
Submissions from 2015


A European vision for more environmentally friendly buses, Maria Vittoria Corazza, Umberto Guida, Antonio Musso, and Michele Tozzi


Public transport demand elasticities during the recessionary phases of economic cycles, Ruben Cordera, Cesar Canales, Luigi dell’Olio, and Angel Ibeas


Perceptions of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) at Australian Railway Stations, Paul Cozens and Tiffany van der Linde


Knowledge of the concept Light Rail Transit: Exploring its relevance and identification of the determinants of various knowledge levels, Lieve Creemers, Hans Tormans, Tom Bellemans, Davy Janssens, Geert Wets, and Mario Cools


Analyzing railroad congestion in a dense urban network through the use of a road traffic network fundamental diagram concept, Pierre-Antoine Cuniasse, Christine Buisson, Joaquin Rodriguez, Emmanuel Teboul, and David de Almeida


Performance of Australian Light Rail and Comparison with U. S. Trends, Graham Currie, Matthew Burke, and Alexa Delbosc


Spiral Plot Analysis of Variation in Perceptions of Urban Public Transport Performance Between International Cities, Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc


Reducing car-use for leisure: Can organised walking groups switch from car travel to bus and train walks?, N. J. Davies and R. Weston


Influential vectors in fuel consumption by an urban bus operator: Bus route, driver behavior or vehicle type?, João de Abreu e Silva, Filipe Moura, Bernardo Garcia, and Rodrigo Vargas


Enhancing the impact of travel plans for new residential developments: Insights from implementation theory, Chris De Gruyter, Geoffrey Rose, and Graham Currie


Understanding Travel Plan Effectiveness for New Residential Developments, Chris De Gruyter, Geoffrey Rose, and Graham Currie


Integrated Real-Time Transit Signal Priority Control for High-Frequency Segregated Transit Services, Felipe Delgado, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Ricardo Giesen, and Nigel H. M. Wilson


Index numbers for monitoring transit service quality, Juan de Oña, Rocío de Oña, Laura Eboli, and Gabriella Mazzulla


Perceived Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions: Structural Equation Model for the Metro of Seville, Spain, Rocío de Oña, José Luis Machado, and Juan de Oña


Discomfort in mass transit and its implication for scheduling and pricing, André de Palma, Moez Kilani, and Stef Proost


How satisfying is the Scale for Travel Satisfaction?, Jonas De Vos, Tim Schwanen, Veronique Van Acker, and Frank Witlox


The Farside Story Measuring the Benefits of Bus Stop Location on Transit Performance, Ehab I. Diab and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy


The Integrated Model on Mobile Payment Acceptance (IMMPA): An empirical application to public transport, L. Di Pietro, R. Guglielmetti Mugion, G. Mattia, M. F. Renzi, and M. Toni


A new measure of resilience: An application to the London Underground, Minette D’Lima and Francesca Medda


Innovation strategy in new transportation systems: The case of Crossrail, Mark Dodgson, David Gann, Sam MacAulay, and Andrew Davies


The estimation of changes in rail ridership through an onboard survey: did free Wi-Fi make a difference to Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor service?, Zhi Dong, Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Giovanni Circella, and James R. Allison


Bus schedule coordination for the last train service in an intermodal bus-and-train transport network, Xueping Dou, Qiang Meng, and Xiucheng Guo


Rail-based public transport and urban spatial structure: The interplay between network design, congestion and urban form, Martijn I. Dröes and Piet Rietveld


Traffic safety in surface public transport systems: a synthesis of research, Nicolae Duduta, Claudia Adriazola, Dario Hidalgo, Luis Antonio Lindau, and Rebecca Jaffe


Understanding Platform Overcrowding at Bus Rapid Transit Stations, Nicolae Duduta and Asis Subedi


Direct Ridership Model of Rail Rapid Transit Systems in Canada, Matthew Durning and Craig Townsend


