Generation of walking, cycling and public transport trips: pilot study
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mode - bike, mode - pedestrian, mode - mass transit, place - australasia
pedestrians, cyclists, public transport, non-car mode, New Zealand
This research investigated a method for collecting data relating to walk, cycle and public transport trips to land-use activities.
A method needed to be developed that would require a short questionnaire to ensure higher sample rates, while also providing reliable and consistent results. This data could subsequently be used in calculating trip rates for walk, cycle and public transport trips, when combined with trip rate units such as floor area.
Multi-modal trip data has been collected for some time in the UK. The survey method developed in this research was simpler than the UK method by interviewing in only one direction for the vast majority of land uses, apart from residential where the recommended method was to interview in both directions.
A face-to-face questionnaire method was developed over a series of different site surveys in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch during 2010. The research also identified that collecting non-car mode trip information through purely observer methods was not sufficiently accurate and that simple questionnaire surveys were necessary with clear instructions from the survey organiser to ensure all relevant information would be collected.
Permission to link to this report has been obtained from the New Zealand Transport Agency.
Recommended Citation
Pike, L. (2011) Generation of walking, cycling and public transport trips: pilot study. NZ Transport Agency research report no. 439. 86pp.