An exact method for the bus dispatching problem in rolling horizons, K. Gkiotsalitis and E. C. van Berkum
Intermodality in European metropolises: The current state of the art, and the results of an expert survey covering Berlin, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Paris, Mirko Goletz, Sonja Haustein, Christina Wolking, and Alain L'Hostis