An investigation into the feasibility of increasing rail use as an alternative to the car, Jack Eagling and Tim Ryley


Relationships between rail passengers’ satisfaction and service quality: a framework for identifying key service factors, Laura Eboli and Gabriella Mazzulla


Modeling Diesel and Hybrid Bus Fuel Consumption with Virginia Tech Comprehensive Power-Based Fuel Consumption Model: Model Enhancements and Calibration Issues, William Edwardes and Hesham Rakha


Strategic Station Access Planning for Commuter Rail Balancing Park-and-Ride with Other Modes, Joshua Engel-Yan, Malvika Rudra, Christopher Livett, and Rebecca Nagorsky


Viewpoints of adults with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders on public transport, Marita Falkmer, Tania Barnett, Chiara Horlin, Olov Falkmer, Jessica Siljehav, Sofi Fristedt, Hoe C. Lee, Derserri Y. Chee, Anders Wretstrand, and Torbjörn Falkmer


Dedicated Bus and Queue Jumper Lanes at Signalized Intersections with Nearside Bus Stops: Person-Based Evaluation, Yashar Zeinali Farid, Eleni Christofa, and John Collura


Quantifying the joint impacts of stop locations, signalized intersections, and traffic conditions on bus travel time, Wei Feng, Miguel Figliozzi, and Robert L. Bertini


On passenger saturation flow in public transport doors, Rodrigo Fernández, Alejandra Valencia, and Sebastian Seriani


Competitive tendering versus performance-based negotiation in Swiss public transport, M. Filippini, M. Koller, and G. Masiero


Guidebook on Pedestrian Crossings of Public Transit Rail Services, Kay Fitzpatrick, Jeffery Warner, Marcus A. Brewer, Billie Louise Bentzen, Janet M. Barlow, and Benjamin Sperry


Public Transit Catchment Areas The Curious Case of Cycle-Transit Users, Bradley J. Flamm and Charles R. Rivasplata


What Do You Do with Your App? Study of Bus Rider Decision Making with Real-Time Passenger Information, Achille Fonzone


A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns, Achille Fonzone, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker, and Ronghui Liu


Identifying public transport gaps using time-dependent accessibility levels, Koos Fransen, Tijs Neutens, Steven Farber, Philippe De Maeyer, Greet Deruyter, and Frank Witlox


Mode-Switching Behavior with the Provision of Real-Time Multimodal Traveler Information, Andreas Frei and Hongcheng Gan


Making time count: Traveler activity engagement on urban transit, Charlotte Frei, Hani S. Mahmassani, and Andreas Frei


The role public transport can play in Safer Journeys and, in particular, to advance the Safe System approach, B Frith, J Burton, M Trotter, and G Rive


The impact of market opening on the supply of interregional train services, Oskar Fröidh and Bo-Lennart Nelldal


Quantifying Transit’s Impact on GHG Emissions and Energy Use—The Land Use Component, Frank Gallivan, Eliot Rose, Reid Ewing, Shima Hamidi, and Thomas Brown


Estimating the bus user time benefits of implementing a median busway: Methodology and case study, Jaime Gibson, Marcela A. Munizaga, Camila Schneider, and Alejandro Tirachini


Evaluation of Bus Reliability Measures and Development of a New Composite Indicator, Antonio Gittens and Amer Shalaby


Exploring Applications of Second-Generation Archived Transit Data for Estimating Performance Measures and Arterial Travel Speeds, Travis B. Glick, Wei Feng, Robert L. Bertini, and Miguel A. Figliozzi


Developing a Method for Assessing National Demand-Response Transit Level of Service, Ranjit P. Godavarthy, Jeremy Mattson, Del Peterson, and Jill Hough


Cost–Benefit Analysis of Rural and Small Urban Transit in the United States, Ranjit Prasad Godavarthy, Jeremy Mattson, and Elvis Ndembe


Exact and heuristic approaches to the robust periodic event scheduling problem, Marc Goerigk


