
Submissions from 2018


The Effect of Demographic Changes on Transit Ridership Trends, Richard A. Driscoll, Kurt R. Lehmann, Steven Polzin, and Jodi Godfrey


A data-driven methodology for equitable value-capture financing of public transit operations and maintenance, John C.(Giancarlo) Falcocchio, Awais Malik, and Constantine E. Kontokosta


Competition and substitution between public transport modes, Nils Fearnley, Graham Currie, Stefan Flügel, Fredrik A. Gregersen, Marit Killi, Jeremy Toner, and Mark Wardman


A matheuristic for transfer synchronization through integrated timetabling and vehicle scheduling, João Paiva Fonseca, Evelien van der Hurk, Roberto Roberti, and Allan Larsen


Modeling the effects of real time traffic information on travel behavior: A case study of Istanbul Technical University, Ilgin Gokasar and Gozde Bakioglu


BART Perks: Using Incentives to Manage Transit Demand, Ryan Greene-Roesel, Joe Castiglione, Camille Guiriba, and Mark Bradley


Fare discrimination and daily demand distribution in the BRT system in Bogotá, Luis A. Guzman, Carlos A. Moncada, and Santiago Gómez


Analysis of Paratransit Feeder-Service Pilot: Projected versus Actual Ridership and Cost-Benefit Results, Todd Hansen


Fare Policy and Vertical Equity: The Trade-off between Affordability and Cost Recovery, Xavier J. Harmony


Determinants of travel mode choices of post-secondary students in a large metropolitan area: The case of the city of Toronto, Md Sami Hasnine, TianYang Lin, Adam Weiss, and Khandker Nurul Habib


The economics of seat provision in public transport, Daniel Hörcher, Daniel J. Graham, and Richard J. Anderson


The determinants of travel demand between rail stations: A direct transit demand model using multilevel analysis for the Washington D.C. Metrorail system, Hiroyuki Iseki, Chao Liu, and Gerrit Knaap


Total cost minimizing transit route structures considering trips towards CBD and periphery, Sergio Jara-Díaz, Antonio Gschwender, and Claudia Bravo


Optimal time point configuration of a bus route - A Markovian approach, W. Klumpenhouwer and S. C. Wirasinghe


New ridership for old rail: An analysis of changes in the utilization of Chicago's urban rail system, 1990–2008, Marcelo E. Lascano Kežić and Pablo Luis Durango-Cohen


Multimodal Transportation Network Modeling Based on the Generic Second Order Modeling Approach, Jean-Patrick Lebacque and Megan M. Khoshyaran


Moving Minds: The Next Generation of Real-Time Transit Information in San Francisco, Jason Lee, William Tyner, and Nealay Vasavda


Modeling departure time choice of metro passengers with a smart corrected mixed logit model - A case study in Beijing, Haiying Li, Xian Li, Xinyue Xu, Jun Liu, and Bin Ran


Smart card data-centric replication of the multi-modal public transport system in Singapore, Xiaodong Liu, Yuan Zhou, and Andreas Rau


Traffic dynamics in a bi-modal transportation network with information provision and adaptive transit services, Xinwei Li, Wei Liu, and Hai Yang


Constructing Spatiotemporal Load Profiles of Transit Vehicles with Multiple Data Sources, Ding Luo, Loïc Bonnetain, Oded Cats, and Hans van Lint


Does Investing in Rail Transit Benefit the Poor? A Comparative Study of Rail and Bus Travel by Low-Income Households in the California Household Travel Survey, Ryland Lu


Transit in the 2000s: Where Does It Stand and Where Is It Headed?, Michael Manville, Brian D. Taylor, and Evelyn Blumenberg


Transit Orientation: More Than Just Coverage—A New Method for the Assessment of Transit and Development Co-Location, Christian M. Marti, Luca Bertolini, and Ulrich Weidmann


Estimation of Passengers Left Behind by Trains in High-Frequency Transit Service Operating Near Capacity, Eli Miller, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez, and Neema Nassir


Understanding Changes in Demographics, Preferences, and Markets for Public Transportation, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine


Real time transit demand prediction capturing station interactions and impact of special events, Peyman Noursalehi, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Jinhua Zhao


Reducing passengers’ travel time by optimising stopping patterns in a large-scale network: A case-study in the Copenhagen Region, Jens Parbo, Otto A. Nielsen, and Carlo G. Prato


Modal Share Change following Implementation of Travel Demand Management Strategies, Francesco Piras, Eleonora Sottile, and Italo Meloni


Train timetable design under elastic passenger demand, Tomáš Robenek, Shadi Sharif Azadeh, Yousef Maknoon, Matthieu de Lapparent, and Michel Bierlaire


Do direct awards lead to better public transport?, Christoph Schaaffkamp


Timetable Synchronization and Optimization Considering Time-Dependent Passenger Demand in an Urban Subway Network, Pan Shang, Ruimin Li, Zhiyong Liu, Kai Xian, and Jifu Guo


Multivariate methodology for discriminating market segments in urban commuting, Steven D. Silver


