
Submissions from 2024


Extended review of multi-agent solutions to Advanced Public Transportation Systems challenges, Flavien Balbo, René Mandiau, and Mahdi Zargayouna


Enhancing rail safety through real-time defect detection: A novel lightweight network approach, Yuan Cao, Yue Liu, Yongkui Sun, Shuai Su, and Feng Wang


Adaptive scheduling of mixed bus services with flexible fleet size assignment under demand uncertainty, Andy H.F. Chow, Guang-yu Li, and Cheng-shuo Ying


ChatGPT for GTFS: benchmarking LLMs on GTFS semantics... and retrieval, Saipraneeth Devunuri, Shirin Qiam, and Lewis J. Lehe


Improving bus arrival time predictors using only public transport API data, Carlos García-Mauriño, Pedro J. Zufiria, and Alejandro Jarabo-Peñas


Line-Specific Energy Modeling Framework for Urban Rail Transit Systems: A Case Study of Boston, Zhuo Han, Eric Gonzales, Eleni Christofa, and Jimi Oke


Data-Driven Multi-Criteria Assessment Framework for Analyzing the Reliability of Bus Services, Erfan Hassannayebi, Hossein Hashemi, Mohadese Basirati, Saeid Saidi, and Amirmohammad Ebrahimi


Artificial intelligence for improving public transport: a mapping study, Å. Jevinger, C. Zhao, J. A. Persson, and P. Davidsson


Feasibility study on commercial deployment of automated public transport vehicles in New Zealand, J. Khoo, G. Nates, J. Hafoka, A. Weerappulige, S. Hewett, and M. Gregorevic


An adaptive route choice model for integrated fixed and flexible transit systems, David Leffler, Wilco Burghout, Oded Cats, and Erik Jenelius


Real-time train regulation in the metro system with energy storage devices: An efficient decomposition algorithm with bound contraction, Shukai Li, Yin Yuan, Zebin Chen, Lixing Yang, and Chengpu Yu


Measuring the impacts of disruptions on public transit accessibility and reliability, Luyu Liu, Adam Porr, and Harvey J. Miller


Towards real-time condition monitoring of a transition zone in a railway structure using fibre Bragg grating sensors, Kourosh Nasrollahi, Jelke Dijkstra, and Jens C.O. Nielsen


Framework for the Analysis and Enhancement of the Accessibility of Large-Scale Urban Transit Networks: A Data-Driven Study for the City of Lyon, France, Simon Senegas, Angelo Furno, Paola Palmas, and Jérémie Simon


Trajectory planning at a signalized road section in a mixed traffic environment considering lane-changing of CAVs and stochasticity of HDVs, Ying Shang, Feng Zhu, Rui Jiang, Xingang Li, and Shupei Wang


Real-time railway traffic management under moving-block signalling: A literature review and research agenda, Nina D. Versluis, Egidio Quaglietta, Rob M.P. Goverde, Paola Pellegrini, and Joaquin Rodriguez


Parameter Adaptive Research of Automatic Train Control Algorithm Based on Sliding Mode PID, Ziwei Wang and Dongxiu Ou


Exploring the drivers of experiential outcome intentions among driverless bus passengers, Hung Che Wu, Sharleen X. Chen, and Tsung Pao Wu


Improving passenger travel efficiency through a dynamic autonomous non-stop rail transit system, Pei-Yang Wu, Ren-Yong Guo, Zhiyuan Lin, Ronghui Liu, and Pu Xu


Design and analysis of ride-sourcing services with auxiliary autonomous vehicles for transportation hubs in multi-modal transportation systems, Meng Xu, Yining Di, Zheng Zhu, Hai Yang, and Xiqun Chen


Adaptive rescheduling of rail transit services with short-turnings under disruptions via a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning approach, Chengshuo Ying, Andy H.F. Chow, Yimo Yan, Yong-Hong Kuo, and Shouyang Wang


Two-stage control for transfer synchronisation and regularity of subsequent bus line service, Hu Zhang, Shidong Liang, Shengxue He, Pengcheng Yuan, and Jing Zhao


Improving robustness of large-scale bus transit networks against cascading failures: A preventive control or an emergency control?, Lin Zhang, Min Xu, and Shuaian Wang


Eco-driving strategy for connected electric buses at the signalized intersection with a station, Yali Zhang, Rui Fu, Yingshi Guo, and Wei Yuan


