Riders’ perceptions towards transit bus electrification: Evidence from Salt Lake City, Utah
Document Type
Journal Article
Publication Date
Subject Area
mode - bus, technology - alternative fuels, technology - emissions, place - north america, infrastructure - vehicle, ridership - perceptions, ridership - behaviour, ridership - attitudes, planning - environmental impact, planning - methods, planning - marketing/promotion, planning - surveys
battery electric buses (BEBs), rider perceptions
While battery electric buses (BEBs) can lead to energy savings and reduced emissions, BEB adoption is developing slowly. Although BEBs offer quieter operations, better acceleration, and no smell of diesel or gas fumes, little focus has been placed on the user’s perspective. This study investigates bus riders’ preferences toward BEBs. To achieve these objectives, a survey was designed and administered to solicit riders’ typical travel behaviors and patterns as well as preferences and opinions about BEBs’ performance in terms of emissions and noise. Statistical analysis showed that several factors influence rider perceptions towards transit bus electrification that include trip purpose, attitudes towards environmental issues and environmental impacts of BEBs, and certain non-instrumental ride factors such as ride comfort and social image. A better understanding of the importance of electrification to transit riders can help transit service providers adjust their marketing decisions and their systemwide operations to accommodate preferences towards BEBs.
Permission to publish the abstract has been given by Elsevier, copyright remains with them.
Recommended Citation
Flaris, K., Gkritza, K., Singleton, P. A., Graul, A. R., & Song, Z. (2023). Riders’ perceptions towards transit bus electrification: Evidence from Salt Lake City, Utah. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 117, 103642.
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