
Submissions from 2021


Do millennials value travel time differently because of productive multitasking? A revealed-preference study of Northern California commuters, Aliaksandra Malokin, Giovanni Circella, and Patricia L. Mokhtarian


Evaluation of climate change resilience for Boston’s rail rapid transit network, Michael V. Martello, Andrew J. Whittle, Jesse M. Keenan, and Frederick P. Salvucci


Dissonance and commute satisfaction: Which reference point to use?, Tai-Yu Ma, Veronique Van Acker, Sébastien Lord, and Philippe Gerber


Measuring Benefits of Rural and Small Urban Transit in Greater Minnesota, Jeremy Mattson and Del Peterson


Microtransit Has the Potential to Flip Transit on Its Head, Jerome Mayaud, Francesca Ward, and Josh Andrews


The relationship between ridehailing and public transit in Chicago: A comparison before and after COVID-19, Patrick Meredith-Karam, Hui Kong, Shenhao Wang, and Jinhua Zhao


Influences on transit ridership and transit accessibility in US urban areas, Louis A. Merlin, Matan Singer, and Jonathan Levine


Toward user-oriented asset management for urban railway systems, Alireza Mohammadi and Tamer El-Diraby


Influence of Rail Transit on Development Patterns in the Mountain Mega-Region with a Surprise and Implications for Rail Transit and Land-Use Planning, Arthur C. Nelson and Robert Hibberd


The effects of ride-hailing services on bus ridership in a medium-sized urban area using micro-level data: Evidence from the Lane Transit District, Nicole S. Ngo, Thomas Götschi, and Benjamin Y. Clark


Public transit use in the United States in the era of COVID-19: Transit riders’ travel behavior in the COVID-19 impact and recovery period, Madeleine E.G. Parker, Meiqing Li, Mohamed Amine Bouzaghrane, Hassan Obeid, Drake Hayes, Karen Trapenberg Frick, Daniel A. Rodríguez, Raja Sengupta, Joan Walker, and Daniel G. Chatman


First-/last-mile experience matters: The influence of the built environment on satisfaction and loyalty among public transit riders, Keunhyun Park, Anna Farb, and Shuolei Chen


The interplay between dockless bikeshare and bus for small-size cities in the US: A case study of Ithaca, Waishan Qiu and Hector Chang


Heterogeneity in Activity-travel Patterns of Public Transit Users: An Application of Latent Class Analysis, Rezwana Rafiq and Michael G. McNally


Identifying attributes of public transport services for urban tourists: A data-mining method, Yael Ram, Ayelet Gal-Tzur, and Amit Rechavi


Shopping morphologies of urban transit station areas: A comparative study of central city station catchments in Toronto, San Francisco, and Melbourne, Fujie Rao and Elek Pafka


‘Mobility work’: Older adults' experiences using public transportation, Léa Ravensbergen, K. Bruce Newbold, Rebecca Ganann, and Christina Sinding


Co-passengering and the gendering of a mobile ferry space, Diane Royal and Sharon R. Roseman


Spatial data analysis approach for network-wide consolidation of bus stop locations, Prasanta K. Sahu, Babak Mehran, Surya P. Mahapatra, and Satish Sharma


Who’s on Board? Examining the Changing Characteristics of Transit Riders using Latent Profile Analysis, Andrew Schouten, Brian D. Taylor, and Evelyn Blumenberg


A seat at the table? Transit representation in U.S. metropolitan planning, Gian-Claudia Sciara, Mashrur Rahman, and Rydell Walthall


Spatial and Temporal Differences in Weekday Travel Durations Between Private-for-Hire Transportation Services and Transit in the City Center, Baxter Shandobil, Ty Lazarchik, and Kelly Clifton


Who doesn’t mind waiting? Examining the relationships between waiting attitudes and person- and travel-related attributes, F. Atiyya Shaw, Aliaksandr Malokin, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, and Giovanni Circella


Exploring partnership between transit agency and shared mobility company: an incentive program for app-based carpooling, Qing Shen, Yiyuan Wang, and Casey Gifford