Distributed virtual formation control for railway trains with nonlinear dynamics and collision avoidance constraints, Yiwen Zhang, Shukai Li, Zebin Chen, Chengpu Yu, and Lixing Yang


Real-time prediction of transit origin–destination flows during underground incidents, Linmu Zou, Zijia Wang, and Rui Guo

Submissions from 2023


Analysing the acceptance of autonomous buses in real-life traffic environments: pilot project with tourists in Malaga, Spain, Amor Ariza-Álvarez, M. Eugenia López-Lambas, and Julio A. Soria-Lara


Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction Using a Bus Network Graph Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network Model, Asiye Baghbani, Nizar Bouguila, and Zachary Patterson


Real-time cruising speed design approach for multiline bus systems, Bomin Bian, Ning Zhu, and Qiang Meng


Deep learning method for risk identification of autonomous bus operation considering image data augmentation strategies, Sijie Cheng and Jiangfeng Wang


Hierarchical optimal control framework to automatic train regulation combined with energy-efficient speed trajectory calculation in metro lines, Zebin Chen, Shukai Li, and Lixing Yang


Distributed model predictive control for real-time train regulation of metro line based on Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, Zebin Chen, Shukai Li, Huimin Zhang, Yanhui Wang, and Lixing Yang


Framework for Connected and Automated Bus Rapid Transit with Sectionalized Speed Guidance based on deep reinforcement learning: Field test in Sejong City, Seongjin Choi, Donghoun Lee, Sari Kim, and Sehyun Tak


Priority-Based Traffic Signal Coordination System With Multi-Modal Priority and Vehicle Actuation in a Connected Vehicle Environment, Debashis Das, Niraj Vasant Altekar, and K. Larry Head


Should I stay or should I board? Willingness to wait with real-time crowding information in urban public transport, Arkadiusz Drabicki, Oded Cats, Rafał Kucharski, Achille Fonzone, and Andrzej Szarata


Mitigating bus bunching with real-time crowding information, Arkadiusz Drabicki, Rafał Kucharski, and Oded Cats


Combined Effect of Changes in Transit Service and Changes in Occupancy on Per-Passenger Energy Consumption, Huiying Fan, Hongyu Lu, Ziyi Dai, Reid Passmore, Angshuman Guin, Kari Watkins, and Randall Guensler


Advanced rail transportation infrastructure as the basis of improved urban mobility: research into Sydney as a smart city, Koorosh Gharehbaghi, Kerry McManus, Neville Hurst, Kathryn Robson, Francesca Pagliara, and Chris Eves


A review of public transport transfer synchronisation at the real-time control phase, Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis, Oded Cats, and Tao Liu


Modular vehicle routing for combined passenger and freight transport, Jonas Hatzenbühler, Erik Jenelius, Gyözö Gidófalvi, and Oded Cats


Trip-based mobile sensor deployment for drive-by sensing with bus fleets, Wen Ji, Ke Han, and Tao Liu


What do riders say and where? The detection and analysis of eyewitness transit tweets, O. Kabbani, W. Klumpenhouwer, T. El-Diraby, and Amer Shalaby


Application of modular vehicle technology to mitigate bus bunching, Zaid Saeed Khan, Weili He, and Mónica Menéndez


Integrated design framework for on-demand transit system based on spatiotemporal mobility patterns, Jeongyun Kim, Sehyun Tak, Jinwoo Lee, and Hwasoo Yeo


Breaking down public transit travel time for more accurate transport equity policies: A trip component approach, Ugo Lachapelle and Geneviève Boisjoly


Disparities in public transit accessibility and usage by people with mobility disabilities: An evaluation using high-resolution transit data, Luyu Liu, Armita Kar, Ahmad Ilderim Tokey, Huyen T.K. Le, and Harvey J. Miller


Passenger Flow Detection in Subway Stations Based on Improved You Only Look Once Algorithm, Xianwang Li, Yuxiang Zhang, Deqiang He, Xiaoliang Teng, Bin Liu, and Yanjun Chen


Literature Review on Problem Models and Solution Approaches for Managing Real-Time Passenger Train Operations: The Perspective of Train Operating Companies, Luis Marques, Sergio Moro, and Pedro Ramos


Understanding what elements influence a bus driver to use headway regularity tools: case study of Santiago public transit system, Yerly Martínez-Estupiñan, Felipe Delgado, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Kari E. Watkins


