Submissions from 2022
Advanced modelling of commuter choice model and work from home during COVID-19 restrictions in Australia, Camila Balbontin, David A. Hensher, and Matthew J. Beck
Modal equilibrium of a tradable credit scheme with a trip-based MFD and logit-based decision-making, Louis Balzer and Ludovic Leclercq
Mapping of bus travel time to traffic stream travel time using econometric modeling, Sharmili Banik, Lelitha Vanajakshi, and Darcy M. Bullock
Preferences for using the London Underground during the COVID-19 pandemic, Prateek Bansal, Roselinde Kessels, Rico Krueger, and Daniel J. Graham
Tradable parking permits as a transportation demand management strategy: A behavioural investigation, Helen X.H. Bao and Joelle Ng
Understanding transit ridership in an equity context through a comparison of statistical and machine learning algorithms, Elnaz Yousefzadeh Barri, Steven Farber, Hadi Jahanshahi, and Eda Beyazit
‘I feel the weather and you just know’. Narrating the dynamics of commuter mobility choices, Stewart Barr, Sal Lampkin, Laura Dawkins, and Daniel Williamson
Evaluation of the techno-economic performance of battery electric buses: Case study of a bus line in paris, Hussein Basma, Marc Haddad, Charbel Mansour, Maroun Nemer, and Pascal Stabat
Estimation of crowding factors for public transport during the COVID-19 pandemic in Santiago, Chile, Paul Basnak, Ricardo Giesen, and Juan Carlos Muñoz
Individual, household, and urban form determinants of trip chaining of non-work travel in México City, Dorian Antonio Bautista-Hernández
Intrapersonal variability in public transport path choice due to changes in service reliability, Ulrik Berggren, Carmelo D'Agostino, Helena Svensson, and Karin Brundell-Freij
Public transport path choice estimation based on trip data from dedicated smartphone app survey, Ulrik Berggren, Thomas Kjær-Rasmussen, Mikkel Thorhauge, Helena Svensson, and Karin Brundell-Freij
Investigating the Ridership Impact of New Light-Rail Transit and Arterial Bus Rapid Transit Lines in the Twin Cities, Simon Jonas Berrebi, Eric Lind, Candace Brakewood, Gregory Erhardt, and Kari Watkins
ImpactAr Tool: Valuing Air Quality Health Impacts of Urban Bus Fleet Changes in Brazil, Luana Betti, Marina Caregnato Garcia, Eduardo Siqueira, and Henrique Evers
Impact of Bus Rapid Transit Construction and Infrastructure on Traffic Safety: A Case Study From Albuquerque, New Mexico, Esther Marie Bia and Nicholas N. Ferenchak
The end-user benefits of smartphone transit apps: a systematic literature review, Jiahe Bian, Wei Li, Sinan Zhong, Chanam Lee, Margaret Foster, and Xinyue Ye
Towards transit equity in Detroit: An assessment of microtransit and its impact on employment accessibility, Tierra S. Bills, Richard Twumasi-Boakye, Andrea Broaddus, and James Fishelson
Bayesian origin-destination estimation in networked transit systems using nodal in- and outflow counts, Steffen O.P. Blume, Francesco Corman, and Giovanni Sansavini
The impacts of formalization and integration of public transport in social equity: The case of Bogota, Juan Pablo Bocarejo and Luis Felipe Urrego
Questioning the spatial association between the initial spread of COVID-19 and transit usage in Italy, Mattia Borsati, Silvio Nocera, and Marco Percoco
Perceived and actual travel times in a multi-modal urban public transport network: comparing survey and AVL data, Ties Brands, Malvika Dixit, Edgard Zúñiga, and Niels van Oort
Walking the Last Mile: Barriers and Solutions to Suburban Transit Access, Lindsay M. Braun, Jesus M. Barajas, Bumsoo Lee, and Rebecca Martin
Relating subjective ride quality ratings to objective measures, Raj Bridgelall
Up around the bend? How transport poverty can lead to social exclusion in a low-income community in Lagos, Nigeria, André Bueno Rezendede Castro, Abby Daniela Ortega Sandoval, and Genevieve Odamtten
Probabilistic Modeling of Bus Rapid Transit Station Loading Area Selection for Bus Capacity Estimation, Jonathan M. Bunker
