Submissions from 2021
Transit OD matrix estimation using smartcard data: Recent developments and future research challenges, Etikaf Hussain, Ashish Bhaskar, and Edward Chung
Incorporating personalization and bounded rationality into stochastic transit assignment model, Yu Jiang and Avishai (Avi) Ceder
The role of coordination costs in mode choice decisions: A case study of German cities, Patrick Jochem, Christopher Lisson, and Arpita Asha Khanna
Prediction of electric bus energy consumption with stochastic speed profile generation modelling and data driven method based on real-world big data, Pengshun Li, Yuhang Zhang, Yi Zhang, and Kai Zhang
Integrated train dwell time regulation and train speed profile generation for automatic train operations on high-density metro lines: A distributed optimal control method, Shukai Li, Ronghui Liu, Ziyou Gao, and Lixing Yang
Robust optimal predictive control for real-time bus regulation strategy with passenger demand uncertainties in urban rapid transit, Qianqian Ma, Shukai Li, Huiming Zhang, Yin Yuan, and Lixing Yang
Risk of delay evaluation in real-time train scheduling with uncertain dwell times, Carlo Meloni, Marco Pranzo, and Marcella Samà
Predictive decision support platform and its application in crowding prediction and passenger information generation, Peyman Noursalehi, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Jinhua Zhao
Governance arrangements shaping driverless shuttles in public transport: The case of Barkarbystaden, Stockholm, Kelsey Oldbury and Karolina Isaksson
Impacts of real-time information levels in public transport: A large-scale case study using an adaptive passenger path choice model, Mads Paulsen, Thomas Kjær Rasmussen, and Otto Anker Nielsen
Operational analysis of an innovative semi-autonomous on-demand transportation system, Martin Repoux, Nikolas Geroliminis, and Mor Kaspi
People’s attitudes toward automated vehicle and transit integration: case study of small urban areas, Yu Song, Madhav V. Chitturi, Chris McCahill, and David A. Noyce
On the tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity in bus bunching prediction, Wenzhe Sun, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, and Toshiyuki Nakamura
Autonomous and conventional bus fleet optimization for fixed-route operations considering demand uncertainty, Qingyun Tian, Yun Hui Lin, and David Z.W. Wang
Providing real-time bus crowding information for passengers: A novel policy to promote high-frequency transit performance, Pengfei Wang, Xuewu Chen, Yue Zheng, Long Cheng, Yinhai Wang, and Da Lei
Analysis of waiting time perception of bus passengers provided with mobile service, Po-Chieh Wang, Yu-Ting Hsu, and Chia-Wei Hsu
A method of railway system safety analysis based on cusp catastrophe model, Yangpeng Wang, Shun Yee Micheal Liu, Lokhin Cho, Kangkuen Lee, and Hwayaw Tam
Real-time integrated train rescheduling and rolling stock circulation planning for a metro line under disruptions, Yihui Wang, Kangqi Zhao, Andrea D’Ariano, Ru Niu, Shukai Li, and Xiaojie Luan
Virtual Risk Assessment for the Deployment of Autonomous Shuttles, Patrick Weissensteiner, Georg Stettinger, Karin Tieber, and Karl Rehri
Asking the Wizard-of-Oz: How experiencing autonomous buses affects preferences towards their use for feeder trips in public transport, Jan Weschke, Francisco J. Bahamonde-Birke, Kay Gade, and Evanthia Kazagli
A modular, adaptive, and autonomous transit system (MAATS): A in-motion transfer strategy and performance evaluation in urban grid transit networks, Jiaming Wu, Balázs Kulcsár, Selpi, and Xiaobo Qu
Modeling bus bunching and anti-bunching control accounting for signal control and passenger swapping behavior, Qi Xin, Rui Fu, Shaowei Yu, Satish V. Ukkusuri, and Rui Jiang
