
Submissions from 2017


Infrastructure and Operational Influences on Collisions Between Trams and Left-Turning Cars, Christian M. Marti, Ambra Toletti, Seraina Tresch, and Ulrich Weidmann


Key challenges in tram/streetcar driving from the tram driver’s perspective – A qualitative study, Farhana Naznin, Graham Currie, and David Logan


Impact of Transit Stop Location on Pedestrian Safety, Brian Pessaro, Martin Catalá, Zhenyu Wang, and Mitch Spicer


Reducing the impact of speed dispersion on subway corridor flow, Jing Qiao, Lishan Sun, Xiaoming Liu, and Jian Rong


Effects of altruism and burnout on driving behavior of bus drivers, Xia Shi and Liang Zhang


Active Safety-Collision Warning Pilot in Washington State, Jerry Spears, Jerome M. Lutin, Yinhai Wang, Ruimin Ke, Steven M. Clancy, and Washington State Transit Insurance Pool (WSTIP)


Review and Evaluation of Public Transportation Safety Standards, Lisa Staes


Successful Practices and Training Initiatives to Reduce Accidents and Incidents at Transit Agencies, Lisa Staes, Jodi Godfrey, Jennifer Flynn, and Roberta Yegidis


Managing Extreme Weather at Bus Stops, Barbara Thomson


New IDEAs for Rail Safety: Annual Report of the Rail Safety IDEA Program, Transportation Research Board


New IDEAS for Transit: Transit IDEA Program Annual Report, Transportation Research Board


Traffic Signal Preemption at Intersections Near Highway–Rail Grade Crossings, Tom Urbanik and Alison Tanaka


Stress-related psychosocial factors at work, fatigue, and risky driving behavior in bus rapid transport (BRT) drivers, Sergio A. Useche, Viviola Gómez Ortiz, and Boris E. Cendales


Synthesis of Information Related to Transit Practices: 2017, Jon Williams


Public attitudes toward encouraging sustainable transportation: An Australian case study, Ting Xia, Ying Zhang, Annette Braunack-Mayer, and Shona Crabb


Vulnerability analysis of urban rail transit based on complex network theory: a case study of Shanghai Metro, Yingying Xing, Jian Lu, Shengdi Chen, and Sunanda Dissanayake


A train rescheduling model integrating speed management during disruptions of high-speed traffic under a quasi-moving block system, Peijuan Xu, Francesco Corman, Qiyuan Peng, and Xiaojie Luan


Effect of Regional Characteristics on Injury Severity in Local Bus Crashes: Use of Hierarchical Ordered Model, Sangwon Yoon, Seung-Young Kho, and Dong-Kyu Kim

Submissions from 2016


Injuries to older users of buses in the UK, Jo Barnes, Andrew Morris, Ruth Welsh, Steve Summerskill, Russ Marshall, Denise Kendrick, Pip Logan, Avril Drummond, Simon Conroy, Brian Fildes, and Julie Bell


International benchmarking of rail safety indicators, J. Brown


Impact of Platform Edge Doors on Passengers’ Boarding and Alighting Time and Platform Behavior, Gonzalo de Ana Rodríguez, Sebastián Seriani, and Catherine Holloway


Risk factors affecting fatal bus accident severity: Their impact on different types of bus drivers, Shumin Feng, Zhenning Li, Yusheng Ci, and Guohui Zhang


Bus Operator Workstation Design for Improving Occupational Health and Safety, Robin Mary Gillespie, Andrew Krum, Darrell Bowman, Stephanie Baker, and Michael Belzer


Trends, Causal Analysis, and Recommendations from 14 Years of Ferry Accidents, Abigail S. Golden and Roberta E. Weisbrod


Identifying Factors That Increase Bus Accident Risk by Using Random Forests and Trip-Level Data, Joel Huting, Joey Reid, Uchechukwu Nwoke, Elizabeth Bacarella, and Kim Eng Ky


Factors underlying bus-related crashes in Hanoi, Vietnam, Quang Ngoc La, Dat Van Duong, Andy H. Lee, and Lynn B. Meuleners


Mega events and the transformation of Rio de Janeiro into a mass-transit city, Luis Antonio Lindau, Guillermo Petzhold, Virginia Bergamaschi Tavares, and Daniela Facchini


Accident prediction model for public highway-rail grade crossings, Pan Lu and Denver Tolliver


Tram Safety in Mixed Traffic: Best Practices from Switzerland, Christian M. Marti, Jonas Kupferschmid, Michael Schwertner, Andrew Nash, and Ulrich Weidmann


Effects of Speed, Curves, and Driver Behavior on Passive Securement Systems on Large Transit Buses, Andrea Mather and Katharine Hunter-Zaworski


Exploring the impacts of factors contributing to tram-involved serious injury crashes on Melbourne tram routes, Farhana Naznin, Graham Currie, and David Logan


Application of a random effects negative binomial model to examine tram-involved crash frequency on route sections in Melbourne, Australia, Farhana Naznin, Graham Currie, David Logan, and Majid Sarvi


Safety impacts of platform tram stops on pedestrians in mixed traffic operation: A comparison group before–after crash study, Farhana Naznin, Graham Currie, David Logan, and Majid Sarvi


Creating a Bus Rapid Transit Boulevard: Making Woodhaven Boulevard Select Bus Service Work for Transit, Traffic, and the Public in Queens, New York, Varanesh Singh, Eric B. Beaton, Taylor Reiss Gouge, and Nina Harvey Schatmeier