How can smart mobility bridge the first/last mile gap? Empirical evidence on public attitudes from Australia, Luke Butler, Tan Yigitcanlar, Alexander Paz, and Wala Areed
Understanding the perceived behavior of public utility bus passengers during the era of COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines: Application of social exchange theory and theory of planned behavior, Maela Madel Cahigas, Yogi Tri Prasetyo, Satria Fadil Persada, Ardvin Kester S. Ong, and Reny Nadlifatin
Understanding barriers to modal shift in Malta: A practice-theoretical perspective of everyday mobility, Rosalie Camilleri, Maria Attard, and Robin Hickman
Public transportation vehicle selection by the grey relational analysis method, Gülçin Canbulut, Erkan Köse, and Oğuzhan Ahmet Arik
Fare evasion on public transport: Who, when, where and how?, Angel Cantillo, Sebastián Raveau, and Juan Carlos Muñoz
A statistical study of railway safety in China and Japan 1990–2020, Yuan Cao, Yuntong An, Shuai Su, Guo Xie, and Yongkui Sun
CIAM: A data-driven approach for classifying long-term engagement of public transport riders at multiple temporal scales, Rachel Cardell-Oliver and Doina Olaru
Crime and safety in transit environments: a systematic review of the English and the French literature, 1970–2020, Vania Ceccato, Nathan Gaudelet, and Gabin Graf
Safety evaluation of urban rail transit operation considering uncertainty and risk preference: A case study in China, Naijie Chai, Wenliang Zhou, and Xinlei Hu
Passively wait for gridlock, or proactively invest in service? Strategies to promote car-to-transit switches among aspirational urbanites in rapidly developing contexts, Sandip Chakrabarti
Build it and they will come: How does a new public transit station influence building construction?, Marie-Pier Champagne, Jean Dubé, and Philippe Barla
How do new transit stations affect people's sentiment and activity? A case study based on social media data in Hong Kong, Haoliang Chang, Jianxiang Huang, Weiran Yao, Weizun Zhao, and Lishuai Li
Public Transportation and Social Movements: Learning from the Hong Kong Anti-Extradition Bill Protests, Ho-Yin Chan, Hanxi Ma, and Jiangping Zhou
Peak wind pressures on roof claddings of regular railway stations, Bo Chen, Rongfeng Bian, Zhuolun Chen, Xiaohong Wang, and Qingshan Yang
Investigating the effectiveness of COVID-19 pandemic countermeasures on the use of public transport: A case study of The Netherlands, Chao Chen, Tao Feng, Xiaoning Gu, and Baozhen Yao
Transfer station choice in a multimodal transit system: An empirical study, Enhui Chen, Amanda Stathopoulos, and Yu (Marco) Nie
Optimal pricing for ferry services with a new entrant: a game-theoretic perspective, Huibing Cheng, Su Xiu Xu, George Q. Huang, Saijun Shao, and Gangyan Xu
Exploring non-linear built environment effects on the integration of free-floating bike-share and urban rail transport: A quantile regression approach, Long Cheng, Kailai Wang, Jonas De Vos, Jie Huang, and Frank Witlox
Does bus bunching happen inevitably: The counteraction between link and stop headway deviations?, Guojun Chen, Shuyang Zhang, Hong K. Lo, and Haode Liu
How does interchange affect passengers’ route choices in urban rail transit? – a case study of the Shanghai Metro, Yan Cheng, Xiafei Ye, and Taku Fujiyama
Towards renewable public transport: Mining the performance of electric buses using solar-radiation as an auxiliary power source, Haoqian Chen, Yi Sui, Wen-long Shang, Rencheng Sun, Zhiheng Chen, Changying Wang, Chunjia Han, Yuqian Zhang, and Haoran Zhang
Strategies to Enhance the Resilience of an Urban Rail Transit Network, Jinqu Chen, Jie Liu, Qiyuan Peng, and Yong Yin
Mitigation of subway-induced low-frequency vibrations using a wave impeding block, Juan Chen, Jianlong Geng, Guangyun Gao, Wei Luo, Yazhen Liu, and Kejin Li
Fare adjustment’s impacts on travel patterns and farebox revenue: An empirical study based on longitudinal smartcard data, Ruoyu Chen and Jiangping Zhou
Passenger-oriented traffic management integrating perimeter control and regional bus service frequency setting using 3D-pMFD, Saifei Chen, Hui Fu, Naiqi Wu, Yefei Wang, and Yan Qiao