Short-term origin-destination demand prediction in urban rail transit systems: A channel-wise attentive split-convolutional neural network method, Jinlei Zhang, Hongshu Che, Feng Chen, Wei Ma, and Zhengbing He
An agent-based model for real-time bus stop-skipping and holding schemes, Lele Zhang, Jiangyan Huang, Zhiyuan Liu, and Hai L. Vu
Passenger itinerary inference model for congested urban rail networks, Yiwen Zhu, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Nigel H.M. Wilson
Estimation and prediction of dynamic matrix travel on a public transport corridor using historical data and real-time information, Felipe Zúñiga, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Ricardo Giesen
Submissions from 2020
Mobility as a service and sustainable travel behaviour: A thematic analysis study, Elena Alyavina, Alexandros Nikitas, and Eric Tchouamou Njoya
Is the Transit Industry Prepared for the Cyber Revolution? Policy Recommendations to Enhance Surface Transit Cyber Preparedness, Scott Belcher, Terri Belcher, Eric Greenwald, and Brandon Thomas
An optimization-based speed-control method for high frequency buses serving curbside stops, Bomin Bian, Ning Zhu, Michael Pinedo, Shoufeng Ma, and Qinxiao Yu
An analytical model for controlling disruptions on a metro line, Carlos E. Bueno-Cadena, Juan Carlos Munoz, and Alejandro Tirachini
Learning and Adaptation in Dynamic Transit Assignment Models for Congested Networks, Oded Cats and Jens West
Route guidance ranking procedures with human perception consideration for personalized public transport service, Avishai (Avi) Ceder and Yu Jiang
Determinants of intention-to-use first-/last-mile automated bus service, Pei Nen Esther Chee, Yusak O. Susilo, and Yiik Diew Wong
How attractive is it to use the internet while commuting? A work-attitude-based segmentation of Northern California commuters, Sungtaek Choi and Patricia L. Mokhtarian
Bus travel time prediction: a log-normal auto-regressive (AR) modelling approach, B. Dhivya Bharathi, B. Anil Kumar, Avinash Achar, and Lelitha Vanajakshi
Comparison of management strategies for the charging schedule and all-electric operation of a plug-in hybrid-electric bi-articulated bus fleet, Dennis Dreier, Björn Rudin, and Mark Howells
Quantifying preference heterogeneity in transit service desired quality using a latent class choice model, Gamal Eldeeb and Moataz Mohamed
An activity chain optimization method with comparison of test cases for different transportation modes, Domokos Esztergár-Kiss, Zoltán Rózsa, and Tamás Tettamanti
Efficient monitoring of public transport journeys, Felix Gündling, Florian Hopp, and Karsten Weihe
Transitioning towards the deployment of line-based autonomous buses: Consequences for service frequency and vehicle capacity, Jonas Hatzenbühler, Oded Cats, and Erik Jenelius
Fog-based dynamic traffic light control system for improving public transport, Sakhawat Hossan and Naushin Nower
Coupling time-indexed and big-M formulations for real-time train scheduling during metro service disruptions, Yeran Huang, Carlo Mannino, Lixing Yang, and Tao Tang
Integrating demand forecasts into the operational strategies of shared automated vehicle mobility services: spatial resolution impacts, Michael Hyland, Florian Dandl, Klaus Bogenberger, and Hani Mahmassani
Characterizing co-modality in urban transit systems from a passengers’ perspective, Naima Islam, Md Abu Sufian Talukder, Alex Hainen, and Travis Atkison
Personalized predictive public transport crowding information with automated data sources, Erik Jenelius
Analysis of global positioning system based bus travel time data and its use for advanced public transportation system applications, Abdhul Khadhir, B. Anil Kumar, and Lelitha Devi Vanajakshi