Improving Transit Integration Among Multiple Providers, Volume I: Transit Integration Manual, Joey Goldman, Gail Murray, Cathleen Sullivan, Bethany Whitaker, Mark Chase, Alexandra Reisman, Nancy Whelan, and Tina Spencer


Sustainable Demand Responsive Transportation systems in a context of austerity: The case of a Portuguese city, Rui Gomes, Jorge Pinho de Sousa, and Teresa Galvão Dias


Accident Prediction Models for Bus Rapid Transit Systems: Generalized Linear Models Compared with a Neural Network, Fidel Gómez and Juan Pablo Bocarejo


Explanatory factors of distorted perceptions of travel time in tram, Rosa Marina González, Eduardo Martínez-Budría, Juan José Díaz-Hernández, and Arnaldo Esquivel


What is behind fare evasion in urban bus systems? An econometric approach, Pablo Guarda, Patricia Galilea, Laurel Paget-Seekins, and Juan de Dios Ortúzar


New QR Survey Methodologies to Analyze User Perception of Service Quality in Public Transport: The Experience of Madrid, Begoña Guirao, Antonio García, María Eugenia López, Carlos Acha, and Julio Comendador


Pre-signals for bus priority: basic guidelines for implementation, S. Ilgin Guler and Monica Menendez


The underground economy: Tracking the higher-order economic impacts of the São Paulo Subway System, Eduardo A. Haddad, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Alexandre A. Porsse, Eveline S. Van Leeuwen, and Renato S. Vieira


Real-time bus route state forecasting using particle filter and mesoscopic modeling, Etienne Hans, Nicolas Chiabaut, Ludovic Leclercq, and Robert L. Bertini


Performance Evaluation of Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis, Devaraj Hanumappa, Parthasarathy Ramachandran, T. G. Sitharam, and S. Lakshmana


Development and Evaluation of Adaptive Transit Signal Priority Control with Updated Transit Delay Model, Xu Han, Pengfei Li, Rajib Sikder, Zhijun (Tony) Qiu, and Amy Kim


A systematic review of the literature on safety measures to prevent railway suicides and trespassing accidents, Grigore M. Havârneanu, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, and Françoise Paran


The distribution of crowding costs in public transport: New evidence from Paris, Luke Haywood and Martin Koning


A Scientometric Analysis of Public Transport Research, Leonard Heilig and Stefan Voß


The same mode again? An exploration of mode choice variability in Great Britain using the National Travel Survey, Eva Heinen and Kiron Chatterjee


Estimating the Destination of Unlinked Trips in Transit Smart Card Fare Data, Li He and Martin Trépanier


Sustainable transportation infrastructure investments and mode share changes: A 20-year background of Boulder, Colorado, Alejandro Henao, Daniel Piatkowski, Kara S. Luckey, Krista Nordback, Wesley E. Marshall, and Kevin J. Krizek


Transit Travel Time Reliability: Shifting the Focus from Vehicles to Customers, Patricia Hendren, Justin Antos, Yvonne Carney, and Richard Harcum


Identifying resident preferences for bus-based and rail-based investments as a complementary buy in perspective to inform project planning prioritisation, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Corinne Mulley


Identifying preferences for public transport investments under a constrained budget, David A. Hensher, Chinh Ho, and Corinne Mulley


Modal image: candidate drivers of preference differences for BRT and LRT, David A. Hensher and Corinne Mulley


Determining optimal frequency and vehicle capacity for public transit routes: A generalized newsvendor model, Avi Herbon and Yuval Hadas


Analysis of real-time control strategies in a corridor with multiple bus services, Daniel Hernández, Juan Carlos Muñoz, Ricardo Giesen, and Felipe Delgado


Perceived vs. Actual Distance to Transit in Santiago, Chile, Diego Hernández and Regina Witter


Urban transport interchanges: A methodology for evaluating perceived quality, Sara Hernandez, Andres Monzon, and Rocío de Oña


