Examining suitability of the integrated public transport system: A case study of Lahore
Document Type
Journal Article
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Subject Area
place - asia, place - urban, mode - bus, mode - other, operations - service span, planning - integration, planning - service improvement
Integrated public transportation system, Urban public transport, Mass transit & Para transit, Travel cost, Travel time, Service area coverage
City administration has given prime importance to public transport services in Lahore. But still desired level of convenience and efficiency has not been achieved because of the absence of any integrated public transport system. Metrobus, LTC operated buses and Qingqi Rickshaws are all operating through their independent schedules with least consideration to that of others. Travellers using more than one modes of transport for their complete trip do not find whole system well harmonized. There is a need to find whether integration of currently independently operating transport systems can bring any improvements in services. This research work significantly points out short comings in city’s existing transport system; quantifies the impact of related factors through chi-square, co-relation and other statistical analyses; and provides some policy guidelines for pragmatic improvements in the system.
Permission to publish the abstract has been given by Elsevier, copyright remains with them.
Recommended Citation
Aziz, A., Nawaz, M.S., Nadeem, M., & Afzal, L. (2018). Examining suitability of the integrated public transport system: A case study of Lahore. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 117, pp. 13-25.
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