Mitigating Traffic Impacts During the Marquette Interchange Reconstruction Project

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Subject Area

operations - traffic, infrastructure - interchange/transfer, planning - travel demand management, planning - travel demand management, planning - safety/accidents, planning - signage/information, land use - impacts, ridership - demand, organisation - management


Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Trip reduction, Travel demand management, Transportation demand management, Traffic mitigation, Traffic diversion, Traffic control, TDM measures, Stakeholders, Road safety, Road construction, Public participation, Public involvement, Public information programs, Project management, Partnerships, Mitigation measures, Milwaukee (Wisconsin), Local participation, Local government agencies, Interchanges, Highway safety, Highway construction, Diverted traffic, Citizen participation, Case studies


The Marquette Interchange in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin is undergoing a complete reconstruction. Before the project could be launched, however, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) needed to address and manage community concerns. This article describes how WisDOT worked to minimize the impact of this reconstruction. From the beginning of the project, WisDOT worked in close cooperation with community leaders to develop ideas to mitigate traffic impacts and keep downtown open for business and tourism. After the locally preferred traffic alternative was established and the construction staging sequence was generally known, community and transportation leaders formed four subcommittees to develop ideas relative to the following areas: public information; freeway traffic operations and safety; transit and demand management; and local road traffic operations. Projects were implemented in each of theses areas to minimize disruption. The early successes of this traffic mitigation program are attributed to reliable partnering relationships with local agencies. Identifying traffic mitigation measures early in the design process, establishing a budget, and communication with public stakeholders and contractors are also seen as critical factors for success.