How affordable are accessible locations? Neighborhood affordability in U.S. urban areas with intra-urban rail service, Matan E. Singer


People’s attitudes toward automated vehicle and transit integration: case study of small urban areas, Yu Song, Madhav V. Chitturi, Chris McCahill, and David A. Noyce


Risk Mitigation Planning for Revenue Service Testing of Bus Automated Emergency Braking, Heidi H. Soule, Adam Davis, Andrew Krum, Yinhai Wang, Ruimin Ke, Dave Valadez, Dan Sellers, Steve Roberts, Luke Fischer, and Jerome M. Lutin


Longitudinal Analysis of Transit-Integrated Ridesourcing Users and Their Trips, Emma Swarney, Jacob Terry, Devin Feng, and Chris Bachmann


Evaluation of a Transportation Incentive Program for Affordable Housing Residents, Huijun Tan, Nathan McNeil, John MacArthur, and Kelly Rodgers


Rail transit investments and economic development: Challenges for small businesses, Sara Tornabene and Isabelle Nilsson


Mobility in post-pandemic economic reopening under social distancing guidelines: Congestion, emissions, and contact exposure in public transit, Ding Wang, Mohammad Tayarani, Brian Yueshuai He, Jingqin Gao, Joseph Y.J. Chow, H. Oliver Gao, and Kaan Ozbay


Bikeshare and subway ridership changes during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, Haoyun Wang and Robert B. Noland


A rail transit simulation system for multi-modal energy-efficient routing applications, Jinghui Wang, Ahmed Ghanem, Hesham Rakha, and Jianhe Du


COVid-19 influenced households’ Interrupted Travel Schedules (COVHITS) survey: Lessons from the fall 2020 cycle, Kaili Wang, Yicong Liu, Sk Md Mashrur, Patrick Loa, and Khandker Nurul Habib


Navigability assessment of large-scale redesigns in nine public transport networks: Open timetable data approach, Christoffer Weckström, Miloš N. Mladenović, Rainer Kujala, and Jari Saramäki


Free Transit Passes and School Attendance among High School Students, Noah Wexler, Galen Ryan, Kirti Das, and Yingling Fan


Impacts of COVID-19 on urban rail transit ridership using the Synthetic Control Method, Mengwei Xin, Amer Shalaby, Shumin Feng, and Hu Zhao


A spatiotemporal analysis of e-scooters’ relationships with transit and station-based bikeshare, Xiang Yan, Wencui Yang, Xiaojian Zhang, Yiming Xu, Ilir Bejleri, and Xilei Zhao


Mobility-on-demand versus fixed-route transit systems: An evaluation of traveler preferences in low-income communities, Xiang Yan, Xilei Zhao, Yuan Han, Pascal Van Hentenryck, and Tawanna Dillahunt


Predicting disruptions and their passenger delay impacts for public transport stops, Menno Yap and Oded Cats


Can transit investments in low-income neighbourhoods increase transit use? Exploring the nexus of income, car-ownership, and transit accessibility in Toronto, Elnaz Yousefzadeh Barri, Steven Faber, Anna Kramer, Hadi Jahanshahi, Jeff Allen, and Eda Beyazit


Multi-scale evaluation of diesel commuter rail fuel use, emissions, and eco-driving, Weichang Yuan and H. Christopher Frey


Managing trade-offs between specific and general resilience: Insights from Canada's Metro Vancouver region, Lilia Yumagulova and Ilan Vertinsky


Integrating transit systems with ride-sourcing services: A study on the system users’ stochastic equilibrium problem, Yufeng Zhang and Alireza Khani


Investigating the Preferences of Local Residents toward a Proposed Bus Network Redesign in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Abubakr Ziedan, Cassidy Crossland, Candace Brakewood, Philip Pugliese, and Harrison Ooi


The impacts of shared e-scooters on bus ridership, Abubakr Ziedan, Wesley Darling, Candace Brakewood, Greg Erhardt, and Kari Watkins


