Rapid Transit Investing in Australia's Transport Future


Isuru Neelagama

Document Type


Publication Date


Subject Area

economics - benefits, land use - impacts, land use - planning, land use - transit oriented development, mode - bus, mode - bus rapid transit, mode - mass transit, mode - rail, mode - subway/metro, mode - tram/light rail, place - australasia, planning - environmental impact, policy - environment, ridership - mode choice, technology - emissions


Rapid transit, benfits, transport networks, cost effectiveness, end user benefit, system impacts, modes, plans, policy


This report has been developed as a result of the Bus Industry Confederation undertaking a two week Rapid Transit Study Visit of North America in August and September of 2012 and information collected by the BIC’s internal research program.

The report analyses the advantages of building Rapid Transit against benefits which can be achieved by simply improving existing transport networks, modal considerations notwithstanding. There is an emphasis placed, throughout this report,on the cost effectiveness of Rapid Transit as opposed to existing public transport. There is also an emphasis placed on the end user benefits and impacts of systems and how they relate to patronage on Rapid Transit systems.


Permission to publish the abstract has been given by Bus Industry Confederation, copyright remains with them.