Influence of real and video-based experiences on stated acceptance of connected public transportation and autonomous vehicles in a transit mall: A hybrid choice modeling approach, Hyewon Namgung, Makoto Chikaraishi, and Akimasa Fujiwara


Optimizing Integrated All-Stop, Express, and Short-Turn Services on a Metro Line with Capacity Constraint Considering Passenger Spatio-Temporal Path Choice, Hezhou Qu, Ziyi Wang, and Xiaobo Liu


On the Attitudes Toward Automation in Determining the Intention to Use Automated Buses in Scotland, Anshamol Nanethan Rahim, Achille Fonzone, Grigorios Fountas, and Lucy Downey


Fixed routing or demand-responsive? Agent-based modelling of autonomous first and last mile services in light-rail systems, Jeppe Rich, Ravi Seshadri, Ali Jamal Jomeh, and Sofus Rasmus Clausen


Cooperative bus holding and stop-skipping: A deep reinforcement learning framework, Joseph Rodriguez, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, Shenhao Wang, and Jinhua Zhao


A supervised machine learning model for imputing missing boarding stops in smart card data, Nadav Shalit, Michael Fire, and Eran Ben-Elia


The association between transit accessibility and space-time flexibility of shopping travel: On the moderating role of ICT use, Rui Shao, Ben Derudder, Yongchun Yang, and Frank Witlox


Change in departure time for a train trip to avoid crowding during the COVID-19 pandemic: A latent class study in the Netherlands, Jyotsna Singh, Gonçalo Homem de Almeida Correia, Bert van Wee, and Natalia Barbour


Crowdsourcing, digital co-production and collaborative governance for modernizing local public transport services: The exemplar of General Santos City, Philippines, Noriel Christopher C. Tiglao, Anne Clarice L. Ng, Mark Angelo Y. Tacderas, and Niki Jon Y. Tolentino


Analyzing factors contributing to real-time train arrival delays using seemingly unrelated regression models, Kah Yong Tiong, Zhenliang Ma, and Carl-William Palmqvist


A simulation-based metro train scheduling optimization incorporating multimodal coordination and flexible routing plans, Xingrong Wang, Ying Lv, Huijun Sun, Guangtong Xu, Yunchao Qu, and Jianjun Wu


Cooperative train control during the power supply shortage in metro system: A multi-agent reinforcement learning approach, Xuekai Wang, Andrea D'Ariano, Shuai Su, and Tao Tang


Development and Evaluation of Connected-Vehicle-Enabled Optimal Dynamic Path Planning with Bus Stops, Hao Yang and Kentaro Oguchi


Trip planning for a mobility-as-a-service system: Integrating metros and shared autonomous vehicles, Shuang Yang, Jianjun Wu, Huijun Sun, and Yunchao Qu


Clustering-Based Travel Pattern for Individual Travel Prediction of Frequent Passengers by Using Transit Smart Card, Pengyao Ye and Yiqing Ma


A theoretical investigation of user acceptance of autonomous public transport, Kum Fai Yuen, Ling Qian Choo, Xue Li, Yiik Diew Wong, Fei Ma, and Xueqin Wang


Decentralized motion planning for intelligent bus platoon based on hierarchical optimization framework, Lingli Yu, Keyi Li, Zongxu Kuang, and Zhengjiu Wang

Submissions from 2022


Predicting public transit arrival: A nonlinear approach, Avinash Achar, Akshaya Natarajan, Rohith Regikumar, and B. Anill Kumar


Measurement and classification of transit delays using GTFS-RT data, Zack Aemmer, Andisheh Ranjbari, and Don MacKenzie


Will leisure trips be more affected than work trips by autonomous technology? Modelling self-driving public transport and cars in Stockholm, Sweden, Erik Almlöf, Mikael Nybacka, Anna Pernestål, and Erik Jenelius


Mapping of bus travel time to traffic stream travel time using econometric modeling, Sharmili Banik, Lelitha Vanajakshi, and Darcy M. Bullock


Network-level control of heterogeneous automated traffic guaranteeing bus priority, Xiangdong Chen, Xi Lin, Meng Li, and Fang He


Real-time train motion parameter estimation using an Unscented Kalman Filter, Alex Cunillera, Nikola Bešinović, Niels van Oort, and Rob M.P. Goverde


Conditional Transit Signal Priority for Connected Transit Vehicles, Zorica Cvijovic, Milan Zlatkovic, Aleksandar Stevanovic, and Yu Song