Integrating transport and land-use planning? How steering cultures in local authorities affect implementation of integrated public transport and land-use planning, Robert Hrelja


Circuity in urban transit networks, Jie Huang and David M. Levinson


Coordinated transit signal priority supporting transit progression under Connected Vehicle Technology, Jia Hu, Byungkyu Brian Park, and Young-Jae Lee


Development of Level-of-Service Criteria based on a Single Measure for BRT in China, Yueying Huo, Jinhua Zhao, Jian Zhang, and Feng Qiu


Analytical Five-Phase Bus Rapid Transit Traffic Flow Model, Michael F. Hyland and Hani Mahmassani


Planning, operation, and control of bus transport systems: A literature review, Omar J. Ibarra-Rojas, Felipe Delgado, Ricardo Giesen, and Juan Carlos Muñoz


Estimation of an origin/destination matrix: application to a ferry transport data, Adrien Ickowicz and Ross Sparks


Regulation of public bus services: The Israeli experience, Yoram Ida and Gal Talit


An investigation on the performances of mode shift models in transit ridership forecasting, Ahmed Osman Idris, Khandker M. Nurul Habib, and Amer Shalaby


Investigating the factors affecting transit user loyalty, Aitor Imaz, Khandker M. Nurul Habib, Amer Shalaby, and Ahmed Osman Idris


Fixed-Effects Panel Data Analysis of Gasoline Prices, Fare, Service Supply, and Service Frequency on Transit Ridership in 10 U.S. Urbanized Areas, Hiroyuki Iseki and Rubaba Ali


Robust stop-skipping patterns in urban railway operations under traffic alteration situation, A. Jamili and M. Pourseyed Aghaee


Examining the Influence of Internal Service Characteristics on Social Benefits of Multimodal Transit, Michal A. Jaroszynski


Do Light Rail Transit Planning Decisions Affect Metropolitan Transit Performance? Examination of Eight U. S. Metropolitan Areas with Light Rail Transit Backbones, Michal A. Jaroszynski and Jeffrey R. Brown


The value of new public transport links for network robustness and redundancy, Erik Jenelius and Oded Cats


Optimal allocation of protective resources in urban rail transit networks against intentional attacks, Jian Gang Jin, Linjun Lu, Lijun Sun, and Jingbo Yin


Transit passenger origin–destination flow estimation: Efficiently combining onboard survey and large automatic passenger count datasets, Yuxiong Ji, Rabi G. Mishalani, and Mark R. McCord


Designing Shuttle Connections to Commuter Rail with Census Origin and Destination Data, Gretchen Johnson, Hazel Scher, and Thomas Wittmann


Land use characteristics of subway catchment areas and their influence on subway ridership in Seoul, Myung-Jin Jun, Keechoo Choi, Ji-Eun Jeong, Ki-Hyun Kwon, and Hee-Jae Kim


Agent-based optimisation of public transport supply and pricing: impacts of activity scheduling decisions and simulation randomness, Ihab Kaddoura, Benjamin Kickhöfer, Andreas Neumann, and Alejandro Tirachini


Transit stop inspection and maintenance scheduling: A GPU accelerated metaheuristics approach, Nikolaos Ath. Kallioras, Konstantinos Kepaptsoglou, and Nikos D. Lagaros


Commuting mode choice in transit oriented development: Disentangling the effects of competitive neighbourhoods, travel attitudes, and self-selection, Md. Kamruzzaman, Farjana Mostafiz Shatu, Julian Hine, and Gavin Turrell


A case study on the coordination of last trains for the Beijing subway network, Liujiang Kang, Jianjun Wu, Huijun Sun, Xiaoning Zhu, and Ziyou Gao


Effects of Transit Quality of Service Characteristics on Daily Bus Ridership, Syeed Anta Kashfi, Jonathan M. Bunker, and Tan Yigitcanlar