Mathematical formulations for the bimodal bus-pedestrian social welfare network design problem

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date


Subject Area

mode - bus, mode - pedestrian, planning - network design, planning - methods


Bus network design, Bimodal transport, Line planning, Mathematical models, Passenger assignment


We face the problem of designing a bus transit network, locating the most convenient bus stops and defining the set of bus lines without considering an a priori set of candidate lines. In order to model the problem, we consider a bimodal network composed of two layers, each one corresponding to a different transportation mode: pedestrian and bus. We propose two exact formulations and compare them by means of the -constraint method, thus obtaining a set of efficient solutions that simultaneously consider the total user travel time (composed of in-bus travel time, waiting time, walking time and transfer time) and service operator objectives. Finally, the best formulation is tested in a real case scenario.


Permission to publish the abstract has been given by Elsevier, copyright remains with them.


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