Mobility as a Service: Development scenarios and implications for public transport, Göran Smith, Jana Sochor, and I.C. MariAnne Karlsson


Microeconomic Model for Designing Public Transit Incentive Programs, Yanshuo Sun and Lei Zhang


To travel or not to travel: ‘Weather’ is the question. Modelling the effect of local weather conditions on bus ridership, Sui Tao, Jonathan Corcoran, Francisco Rowe, and Mark Hickman


Modelling passenger waiting time using large-scale automatic fare collection data: An Australian case study, Ahmad Tavassoli, Mahmoud Mesbah, and Ameneh Shobeirinejad


Enhancing flexible transport services with demand-anticipatory insertion heuristics, Matti van Engelen, Oded Cats, Henk Post, and Karen Aardal


The ridership performance of the built environment for BRT systems: Evidence from Latin America, C. Erik Vergel-Tovar and Daniel A. Rodriguez


Provision of Bus Real-Time Information: Turning Passengers from Being Contributors of Headway Irregularity to Controllers, Pengfei Wang, Xuewu Chen, Wendong Chen, Long Cheng, and Da Lei


Trial-and-error train fare design scheme for addressing boarding/alighting congestion at CBD stations, Shuaian Wang, Wei Zhang, and Xiaobo Qu


Passenger demand oriented train scheduling and rolling stock circulation planning for an urban rail transit line, Yihui Wang, Andrea D’Ariano, Jiateng Yin, Lingyun Meng, Tao Tang, and Bin Ning


Passengers’ response to transit fare change: an ex post appraisal using smart card data, Zi-jia Wang, Feng Chen, Bo Wang, and Jian-ling Huang


Does the Future of Mobility Depend on Public Transportation?, Kari Watkins


Transit-oriented autonomous vehicle operation with integrated demand-supply interaction, Jian Wen, Yu Xin Chen, Neema Nassir, and Jinhua Zhao


Integrating ridesourcing services with public transit: An evaluation of traveler responses combining revealed and stated preference data, Xiang Yan, Jonathan Levine, and Xilei Zhao


Development of railway station choice models to improve the representation of station catchments in rail demand models, Marcus A. Young and Simon P. Blainey


Railway station choice modelling: a review of methods and evidence, Marcus Young and Simon Blainey


Modeling ground access mode choice behavior for Hamad International Airport in the 2022 FIFA World Cup city, Doha, Qatar, Esmat Zaidan and Ammar Abulibdeh


Public transit service frequency and fares with heterogeneous users under monopoly and alternative regulatory policies, Junlin Zhang, Robin Lindsey, and Hai Yang


Do different datasets tell the same story about urban mobility — A comparative study of public transit and taxi usage, Xiaohu Zhang, Yang Xu, Wei Tu, and Carlo Ratti


Modeling and optimizing urban bus transit considering headway variation for cost and service reliability analysis, Liuhui Zhao, Steven I. Chien, Lazar N. Spasovic, and Xiaobo Liu


Analyzing Passenger Travel Demand Related to the Transportation Hub inside a City Area using Mobile Phone Data, Gang Zhong, Jian Zhang, Linchao Li, Xiaoxuan Chen, Fan Yang, and Bin Ran


Demand-Driven Transfer Coordination of Last Trains in Metro Network, Feng Zhou, Yanan Li, and Ruihua Xu

Submissions from 2017


Exogenous priority rules for the capacitated passenger assignment problem, Stefan Binder, Yousef Maknoon, and Michel Bierlaire


Impacts of the economic crisis on household transport expenditure and public transport policy: Evidence from the Spanish case, Rocío Cascajo, Lourdes Diaz Olvera, Andrés Monzon, Didier Plat, and Jean-Baptiste Ray


Route effect on the perception of public transport services quality, Jorge Chica-Olmo, Héctor Gachs-Sánchez, and Carmen Lizarraga


Examining changes in travel patterns among lower wealth households after BRT investment in Bogotá, Colombia, Tabitha S. Combs


Cost and time damping: evidence from aggregate rail direct demand models, Andrew Daly, Nobuhiro Sanko, and Mark Wardman


Investigating Potential Transit Ridership by Fusing Smartcard and Global System for Mobile Communications Data, Karin de Regt, Oded Cats, Niels Van Oort, and Hans van Lint


Modeling the interaction between buses, passengers and cars on a bus route using a multi-agent system, Stavri Dimitrov, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, Subeh Chowdhury, and Mikaël Monot


Understanding the effects of economic crisis on public transport users’ satisfaction and demand, Dimitrios Efthymiou and Constantinos Antoniou


Flexing service schedules: Assessing the potential for demand-adaptive hybrid transit via a stated preference approach, Charlotte Frei, Michael Hyland, and Hani S. Mahmassani


Multiperiod-based timetable optimization for metro transit networks, Xin Guo, Huijun Sun, Jianjun Wu, Jiangang Jin, Jin Zhou, and Ziyou Gao


Timetable optimization models and methods for minimizing passenger waiting time at public transit terminals, Erfan Hassannayebi, Seyed Hessameddin Zegordi, Masoud Yaghini, and Mohammad Reza Amin-Naseri


