Workshop report – System development
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
Subject Area
organisation - governance, mode - bus rapid transit, mode - tram/light rail, technology - passenger information
System development, Governance, Innovation, Bus rapid transit, Light rail, Traveller information systems
The workshop considered system development as a key element of improving the performance of public transport. The main theme was the governance of decision making, design and development of public transport projects. A first main finding is that governance should be improved to keep focus on the original values for which the projects are started. Many projects lose sight of their original aims through the long and often problematic process from inception to operation. A second main finding is that the technological choice, mainly between rubber on tarmac and steel on rails, can be postponed, as both technologies start to overlap in their capacities. A stronger focus on functional needs in the earlier phases of the projects could help. Finally, as the different technologies provide similar options and can be used interchangeably, communicating the service they provide in other ways then through vehicle and infrastructure technology becomes more important.
Permission to publish the abstract given by Elsevier, copyright remains with them.
Recommended Citation
Veeneman, W.W., & Nelson, J.D. (2010). Workshop report – System development. Research in Transportation Economics, Vol. 29, (1), pp. 219-223.
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