Complement or compete? The effects of shared electric scooters on bus ridership, Abubakr Ziedan, Nitesh R. Shah, Yi Wen, Candace Brakewood, Christopher R. Cherry, and Justin Cole


Incorporating Low-Stress Bicycling Connectivity into Expanded Transit Service Coverage, Ting Zuo, Heng Wei, and Na Chen

Submissions from 2020


Give public transit a chance: A comparative analysis of competitive travel time in public transit modal share, Marcelo Altieri, Cecília Silva, and Shintaro Terabe


Transit Signal Priority: Current State of the Practice, Paul Anderson, Michael J. Walk, and Chris Simek


A stated-preference intercept survey of transit-rider response to service disruptions, Joshua Auld, Hubert Ley, Omer Verbas, Nima Golshani, Josiane Bechara, and Angela Fontes


What remains? The influence of light rail transit on discretionary income, Dwayne Marshall Baker and Seunghoon Kim


Do preferences for BRT and LRT change as a voter, citizen, tax payer, or self-interested resident?, Camila Balbontin, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Corinne Mulley


Impact of discerning reliability preferences of riders on the demand for mobility-on-demand services, Prateek Bansal, Yang Liu, Ricardo Daziano, and Samitha Samaranayake


Technology choices in public transport planning: A classification framework, Paul Basnak, Ricardo Giesen, and Juan Carlos Muñoz


Is the Transit Industry Prepared for the Cyber Revolution? Policy Recommendations to Enhance Surface Transit Cyber Preparedness, Scott Belcher, Terri Belcher, Eric Greenwald, and Brandon Thomas


Gentrification and the evolution of commuting behavior within America's urban cores, 2000–2015, Bradley Bereitschaft


Who’s ditching the bus?, Simon J. Berrebi and Kari E. Watkins


Marginal emission factors for public transit: Effects of urban scale and density, Alexander Bigazzi


Business Models for Mobile Fare Apps, Candace Brakewood


An evaluation of the benefits of mobile fare payment technology from the user and operator perspectives, Candace Brakewood, Abubakr Zeidan, Sara J. Hendricks, Sean J. Barbeau, and Ann Joslin


Access to transit? Validating local transit accessibility measures using transit ridership, Sarah Bree, Daniel Fuller, and Ehab Diab


Comparison of System Characteristics of the Guangzhou Water Transit System with Its International Peers, Matthew I. Burke, Lizhu Dai, and Abraham Leung


No free rides: Winners and losers of the proposed Toronto Transit Commission U-Pass program, Alex Butler and Matthias Sweet


Factors underlying the connections between active transportation and public transit at commuter rail in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Kevin Chan and Steven Farber


How attractive is it to use the internet while commuting? A work-attitude-based segmentation of Northern California commuters, Sungtaek Choi and Patricia L. Mokhtarian


Do people walk more in transit-accessible places?, Yunkyung Choi and Subhrajit Guhathakurta


Accessibility matters: Exploring the determinants of public transport mode share across income groups in Canadian cities, Boer Cui, Geneviève Boisjoly, Luis Miranda-Moreno, and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Valuing public transport customer experience infrastructure–A review of methods & application, Graham Currie and Nicholas Fournier


Minutes Matter: A Bus Transit Service Reliability Guidebook, Alan Danaher, James Wensley, Amy Dunham, Ted Orosz, Ryan Avery, Kenneth Cobb, Kari Watkins, Carly Queen, Simon Berrebi, Marlene Connor, and Jim McLaughlin


Valuing Public Transport Customer Amenities: International Transit Agency Practice, Chris De Gruyter and Graham Currie


Empirical Performance Analysis of Bus Speed and Delay at Intersections for Emerging Spot Improvement Programs, Graham Devitt, Mahmood Mahmoodi Nesheli, Ehab Diab, and Amer Shalaby


Commuters’ Assessment of Public Transport as a “Reasonable” Option in Montreal, QC, James DeWeese and Ahmed El-Geneidy


