Mobile Data Terminals

Document Type


Publication Date


Subject Area

planning - surveys


Case studies, Deployment, Infrastructure, Mobile data terminals, State of the practice, Surveys, Transit operating agencies, Wireless communication systems


This synthesis reflects state-of-the-practice information from selected transit agencies surveyed across the United States, as well as very specific information on the capability of mobile data computers offered by technology vendors to the industry. The report also contains information about the rapidly changing wireless communications infrastructure that supports mobile data terminal (MDT) deployment in transit. This topic will be of interest to transit planners and managers, information technology staff, and others who work with them in the deployment of MDTs in transit. The topic panel charge to the consultant dealt with educating the transit industry in how to address the technology marketplace as an informed buyer. A large amount of technical information about MDTs was acquired from 119 different respondents by five different means--short survey form, long survey form, e-mail responses, fax responses, and telephone responses. This information plus survey design and case studies is presented in the various synthesis chapters, with voluminous survey database information included in the appendixes.


Permission to link to synthesis given by TRB
