Submissions from 2019
New IDEAs for Rail Safety: Annual Report of the Rail Safety IDEA Program, Transportation Research Board
New IDEAS for Transit: Transit IDEA Program Annual Report, Transportation Research Board
Connected Vehicle (CV) Infrastructure – Urban Bus Operational Safety Platform Project Report, Dave Valentine, Anthony Polinori, Matt Windholtz, Bill Gibbs, Dave Neumeister, Greg Baumgarden, and Ben Paselsky
A data-driven hybrid control framework to improve transit performance, Wensi Wang, Jiaming Liu, Baozhen Yao, Yonglei Jiang, Yunpeng Wang, and Bin Yu
Real-time short turning strategy based on passenger choice behavior, Wensi Wang, Zhihui Tian, Kewang Li, and Bin Yu
How technology commitment affects mode choice for a self-driving shuttle service, Michael Wicki, Sergio Guidon, Felix Becker, Kay Axhausen, and Thomas Bernauer
Where shall we sync? Clustering passenger flows to identify urban public transport hubs and their key synchronization priorities, Menno Yap, Ding Luo, Oded Cats, Niels van Oort, and Serge Hoogendoorn
Submissions from 2018
The role and potential of automatic certification to improve the validation of AVM operated public transport services, Giorgio Ambrosino, Claudio Disperati, Saverio Gini, and Lorenzo Mussone
Closing the Loop: Improving Transit through Crowdsourced Information, Sean J. Barbeau
Translating research to practice: Implementing real-time control on high-frequency transit routes, Simon J. Berrebi, Sean Óg Crudden, and Kari E. Watkins
Can Public Transportation Compete with Automated and Connected Cars?, Ralph Buehler
Impact assessment of the Internet of Things on feeder transit performance, Shailesh Chandra, R. Thirumaleswara Naik, and Luana Galbeno
Examining the Provision of Railway Transit Information to Foreign Visitors in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and Strategies for Improvement, Xiao Yun Chang, Yoshiki Ikeda, Sohei Tsujimura, and Kiyoshi Sakamoto
Automated real-time railway traffic control: an experimental analysis of reliability, resilience and robustness, Francesco Corman, Egidio Quaglietta, and Rob M.P. Goverde
Measuring the Effectiveness of a Transit Agency’s Social Media Engagement with Travelers, Joanne Douglass, Dilum Dissanayake, Benjamin Coifman, Weijia Chen, and Fazilatulaili Ali
Improving High-Frequency Transit Performance through Headway-Based Dispatching: Development and Implementation of a Real-Time Decision-Support System on a Multi-Branch Light Rail Line, Joshua J. Fabian, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez, and John P. Attanucci
Modeling the effects of real time traffic information on travel behavior: A case study of Istanbul Technical University, Ilgin Gokasar and Gozde Bakioglu
Moving Minds: The Next Generation of Real-Time Transit Information in San Francisco, Jason Lee, William Tyner, and Nealay Vasavda
Integration of real-time traffic management and train control for rail networks - Part 1: Optimization problems and solution approaches, Xiaojie Luan, Yihui Wang, Bart De Schutter, Lingyun Meng, Gabriel Lodewijks, and Francesco Corman
Not If, but When: Autonomous Driving and the Future of Transit, Jerome M. Lutin
Estimation of Passengers Left Behind by Trains in High-Frequency Transit Service Operating Near Capacity, Eli Miller, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez, and Neema Nassir
Comparison between ad-hoc demand responsive and conventional transit: a simulation study, Zahra Navidi, Nicole Ronald, and Stephan Winter
Coordinating assignment and routing decisions in transit vehicle schedules: A variable-splitting Lagrangian decomposition approach for solution symmetry breaking, Huimin Niu, Xuesong Zhou, and Xiaopeng Tian
Real time transit demand prediction capturing station interactions and impact of special events, Peyman Noursalehi, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Jinhua Zhao