Crowding cost estimation with large scale smart card and vehicle location data, Daniel Hörcher, Daniel J. Graham, and Richard J. Anderson


Estimating light-rail transit peak-hour boarding based on accessibility at station and route levels in Wuhan, China, Zhengdong Huang, Ming Zhang, and Xuejun Liu


Short-term forecasting of passenger demand under on-demand ride services: A spatio-temporal deep learning approach, Jintao Ke, Hongyu Zheng, Hai Yang, and Xiqun (Michael) Chen


An investigation of timed transfer coordination using event-based multi agent simulation, Le Minh Kieu, Ashish Bhaskar, Mario Cools, and Edward Chung


Variations in mode-specific valuations of travel time reliability and in-vehicle crowding: Implications for demand estimation, Hao Li, Kun Gao, and Huizhao Tu


Train unit scheduling guided by historic capacity provisions and passenger count surveys, Zhiyuan Lin, Eva Barrena, and Raymond S.K. Kwan


Integrated public transport timetable synchronization and vehicle scheduling with demand assignment: A bi-objective bi-level model using deficit function approach, Tao Liu and Avishai (Avi) Ceder


Forecasting short-term subway passenger flow under special events scenarios using multiscale radial basis function networks, Yang Li, Xudong Wang, Shuo Sun, Xiaolei Ma, and Guangquan Lu


Constructing Transit Origin–Destination Matrices with Spatial Clustering, Ding Luo, Oded Cats, and Hans van Lint


Comparing Automated Shared Taxis and Conventional Bus Transit for a Small City, Louis A. Merlin


Does the demand response to transit fare increases vary by income?, Caroline Miller and Ian Savage


Models for technology choice in a transit corridor with elastic demand, Luigi Moccia, Giovanni Giallombardo, and Gilbert Laporte


A Framework for Measuring the Spatial Equity in the Distribution of Public Transportation Benefits, Seyyed Amir Hosein Mortazavi and Meisam Akbarzadeh


On the factors affecting the choice of regional transit for commuting in Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area: Application of an advanced RP-SP choice model, Zohreh Rashedi, Mohamed Mahmoud, Sami Hasnine, and Khandker Nurul Habib


Estimating Fare Noninteraction and Evasion with Disaggregate Fare Transaction Data, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez


Customized bus service design for jointly optimizing passenger-to-vehicle assignment and vehicle routing, Lu (Carol) Tong, Leishan Zhou, Jiangtao Liu, and Xuesong Zhou


CPS Travel Training Evaluation Project, University of Illinois at Chicago


Passenger oriented railway disruption management by adapting timetables and rolling stock schedules, Lucas P. Veelenturf, Leo G. Kroon, and Gábor Maróti


Rolling stock rescheduling in passenger railway transportation using dead-heading trips and adjusted passenger demand, Joris Wagenaar, Leo Kroon, and Ioannis Fragkos


The relationship between transit rich neighborhoods and transit ridership: Evidence from the decentralization of poverty, Kyungsoon Wang and Myungje Woo


Effects of timetable related service quality on rail demand, Phill Wheat and Mark Wardman


Dynamic passenger demand oriented metro train scheduling with energy-efficiency and waiting time minimization: Mixed-integer linear programming approaches, Jiateng Yin, Lixing Yang, Tao Tang, Ziyou Gao, and Bin Ran


Analysing the spatial-temporal characteristics of bus travel demand using the heat map, Chang Yu and Zhao-Cheng He


Transit Trip Itinerary Inference with GTFS and Smartphone Data, Seyed . Amir H Zahabi, Ajang Ajzachi, and Zachary Patterson


Monitoring transit-served areas with smartcard data: A Brisbane case study, Jiangping Zhou, Neil Sipe, Zhenliang Ma, Derlie Mateo-Babiano, and Sébastien Darchen


Inferring left behind passengers in congested metro systems from automated data, Yiwen Zhu, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Nigel H.M. Wilson


A bi-level model for single-line rail timetable design with consideration of demand and capacity, Yuting Zhu, Baohua Mao, Yun Bai, and Shaokuan Chen

Submissions from 2016


Determinants of urban mobility in India: Lessons for promoting sustainable and inclusive urban transportation in developing countries, Sohail Ahmad and Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira


Two-phase stochastic program for transit network design under demand uncertainty, Kun An and Hong K. Lo


Evaluation of Horizontal Equity under a Distance-Based Transit Fare Structure, Milad Bandegani and Meisam Akbarzadeh


Estimation of urban bus transit marginal cost without cost data, Marco Batarce


Valuing crowding in public transport: Implications for cost-benefit analysis, Marco Batarce, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Juan de Dios Ortúzar


Capacity, information and minority games in public transport, P. C. Bouman, Leo Kroon, Peter Vervest, and Gábor Maróti


Improving the environmental performance of airport surface access in the UK: The role of public transport, Lucy Budd, Stephen Ison, and Thomas Budd


Public transport demand: dynamic panel model analysis, Manel Daldoul, Sami Jarboui, and Ahlem Dakhlaoui