Internet: investigating new technology's evolving role, nature and effects on transport


Glenn Lyons

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Subject Area

ridership - commuting, ridership - demand


internet, travel demand, teleservices, teleshopping, teleworking


In the space of only a few years the Internet has emerged as a mainstream communications medium providing a growing proportion of the population with virtual access to goods, people, opportunities and services. Against a backdrop of highlighting how teleshopping and teleworking alongside traveller information services are advancing as a consequence of the Internet, this paper suggests that the Internet and the virtual mobility it affords must in due course be explicitly addressed within an integrated transport policy. The paper explores the relationships between use of information and communications technology and personal travel highlighting the importance of social issues in gauging whether or not a net positive effect in terms of travel demand and tripmaking can arise from increasing use of the Internet. Suggestions for a policy approach are also made.


Permission to publish the abstract given by Elsevier, copyright remains with them.


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