The case for ‘public’ transport in the age of automated mobility, Iain Docherty, John Stone, Carey Curtis, Claus Hedegaard Sørensen, Alexander Paulsson, Crystal Legacy, and Greg Marsden


Consumers oriented investments in transit service quality improvements: The best bang for your buck, Gamal Eldeep and Moataz Mohamed


Analyzing public transport in the city of Buenos Aires with MobilityDB, Juan Godfrid, Pablo Radnic, Alejandro Vaisman, and Esteban Zimányi


Impacts of Pokémon GO on route and mode choice decisions: exploring the potential for integrating augmented reality, gamification, and social components in mobile apps to influence travel decisions, Yuntao Guo, Srinivas Peeta, Shubham Agrawal, and Irina Benedyk


Network design for line-based autonomous bus services, Jonas Hatzenbühler, Oded Cats, and Erik Jenelius


Spatial analysis of bus rapid transit actual operating conditions: the case of Hangzhou City, China, Dongxu Liu, Chenxin Zhao, Hongzhao Dong, and Zhi Huang


Impacts of autonomous on-demand mobility service: A simulation experiment in the City of Athens, Vasileios Mourtakos, Maria G. Oikonomou, Pantelis Kopelias, Eleni I. Vlahogianni, and George Yannis


Research on run-time risk evaluation method based on operating scenario data for autonomous train, Ru Niu and Sifan You


Modeling the effect of real-time crowding information (RTCI) on passenger distribution in trains, Soumela Peftitsi, Erik Jenelius, and Oded Cats


Potential demand for bus commuting trips in metropolitan corridors through the use of real-time information tools, Carlos Romero, Andrés Monzón, Andrea Alonso, and Raky Julio


Optimization of service frequency and vehicle size for automated bus systems with crowding externalities and travel time stochasticity, Mohammad Sadrani, Alejandro Tirachini, and Constantinos Antoniou


A simulation-optimization framework for traffic disturbance recovery in metro systems, M. L. Tessitore, M. Samà, A. D’Ariano, L. Hélouet, and D. Pacciarelli


An analytical approach to real-time bus signal priority system for isolated intersections, Bilal Thonnam Thodi, Bhargava Rama Chilukuri, and Lelitha Vanajakshi


Non-Symmetric Spatial-Temporal Network for Bus Origin–Destination Demand Prediction, Liqin Wang, Yongfeng Dong, Yizheng Wang, and Peng Wang


Assessment of architectures for Automatic Train Operation driving functions, Ziyulong Wang, Egidio Quaglietta, Maarten G.P. Bartholomeus, and Rob M. P. Goverde


Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of a Cooperative Dynamic Bus Lane System With Connected Vehicles, Meng Xie, Michael Winsor, Tao Ma, Andreas Rau, Fritz Busch, and Constantinos Antoniou


Continuance intention of autonomous buses: An empirical analysis based on passenger experience, Yingying Yan, Shiquan Zhong, Junfang Tian, and Tong Li


Real-time optimization of train regulation and passenger flow control for urban rail transit network under frequent disturbances, Yin Yuan, Shukai Li, Lixing Yang, and Ziyou Gao


A novel control strategy in mitigating bus bunching: Utilizing real-time information, Chang Zhou, Qiong Tian, and David Z.W. Wang

Submissions from 2021


Resiliency of on-demand multimodal transit systems during a pandemic, Ramon Auad, Kevin Dalmeijer, Connor Riley, Tejas Santanam, Anthony Trasatti, Pascal Van Hentenryck, and Hanyu Zhang


Using Real-Time Data to Detect Delays and Improve Customer Communications at New York City Transit, Adam Caspari, Daniel Wood, Angel Campbell, Darian Jefferson, Tuan Huynh, and Alla Reddy


Adaptive signal control for bus service reliability with connected vehicle technology via reinforcement learning, Andy H.F. Chow, Z. C. Su, E. M. Liang, and R. X. Zhong


Handbook of Public Transport Research, Graham Currie


Modelling the effects of real-time crowding information in urban public transport systems, Arkadiusz Drabicki, Rafał Kucharski, Oded Cats, and Andrzej Szarata


Medium-term public transit route ridership forecasting: What, how and why? A case study in Lyon, Oscar Egu and Patrick Bonnel


Bus rescheduling in rolling horizons for regularity-based services, Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis


Improving the performance of first- and last-mile mobility services through transit coordination, real-time demand prediction, advanced reservations, and trip prioritization, Rick Grahn, Sean Qian, and Chris Hendrickson