The rise and fall of transit ridership across Canada: Understanding the determinants, Ehab Diab, Dena Kasraian, Eric J. Miller, and Amer Shalaby


Metro transit system resilience: Understanding the impacts of outdoor tracks and weather conditions on metro system interruptions, Ehab Diab and Amer Shalaby


Marginal Impacts of Park-and-Ride Facilities in the Twin Cities Region of the US, Michael Duncan and Jason (Xinyu) Cao


Equity of transit accessibility across Chicago, Alireza Ermagun and Nebiyou Tilahun


An exact method for the bus dispatching problem in rolling horizons, K. Gkiotsalitis and E. C. van Berkum


Socioeconomic and usage characteristics of transportation network company (TNC) riders, Rick Grahn, Corey D. Harper, Chris Hendrickson, Zhen Qian, and H. Scott Matthews


Assessing operation and customer perception characteristics of high frequency local and limited-stop bus service in Vancouver, Canada, Emily Grisé and Ahmed El-Geneidy


Algorithm for Tracing Train Delays to Incident Causes, Anne Halvorsen, Darian Jefferson, Timon Stasko, and Alla Reddy


Institute of Transportation Engineers Guidelines versus Actual Trip and Parking Generation for a Transit-Oriented Development in an Auto-Oriented Region, Shima Hamidi, Roya Etminani-Ghasrodashti, Sanggyun Kang, and Reid Ewing


Determinants of transport mode choice in metropolitan areas the case of the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico, Marie Harbering and Jan Schlüter


Finding the Subway Disruption Regimes of Switching Subway to Uber in Toronto, Jason Hawkins and Khandker Nurul Habib


A classification of public transit users with smart card data based on time series distance metrics and a hierarchical clustering method, Li He, Bruno Agard, and Martin Trépanier


Are we keeping up? Accessibility, equity and air quality in regional planning, Johanna Heyer, Matthew Palm, and Deb Niemeier


Transit-based job accessibility and urban spatial structure, Ruihong Huang


A focus group study on the potential of autonomous vehicles as a viable transportation option: Perspectives from people with disabilities and public transit agencies, Jinuk Hwang, Wei Li, Laura Stough, Chanam Lee, and Katherine Turnbull


Capacity-Constrained Bus Bridging Optimization Framework, Alaa Itani, Siva Srikukenthiran, and Amer Shalaby


Light rail development with or without gentrification?: Neighborhood perspectives on changing sense of place in Denver, Colorado, Sara L. Jackson and Joshua Buckman


Financial Analysis of Battery Electric Transit Buses, Caley Johnson, Erin Nobler, Leslie Eudy, and Matthew Jeffers


Transit Deserts: Equity analysis of public transit accessibility, Javad Jomehpour Chahar Aman and Janille Smith-Colin


Magnitude of mode constants in transit mode choice, You-Jin Jung and Jeffrey M. Casello


Analysis of demand–supply gaps in public transit systems based on census and GTFS data: a case study of Calgary, Canada, Koragot Kaeoruean, Santi Phithakkitnukoon, Merkebe Getachew Demissie, Lina Kattan, and Carlo Ratti


A modelling platform for optimizing time-dependent transit fares in large-scale multimodal networks, Islam Kamel, Amer Shalaby, and Baher Abdulhai


A multi-decade longitudinal analysis of transportation and land use co-evolution in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area, Dena Kasraian, Shivani Raghav, and Eric J. Miller


Willingness to ride and perceptions of autonomous public transit, Eva Kassens-Noor, Zeenat Kotval-Karamchandani, and Meng Cai


Another one rides the bus? The connections between bus stop amenities, bus ridership, and ADA paratransit demand, Ja Young Kim, Keith Bartholomew, and Reid Ewing


Deciphering the relationship between bikesharing and public transit: Modal substitution, integration, and complementation, Hui Kong, Scarlett T. Jin, and Daniel Z. Sui


Effect of passenger encumbrance and mobility aid use on dwell time variability in low-floor transit vehicles, Lidia P. Kostyniuk and Clive R. D'Souza