Rapid Branching
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
Subject Area
infrastructure - rolling stock, organisation - workforce planning, place - europe, mode - rail
Large scale optimization, Rapid branching, Column generation
We propose rapid branching (RB) as a general branch-and-bound heuristic for solving large scale optimization problems in traffic and transport. The key idea is to combine a special branching rule and a greedy node selection strategy in order to produce solutions of controlled quality rapidly and efficiently. We report on three successful applications of the method for integrated vehicle and crew scheduling, railway track allocation, and railway vehicle rotation planning.
Permission to publish the abstract has been given by SpringerLink, copyright remains with them.
Recommended Citation
Borndörfer, R., Löbel, A., Reuther, M., Schlechte, T., & Weider, S. (2013). Rapid Branching. Public Transport, Vol. 5, pp 3-23