Guiding the Selection and Application of Wayside Energy Storage Technologies for Rail Transit and Electric Utilities

Document Type


Publication Date


Subject Area

mode - rail, place - north america, economics - appraisal/evaluation, economics - operating costs, technology - alternative fuels


rail transit, energy storage


TCRP Web-Only Document 51 (WOD 51) is a comprehensive guide for identifying and implementing effective wayside energy storage systems for rail transit. Energy storage applications addressed include braking energy recapture, power quality voltage sag regulation, peak power reduction, and the development of energy storage substations. The guide identifies opportunities and constraints along with analytical methods for determining potential benefits for cost-effective energy storage applications. It takes the reader through required evaluation steps: needs assessment, simulation modeling, measuring potential economic benefits, and selection of alternative applications. The study concludes that wayside energy storage devices can be designed to help resolve propulsionpower demands while addressing issues of voltage sag and energy inefficiency in the context of increasing utility costs.


Permission to link to this document has been obtained from Transportation Research Board, copyright remains with them.
