Transit-Oriented Design in the Netherlands
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
Subject Area
place - europe, land use - transit oriented development
Transit oriented development, TOD, Urban design, The Netherlands
The article illustrates the extent to which “ideal” internationally formulated transit-oriented development (TOD) principles and models are relevant to Dutch circumstances and perceptions. The evidence presented in the article suggests that while Dutch TOD specialists agree with many of the basic TOD design principles laid out in the international literature, their views about specific design aspects are closely linked to national cultural predilections and practices. The data was obtained through a design workshop involving key TOD specialists (academics, policy officials, and consultants) using a multi-media approach.
Permission to publish the abstract has been given by SAGE, copyright remains with them.
Recommended Citation
Pojani, D., & Stead, D. (2015). Transit-Oriented Design in the Netherlands. Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 35, (2), pp. 131-144.