Automated Train Identification and Train Position Monitoring at New York City Transit, Shay Lehmann, Alla Reddy, Chan Samsundar, and Tuan Huynh
Evaluating impacts of intelligent transit priority on intersection energy and emissions, Haofei Liu, Yi Zhang, Yi Zhang, and Kai Zhang
Does real-time transit information reduce waiting time? An empirical analysis, Luyu Liu and Harvey J. Miller
Using Deficit Function to Determine the Minimum Fleet Size of an Autonomous Modular Public Transit System, Tao Liu, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, and Andreas Rau
Shortest hyperpaths in a multimodal hypergraph with real-time information on some transit lines, David López and Angélica Lozano
A stochastic model for bus injection in an unscheduled public transport service, Diego Morales, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Pedro Gazmuri
Data-driven planning of reliable itineraries in multi-modal transit networks, Michael Redmond, Ann Melissa Campbell, and Jane Fabian Ehmke
Test-riding the driverless bus: Determinants of satisfaction and reuse intention in eight test-track locations, Jordi Rosell and Jaime Allen
Reliable corridor level travel time estimation using probe vehicle data, Rahul Sakhare and Lelitha Vanajakshi
Investigating the influence of latent lifestyles on productive travels: Insights into designing autonomous transit system, Ali Shamshiripour, Ehsan Rahimi, Abolfazl (Kouros) Mohammadian, and Joshua Auld
Estimation of left behind subway passengers through archived data and video image processing, Charalampos Sipetas, Andronikos Keklikoglou, and Eric J. Gonzales
Economic assessment of a Dynamic Autonomous Road Transit system for Singapore, Shanshan Sun, Yiik Diew Wong, and Andreas Rau
New IDEAs for Rail Safety: Annual Report of the Rail Safety IDEA Program, Transportation Research Board
New IDEAS for Transit: Transit IDEA Program Annual Report, Transportation Research Board
Designing and Implementing Real-Time Bus Time Predictions using Artificial Intelligence, Benny Wai and Winston Zhou
Tackling SOC long-term dynamic for energy management of hybrid electric buses via adaptive policy optimization, Hailong Zhang, Jiankun Peng, Huachun Tan, Hanxuan Dong, Fan Ding, and Bin Ran
Evaluating the Emission and Energy Impacts of Automated Buses on Urban Expressways, Yixin Zhang, Xumei Chen, and Lei Yu
Velocity prediction and profile optimization based real-time energy management strategy for Plug-in hybrid electric buses, Zhendong Zhang, Hongwen He, Jinquan Guo, and Ruoyan Han
Modular transit: Using autonomy and modularity to improve performance in public transportation, Zhenhao Zhang, Amirmahdi Tafreshian, and Neda Masoud
Submissions from 2019
Introducing autonomous buses and taxis: Quantifying the potential benefits in Japanese transportation systems, Ryosuke Abe
The future security of travel by public transport: A review of evidence, Mark Beecroft
A literature review of the passenger benefits of real-time transit information, Candace Brakewood and Kari Watkins
Autonomous shuttle bus service timetabling and vehicle scheduling using skip-stop tactic, Zhichao Cao and Avishai (Avi) Ceder
Real-time schedule adjustments for autonomous public transport vehicles, Zhichao Cao, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, and Silin Zhang
User perception of transfers in multimodal urban trips: A qualitative study, Rocio Cascajo, Elena Lopez, Fernando Herrero, and Andres Monzon
Public transportation and the spatial inequality of urban park accessibility: New evidence from Hong Kong, Zheng Chang, Jiayu Chen, Weifeng Li, and Xin Li
Assigning Bus Delay and Predicting Travel Times using Automated Vehicle Location Data, Christy Coghlan, Sina Dabiri, Brian Mayer, Mitch Wagner, Eric Williamson, Michael Eichler, and Naren Ramakrishnan