A frequency based transit assignment model that considers online information, Nurit Oliker and Shlomo Bekhor
Trade-offs between headway, fare, and real-time bus information under different weather conditions, Md Matiur Rahman, Lina Kattan, and S. C. Wirasinghe
Analysis of bus travel time distributions for varying horizons and real-time applications, Md. Matiur Rahman, S. C. Wirasinghe, and Lina Kattan
Transit Information Utilization during an Extreme Weather Event: An Analysis of Smartphone App Data, Coline Remy, Candace Brakewood, Niloofar Ghahramani, Eun Jin Kwak, and Jonathan Peters
Passenger's subjective traffic safety, in-vehicle security and emergency management in the driverless shuttle bus in Finland, Arto O. Salonen
Improved Mobility through Blurred Lines, Carol Schweiger
Is It Time for a Public Transit Renaissance?: Navigating Travel Behavior, Technology, and Business Model Shifts in a Brave New World, Susan Shaheen and Adam Cohen
Bus quality improvements and local commuter mode share, Justin Tyndall
Considering a dynamic impact zone for real-time railway traffic management, Sofie Van Thielen, Francesco Corman, and Pieter Vansteenwegen
Provision of Bus Real-Time Information: Turning Passengers from Being Contributors of Headway Irregularity to Controllers, Pengfei Wang, Xuewu Chen, Wendong Chen, Long Cheng, and Da Lei
A Real-Time Service Management Decision Support System for Train Dispatching at New York City Transit, Daniel Wood, Timon Stasko, Lauren Tarte, Darian Jefferson, and Alla Reddy
Individual mobility prediction using transit smart card data, Zhan Zhao, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Jinhua Zhao
Submissions from 2017
Real-Time Bus-Holding Control Strategy to Reduce Passenger Waiting Time, Mohamadamin Asgharzadeh and Yousef Shafahi
Improving Access to Transit through Crowdsourced Information, Sean J. Barbeau
Comparing bus holding methods with and without real-time predictions, Simon J. Berrebi, Etienne Hans, Nicolas Chiabaut, Jorge A. Laval, Ludovic Leclercq, and Kari A. Watkins
A real-time conflict solution algorithm for the train rescheduling problem, Andrea Bettinelli, Alberto Santini, and Daniele Vigo
Recent success stories on integrated optimization of railway systems, Ralf Borndörfer, Torsten Klug, Leonardo Lamorgese, Carlo Mannino, Markus Reuther, and Thomas Schlechte
The San Francisco Travel Quality Study: tracking trials and tribulations of a transit taker, Andre Carrel, Raja Sengupta, and Joan L. Walker
Real-Time Estimation of Platform Crowding for New York City Subway: Case Study at Wall Street Station on No. 2 and No. 3 Lines in Financial District, Adam Caspari, Brian Levine, Jeffrey Hanft, and Alla Reddy
How can public transit get people out of their cars? An analysis of transit mode choice for commute trips in Los Angeles, Sandip Chakrabarti
Multi-objective optimal control formulations for bus service reliability with traffic signals, Andy H.F. Chow, Shuai Li, and Renxin Zhong
Investigating Potential Transit Ridership by Fusing Smartcard and Global System for Mobile Communications Data, Karin de Regt, Oded Cats, Niels Van Oort, and Hans van Lint
Simulation-Based Comparison of Holding Strategies for a Multibranch Light Rail Service, Joshua J. Fabian and Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez
Real-time automatic rescheduling strategy for an urban rail line by integrating the information of fault handling, Yuan Gao, Lixing Yang, and Ziyou Gao
Effects of a Public Real-Time Multi-Modal Transportation Information Display on Travel Behavior and Attitudes, Yanbo Ge, Parastoo Jabbari, Don MacKenzie, and Jiarui Tao
Railway disruption management challenges and possible solution directions, Nadjla Ghaemi, Oded Cats, and Rob M.P. Goverde