A resampling approach to disaggregate analysis of bus-involved crashes using panel data with excessive zeros, Tiantian Chen, Yuhuan Lu, Xiaowen Fu, N. N. Sze, and Hongliang Ding
A knowledge graph-based method for epidemic contact tracing in public transportation, Tian Chen, Yimu Zhang, Xinwu Qian, and Jian Li
What factors influence ridership of station-based bike sharing and free-floating bike sharing at rail transit stations?, Wendong Chen, Xuewu Chen, Jingxu Chen, and Long Cheng
Network-level control of heterogeneous automated traffic guaranteeing bus priority, Xiangdong Chen, Xi Lin, Meng Li, and Fang He
Accessing public transportation service coverage by walking accessibility to public transportation under flow buffering, Xiao Chen, Tao Pei, Ci Song, Hua Shu, Sihui Guo, Xi Wang, Yaxi Liu, Jie Chen, and Chenghu Zhou
Unplanned Disruption Analysis and Impact Modeling in Urban Railway Systems, Xin Chen, Zhenliang Ma, and Zhibin Li
Asymmetric Gasoline Price Effects on Public Transit Ridership: Evidence from U.S. Cities, Junwook Chi
An accessible and inclusive public transportation management response to COVID-19 through a co-creation process with people with disability. The case of Metro Barcelona, Monica Cerdan Chiscano and Simon Darcy
Analysis of Intrinsic Factors Leading to Aggressive Driving Behavior to Derive Safety Policy Implications for Bus Drivers, Eunsol Cho, Subin Park, and Cheol Oh
Challenges for urban transport policy after the Covid-19 pandemic: Main findings from a survey in 20 European cities, Panayotis Christidis, Elena Navajas Cawood, and Davide Fiorello
Stochastic programming model for integrating bus network design and dial-a-ride scheduling, James Chih-Yuan Chu, Albert Y. Chen, and Hsin-Hui Shih
Potential accessibility to the workplace by public transit and its social distribution in Lille, France: A scenario-based equity appraisal, Papaix Claire, Ariane Dupont-Kieffer, and Patrick Palmier
How can renewable hydrogen compete with diesel in public transport? Robust design optimization of a hydrogen refueling station under techno-economic and environmental uncertainty, Diederik Coppitters, Kevin Verleysen, Ward De Paepe, and Francesco Contino
A TOD index integrating development potential, economic vibrancy, and socio-economic factors for encouraging polycentric cities, Carmela Cucuzzella, Jordan Owen, Sherif Goubran, and Thomas Walker
Modal equity of accessibility to healthcare in Recife, Brazil, Boer Cui, Genevieve Boisjoly, Bernardo Serra, and Ahmed El-Geneidy
All ridership is local: Accessibility, competition, and stop-level determinants of daily bus boardings in Portland, Oregon, Boer Cui, James DeWeese, Hao Wu, David A. King, David Levinson, and Ahmed El-Geneidy
Impact of passengers' perceptions of social responsibility activities on the efficacy of PPP urban rail transit projects, Caiyun Cui, Xiaowei Han, Qianqian Zhou, Min Xu, Bo Xia, Martin Skitmore, and Yong Liu
Does intercity rail station placement matter? Expansion of the node-place model to identify station location impacts on Amtrak ridership, Christopher Cummings and Hani Mahmassani
Real-time train motion parameter estimation using an Unscented Kalman Filter, Alex Cunillera, Nikola Bešinović, Niels van Oort, and Rob M.P. Goverde
Conditional Transit Signal Priority for Connected Transit Vehicles, Zorica Cvijovic, Milan Zlatkovic, Aleksandar Stevanovic, and Yu Song
An operating system for extra long urban trains, Carlos F. Daganzo
Role of non-motorized transportation and buses in meeting climate targets of urban regions, Deepjyoti Das, Pradip P. Kalbar, and Nagendra R. Velaga
Living on a fare: Modeling and quantifying the effects of fare budgets on transit access and equity, Diego Da Silva, Willem Klumpenhouwer, Alex Karner, Mitchell Robinson, Rick Liu, and Amer Shalaby
Transport policies in polycentric cities, Quentin David and Moez Kilani
Covid-19 and optimal urban transport policy, Bruno De Borger and Stef Proost