Methods for quantitative assessment of passenger flow influence on train dwell time in dense traffic areas, Sélim Cornet, Christine Buisson, François Ramond, Paul Bouvarel, and Joaquin Rodriguez
Behavioural advertising in the public transit network, Hamed Faroqi, Mahmoud Mesbah, and Jiwon Kim
Reconciling transfer synchronization and service regularity: real-time control strategies using passenger data, Alexandra Gavriilidou and Oded Cats
Location Aware Networks Optimizing Use of Transit Systems by Blind Travelers, Yariv Glazer and Robert Shawn Wall Emerson
Sequence to sequence learning with attention mechanism for short-term passenger flow prediction in large-scale metro system, Siyu Hao, Der-Horng Lee, and De Zhao
Transport mode detection based on mobile phone network data: A systematic review, Haosheng Huang, Yi Cheng, and Robert Weibel
Early Warning Mechanism for the Surge of Passengers in Metro Systems Based on Automated Fare Collection Data: Case Study of Guangzhou, China, Ning Huan, Enjian Yao, and Binbin Li
Exploring the potential of using real-time traveler data in public transport disturbance management, Åse Jevinger and Jan A. Persson
An online shortest path algorithm for reliable routing in schedule-based transit networks considering transfer failure probability, Alireza Khani
More than travel time: New accessibility index capturing the connectivity of transit services, Junghwan Kim and Bumsoo Lee
Real time bus travel time prediction using k-NN classifier, B. Anil Kumar, R. Jairam, Shriniwas S. Arkatkar, and Lelitha Vanajakshi
Multiline holding based control for lines merging to a shared transit corridor, Georgios Laskaris, Oded Cats, Erik Jenelius, Marco Rinaldi, and Francesco Viti
Demonstrating Transit Schedule Benefits with a Dedicated Short-Range Communication-Based Connected Vehicle System, Blaine D. Leonard, Jamie Mackey, Michael Sheffield, David Bassett, Shawn Larson, and Ivan Hooper
Robust dynamic bus controls considering delay disturbances and passenger demand uncertainty, Shukai Li, Ronghui Liu, Lixing Yang, and Ziyou Gao
Considerations for Evaluating Automated Transit Bus Programs, Joseph Luna, Elizabeth Machek, and Sean Peirce
Dynamic bus dispatching using multiple types of real-time information, Xinggang Luo, Yingxin Liu, Yang Yu, Jiafu Tang, and Wei Li
Bus travel time prediction with real-time traffic information, Jiaman Ma, Jeffrey Chan, Goce Ristanoski, Sutharshan Rajasegarar, and Christopher Leckie
Optimization-based operations control for public transportation service with transfers, Hend Manasra and Tomer Toledo
Automated Vehicles Have Arrived: What's a Transit Agency to Do?, John Nile
Recommendation of feeder bus routes using neural network embedding-based optimization, Chung Park, Jungpyo Lee, and So Young Sohn
Real-Time Optimal Scheduling Model for Transit System with Flexible Bus Line Length, Mingyang Pei, Peiqun Lin, and Junfeng Ou
Travel Time Reliability Measures Accommodating Scheduling Preferences of Travelers, Mojtaba Rajabi-Bahaabadi, Afshin Shariat-Mohaymany, and Shu Yang
Bus Arrival Time Modeling Based on Auckland Data, Prakash Ranjitkar, Li-Sian Tey, Enakshi Chakravorty, and Kirsten L. Hurley
Obtaining transit information from users of a collaborative transit app: Platform-based and individual-related motivators, Rumana Islam Sarker, Sigal Kaplan, Marie Karen Anderson, Sonja Haustein, Markus Mailer, and Harry J.P. Timmermans
Integrating Lagrangian and Eulerian observations for passenger flow state estimation in an urban rail transit network: A space-time-state hyper network-based assignment approach, Pan Shang, Ruimin Li, Jifu Guo, Kai Xian, and Xuesong Zhou
Increasing Access to Transit: Localized Mobile Information, Aaron Steinfeld, Leslie Bloomfield, Sarah Amick, Yun Huang, Will Odom, Qian Yang, and John Zimmerman