Using Local Transit On-Board Surveys for State-Level Measurement


Xuehao Chu

Document Type


Publication Date


Subject Area

planning - surveys


Florida, On-board surveys, Policy, Public transit, State-level measurement, Surveys, Transit riders


This report examines the feasibility of using local transit on-board surveys for state-level measurement of a state's transit program policy objectives. It first sets up a general method using Florida as a case study for its specific policy objectives. It then reviews in detail the design and administration of transit on-board surveys in Florida. After comparing the general method and current practices, the report finally discusses the challenges to using local on-board surveys for state-level measurement and proposes potential solutions to overcome these challenges. Throughout the report, the focus is on those aspects of on-board surveys that directly affect the feasibility of using local surveys for state-level measurement. These aspects include survey questions, survey coverage, survey timing and weighting of survey data for local estimates and state-level measurement. While much of the analysis uses Florida as a case study, the approach is applicable to other states that are interested in using local on-board surveys to monitor how well their transit programs are achieving their state policy objectives.