A direct demand model for bus transit ridership in Bengaluru, India, L. Deepa, Abdul Rawoof Pinjari, Sangram Krishna Nirmale, Karthik K. Srinivasan, and Tarun Rambha
A next step in disruption management: combining operations research and complexity science, Mark M. Dekker, Rolf N. van Lieshout, Robin C. Ball, Paul C. Bouman, Stefan C. Dekker, Henk A. Dijkstra, Rob M.P. Goverde, Dennis Huisman, Debabrata Panja, Alfons A.M. Schaafsma, and Marjan van der Akker
Understanding the temporal and spatial interactions between transit ridership and urban land-use patterns: an exploratory study, Merkebe Getachew Demissie and Lina Katten
What can we learn from 9 years of ticketing data at a major transport hub? A structural time series decomposition, Paul de Nailly, Etienne Côme, Allou Samé, Latifa Oukhellou, Jacques Ferriere, and Yasmine Merad-Boudia
Assessment of standing passenger traumatic brain injury caused by ground impact in subway collisions, Gongxun Deng, Fang Wang, Chao Yu, Yong Peng, Hongzhen Xu, Zhixiang Li, Lin Hou, and Zhen Wang
Train Operation Curve Optimization for an Urban Rail Interval With Multi-Parameter Adjustment, Lianbo Deng, Min Zhong, Jing Xu, and Guangming Xu
The impact of new metro on travel behavior: Panel analysis using mobile phone data, Yiling Deng and Pengjun Zhao
Incentive design and profit sharing in multi-modal transportation networks, Yuntian Deng, Shiping Shao, Archak Mittal, Richard Twumasi-Boakye, James Fishelson, Abhishek Gupta, and Ness B. Shroff
An overview of effects of COVID-19 on mobility and lifestyle: 18 months since the outbreak, André de Palma, Shaghayegh Vosough, and Feixiong Liao
Do frequent satisfying trips by public transport impact its intended use in later life?, Jonas De Vos, E. Owen D. Waygood, Laurence Letarte, and Mengqiu Cao
Whose express access? Assessing the equity implications of bus express routes in Montreal, Canada, James DeWeese, Manuel Santana Palacios, Anastasia Belikow, and Ahmed El-Geneidy
Effects of system configurations of automated fare collection on transit trip origin–destination estimation in Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Ehab Diab, Siva Srikukenthiran, Eric J. Miller, and Khandker Nurul Habib
Illustrating nonlinear effects of built environment attributes on housing renters’ transit commuting, Chuan Ding, Tiantian Liu, Xinyu Cao, and Li Tian
Integrating land use and greenway network for metro station area transit-oriented development, Chuan Ding, Yingjie Song, Xiangyu Qiao, Yu Zhang, Bin Yu, and Xiuzhi Zhang
Homelessness on public transit: A review of problems and responses, Hao Ding, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, and Jacob L. Wasserman
On the integration of battery electric buses into urban bus networks, Nicolas Dirks, Maximilian Schiffer, and Grit Walther
The case for ‘public’ transport in the age of automated mobility, Iain Docherty, John Stone, Carey Curtis, Claus Hedegaard Sørensen, Alexander Paulsson, Crystal Legacy, and Greg Marsden
Impact of TNC on travel behavior and mode choice: a comparative analysis of Boston and Philadelphia, Xiaoxia Dong, Erick Guerra, and Ricardo A. Daziano
Investigation of the external noise emitted from electric buses in New Zealand and the need for acoustic vehicle alerting systems to improve road user safety, B. R. Doran, K. Crossland, S. Wilkening, and V. Warren
The impact of COVID-19 on future public transport use in Scotland, Lucy Downey, Achille Fonzone, Grigorios Fountas, and Torran Semple
Analyzing detour behavior of metro passengers based on mobile phone data, Zhengyu Duan, Xiaolei Liu, Qing Yu, and Yi Li
Sensitivity analysis for transit equilibrium assignment and applications to uncertainty analysis, Muqing Du and Anthony Chen
Modeling the capacity of multimodal and intermodal urban transportation networks that incorporate emerging travel modes, Muqing Du, Jiankun Zhou, Anthony Chen, and Heqing Tan
Spatiotemporal exploration of the non-linear impacts of accessibility on metro ridership, Qiang Du, Yuqing Zhou, Youdan Huang, Yalei Wang, and Libiao Bai