Most Recent Additions World Transit Research*
Business Case for Transit Bus Automated Collision Avoidance Systems
Shuyi Yin, Luke Fischer, Yinhai Wang, and Jerome M. Lutin
Assessing the Risks Associated with the Canadian Railway System Using a Safety Risk Model Approach
Nafiseh Esmaeeli, Fereshteh Sattari, Lianne Lefsrud, and Renato Macciotta
Modeling of an Urban Ropeway Integrated into a Crowded Transit System
Karl Hofer, Michael Haberi, and Martin Fellendorf
Long-Term Efficient Control of Structure-Borne Noise Inside Buildings Caused by Underground Railways by Using Novel Damping Fasteners
Xin Gao, Caiyou Zhao, Yi Yang, Duojia Shi, Ping Wang, and Xiaobin Wang
Integrating Autonomous Busses as Door-to-Door and First-/Last-Mile Service into Public Transport: Findings from a Stated Choice Experiment
Christian Klinkhardt, Kim Kandler, Nadine Kostorz, Michael Heilig, Martin Kagerbauer, and Peter Vortisch
Artificial Intelligence Aided Crowd Analytics in Rail Transit Station
Yadi Zhu, Ke Ni, Xiaohong Li, Asim Zaman, Xiang Liu, and Yun Bai
Transit Agency Assessment of Their Capability to Adopt New Mobility Strategies
Sarah Nastasi, Candace Brakewood, Michael Hunter, and Kari Watkins
Toolkit for the Assessment of Safety at Bus Stops
Jimoku H. Salum, Ntagwanko Kisabanzira, Priyanka Alluri, and Thobias Sando
Impact of a First-In–First-Out Rule on the Merge of a Metro Line with a Junction
Rodolphe Farrando, Nadir Farhi, Zoi Christoforou, and Alain Urban
Framework for the Analysis and Enhancement of the Accessibility of Large-Scale Urban Transit Networks: A Data-Driven Study for the City of Lyon, France
Simon Senegas, Angelo Furno, Paola Palmas, and Jérémie Simon
Feasibility study on commercial deployment of automated public transport vehicles in New Zealand
J. Khoo, G. Nates, J. Hafoka, A. Weerappulige, S. Hewett, and M. Gregorevic
Zero-emission bus economics study
Andreas Heuser, Jordan Nelson, and Daria Rybalka
The characteristics of subsidised mobility services for disabled people
B. R. Doran and K. Crossland
Assessing the relationship between the sustainability of urban form and transport in Aotearoa New Zealand
C. Lee, V. Li, K. Stringer, D. Goodall, A. Wingham, J. Hafoka, M. Sharp, M. Te Tana, and J. Khoo
Methods of measuring mode share and mode shift at different spatial scales and timescales
Clarissa Han, Robert Kochhan, Daniel Ainalis, Amolika Sinha, and Ronny Kutadinata
Mode-shift impacts on safety
G. Koorey, J. Lieswyn, M. Gregory, P. van den Top, N. Reid, A. Azizi, and L. Ware
Mobility attitudes and urban form: shaping public transport and shared mobility choices in Dubai and Lahore
Abdul Ghaffar Chaudhry, Houshmand Masoumi, Hans-Liudger Dienel, Atif Bilal Aslam, Muhammad Ahmad, and Mariam Shahnaz
CoMoDe-Matrix: introducing the contextual sustainable mobility decisions matrix
Michael Bissel, Maike Gossen, and Sophia Becker
How CCTV shapes perceptions of safety in London’s public transport: a quantitative analysis
Oxana Pisier-Caillet and Alina Ristea
Everyday mobility and citizenship: a living lab approach
Malin Henriksson, Jessica Berg, and Greger Henriksson
*Updated as of 03/13/25.Based on date of posting, not date of publication.