The role of information systems in non-routine transit use of university students: Evidence from Brazil and Denmark, Sigal Kaplan, Mayara Moraes Monteiro, Marie Karen Anderson, Otto Anker Nielsen, and Enilson Medeiros Dos Santos
A comparison of different configurations of a Centrally Guided Train Operation System in Dutch Railway Operations, Ramon M. Lentink, Dick Middelkoop, and Douwe de Vries
Real-Time Public Transport Operations: Library of Control Strategies, Mahmood Mahmoodi Nesheli and Avishai (Avi) Ceder
Public transport service-quality elements based on real-time operational tactics, Mahmood Mahmoodi Nesheli, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, and Robin Brissaud
Environmental impacts of public transport systems using real-time control method, Mahmood Mahmoodi Nesheli, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, Farzan Ghavamirad, and Scott Thacker
Decision-Making Framework to Allocate Real-Time Passenger Information Signs at Bus Stops: Model Application in Athens, Greece, Styliani Papagianni, Christina Iliopoulou, Konstantinos Kepaptsoglou, and Antony Stathopoulos
A framework for joint modelling of activity choice, duration, and productivity while travelling, Jacek Pawlak, John W. Polak, and Aruna Sivakumar
PANDA: a software tool for improved train dispatching with focus on passenger flows, Ralf Rückert, Martin Lemnian, Christoph Blendinger, Steffen Rechner, and Matthias Müller-Hannemann
On the tactical and operational train routing selection problem, Marcella Samà, Paola Pellegrini, Andrea D’Ariano, Joaquin Rodriguez, and Dario Pacciarelli
Schedule-free high-frequency transit operations, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez, Nigel H.M. Wilson, and Haris N. Koutsopoulos
The Future of Mobility, Tourism and Transport Forum
New IDEAS for Transit: Transit IDEA Program Annual Report, Transportation Research Board
Passenger oriented railway disruption management by adapting timetables and rolling stock schedules, Lucas P. Veelenturf, Leo G. Kroon, and Gábor Maróti
A heuristic for real-time crew rescheduling during small disruptions, Thijs Verhaegh, Dennis Huisman, Pieter-Jan Fioole, and Juan C. Vera
Constructing a routable retrospective transit timetable from a real-time vehicle location feed and GTFS, Nate Wessel, Jeff Allen, and Steven Farber
Research and development of automatic train operation for railway transportation systems: A survey, Jiateng Yin, Tao Tang, Lixing Yang, Jing Xun, Yeran Huang, and Ziyou Gao
Using survival models to estimate bus travel times and associated uncertainties, Zhengyao Yu, Jonathan S. Wood, and Vikash V. Gayah
Impact of real-time crowding information: a Stockholm metro pilot study, Yizhou Zhang, Erik Jenelius, and Karl Kottenhoff
Bus arrival time calculation model based on smart card data, Yuyang Zhou, Lin Yao, Yanyan Chen, Yi Gong, and Jianhui Lai
Submissions from 2016
Implementation of Smart Card Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) Technology in Small Transit Agencies for Standards Development, Walter E. Allen and Robert D. Murray
Enabling intermodal urban transport through complementary services: From Flexible Mobility Services to the Shared Use Mobility Agency: Workshop 4. Developing inter-modal transport systems, Giorgio Ambrosino, John D. Nelson, Marco Boero, and Irene Pettinelli
Gender-Based Analysis of Zones of Tolerance for Transit Service Quality Considering Intelligent Transportation Systems, Farzad Arabikhan, Maria Nadia Postorino, Ariane Dupont-Kieffer, and Alexander Gegov
Evaluating the added-value of online bus arrival prediction schemes, Oded Cats and Gerasimos Loutos
A new generation of buses to support more sustainable urban transport policies: A path towards “greener” awareness among bus stakeholders in Europe, Maria Vittoria Corazza, Umberto Guida, Antonio Musso, and Michele Tozzi
Integrating train scheduling and delay management in real-time railway traffic control, Francesco Corman, Andrea D’Ariano, Alessio D. Marra, Dario Pacciarelli, and Marcella Samà
Estimation of Origin and Destination Information from Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Sensing for Transit, Matthew Dunlap, Zhibin Li, Kristian Henrickson, and Yinhai Wang
Bus control strategies in corridors with signalized intersections, Miquel Estrada, Josep Mensión, Josep M. Aymamí, and Laura Torres
Estimation of Short-Term Bus Travel Time by Using Low-Resolution Automated Vehicle Location Data, Yashar Zeinali Farid, Eleni Christofa, and Laurel Paget-Seekins
Estimating Uncertainty of Bus Arrival Times and Passenger Occupancies, Vikash V. Gayah, Zhengyao Yu, and Jonathan S. Wood
Trends in Mobile Transit Information Utilization: An Exploratory Analysis of Transit App in New York City, Niloofar Ghahramani and Candace Brakewood
The role of real- time crowdsourced information and technology in supporting traveller information and network efficiency June 2016, Dale Harris, Dave Smith, Carl O’Neil, and Jeremy Severinsen
Transit signal priority accommodating conflicting requests under Connected Vehicles technology, Jia Hu, Byungkyu Brian Park, and Young-Jae Lee
Real-time prediction of bus travel speeds using traffic shockwaves and machine learning algorithms, Nikolas Julio, Ricardo Giesen, and Pedro Lizana
Changing times – A decade of empirical insight into the experience of rail passengers in Great Britain, Glenn Lyons, Juliet Jain, and Iain Weir
Use of Real-Time Operational Tactics to Synchronize Transfers in Headway-Based Public Transport Service, Mahmood Mahmoodi Nesheli and Avishai (Avi) Ceder
Public transport user's perception and decision assessment using tactic-based guidelines, Mahmood Mahmoodi Nesheli, Avishai (Avi) Ceder, and Simon Estines
Advanced public transport and intelligent transport systems: new modelling challenges, Agostino Nuzzolo and Antonio Comi
Exploring the rural passenger experience, information needs and decision making during public transport disruption, Konstantinos Papangelis, Nagendra R. Velaga, Fiona Ashmore, Somayajulu Sripada, John D. Nelson, and Mark Beecroft
Can Multimodal Real-Time Information Systems Induce a More Sustainable Mobility?, Cristina Pronello, José Veiga-Simão, and Valentina Rappazzo
The effect of time interval of bus location data on real-time bus arrival estimations, Md Matiur Rahman, S. C. Wirasinghe, and Lina Kattan
Real-time holding control for high-frequency transit with dynamics, Gabriel E. Sánchez-Martínez, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Nigel H.M. Wilson
Evaluation of GPS-Based Transit Signal Priority for Mixed-Traffic Bus Rapid Transit, Yu Song, Milan Zlatkovic, and Richard J. Porter
Onboard Camera Applications for Buses, Barbara Thomson, Iliana Matos, and Joseph Previdi
Intelligent Transportation Systems: Urban and Rural Transit Providers Reported Benefits but Face Deployment Challenges, U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Customer satisfaction with bus rapid transit: a study of New York City select bus service applying structural equation modeling, Dan Wan, Camille Kamga, Wei Hao, Aaron Sugiura, and Eric B. Beaton
Research Pays Off Assessing the Impacts of Real-Time Transit Information, Kari Edison Watkins and Candace Brakewood
Optimization Model for Transit Signal Priority Under Conflicting Priority Requests, Mingtao Xu, Zhirui Ye, Huaqiang Sun, and Wei Wang
Headway-based bus bunching prediction using transit smart card data, Haiyang Yu, Dongwei Chen, Zhihai Wu, Xiaolei Ma, and Yunpeng Wang
Modeling railway disruption lengths with Copula Bayesian Networks, Aurelius A. Zilko, Dorota Kurowicka, and Rob M.P. Goverde
Submissions from 2015
An integrated real-time traffic signal system for transit signal priority, incident detection and congestion management, F. Ahmed and Y. E. Hawas