Onboard Camera Applications for Buses, Barbara Thomson, Iliana Matos, and Joseph Previdi


New IDEAs for Rail Safety: Annual Report of the Rail Safety IDEA Program, Transportation Research Board


New IDEAS for Transit: Transit IDEA Program Annual Report, Transportation Research Board


What factors determine metro passengers’ risky riding behavior? An approach based on an extended theory of planned behavior, Xin Wan, Paul M. Schonfeld, and Qiming Li


Modeling level-of-safety for bus stops in China, Zhirui Ye, Chao Wang, Yongbo Yu, Xiaomeng Shi, and Wei Wang

Submissions from 2015


Investigating the Determining Factors for Transit Travel Demand by Bus Mode in US Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Bhuiyan Alam, Hilary Nixon, and Qiong Zhang


Platform Edge Detection and Protection Effects on Platform–Train Interface Safety, Dylan Anderson and Katharine Hunter-Zaworski


Designing the Modern Multimodal Urban Arterial: Case Study of the Webster Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Project, Eric B. Beaton, Evan Bialostozky, Patrick Dougherty, Taylor Reiss Gouge, and Theodore V. Orosz


Traffic safety in surface public transport systems: a synthesis of research, Nicolae Duduta, Claudia Adriazola, Dario Hidalgo, Luis Antonio Lindau, and Rebecca Jaffe


Guidebook on Pedestrian Crossings of Public Transit Rail Services, Kay Fitzpatrick, Jeffery Warner, Marcus A. Brewer, Billie Louise Bentzen, Janet M. Barlow, and Benjamin Sperry


The role public transport can play in Safer Journeys and, in particular, to advance the Safe System approach, B Frith, J Burton, M Trotter, and G Rive


Accident Prediction Models for Bus Rapid Transit Systems: Generalized Linear Models Compared with a Neural Network, Fidel Gómez and Juan Pablo Bocarejo


A systematic review of the literature on safety measures to prevent railway suicides and trespassing accidents, Grigore M. Havârneanu, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, and Françoise Paran


Urban transport interchanges: A methodology for evaluating perceived quality, Sara Hernandez, Andres Monzon, and Rocío de Oña


Assessing driver acceptance of Intelligent Transport Systems in the context of railway level crossings, Grégoire S. Larue, Andry Rakotonirainy, Narelle L. Haworth, and Millie Darvell


Am stressed, must travel: The relationship between mode choice and commuting stress, Alexander Legrain, Naveen Eluru, and Ahmed M. El-Geneidy


Passenger Flows in Underground Railway Stations and Platforms, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Brian D. Taylor, and Carole Turley


Crash risk and aberrant driving behaviors among bus drivers: The role of personality and attitudes towards traffic safety, Luca Mallia, Lambros Lazuras, Cristiano Violani, and Fabio Lucidi


Measuring Bus Stops Toward a Sustainable Urban Environment, Wenbin Ma, Shirley Hsiao, and Christopher MacKechnie


Light Rail Transit Urban Insertion and Safety European Experience, Margarita Novales, Manuel Teixeira, and Laetitia Fontaine


Improving Safety Culture in Public Transportation, Howard Roberts, Richard Retting, Tom Webb, Ashley Colleary, Brian Turner, Xinge Wang, Roger Toussaint, Gwynn Simpson, and Claudia White


Planning guidelines for metro–bus interchanges by means of a pedestrian microsimulation model, Sebastián Seriani and Rodrigo Fernández


Impact of public transport and non-motorized transport infrastructure on travel mode shares, energy, emissions and safety: Case of Indian cities, Geetam Tiwari, Deepty Jain, and Kalaga Ramachandra Rao


New IDEAS for Transit: Transit IDEA Program Annual Report, Transportation Research Board


New IDEAs for Rail Safety: Annual Report of the Rail Safety IDEA Program, Transportation Research Board


Metro passenger behaviors and their relations to metro incident involvement, Xin Wan, Qiming Li, Jingfeng Yuan, and Paul M. Schonfeld


Evaluation of the Safe Routes to Transit Program in California, David Weinzimmer, Rebecca L. Sanders, Heidi Dittrich, and Jill F. Cooper


Development of a maximum likelihood regression tree-based model for predicting subway incident delay, Jinxian Weng, Yang Zheng, Xiaobo Qu, and Xuedong Yan


Where do novice and experienced drivers direct their attention on approach to urban rail level crossings?, Kristie L. Young, Michael G. Lenné, Vanessa Beanland, Paul M. Salmon, and Neville A. Stanton

Submissions from 2014


Designing Bus Rapid Transit Facilities for Constrained Urban Arterials Case Study of the Selection Process for the Webster Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Running Way Design in New York City, Eric B. Beaton, Evan Bialostozky, Oliver Ernhofer, Theodore V. Orosz, Taylor Reiss, and Donald Yuratovac


Organizational effects of experience from accidents. Learning in the aftermath of the Tretten and Åsta train accidents, Geir Sverre Braut, Øivind Solberg, and Ove Njå


Bus accident analysis of routes with/without bus priority, Kelvin Chun Keong Goh, Graham Currie, Majid Sarvi, and David Logan


Road Safety Benefits from Bus Priority An Empirical Study, Kelvin Chun Keong Goh, Graham Currie, Majid Sarvi, and David Logan


Factors affecting the probability of bus drivers being at-fault in bus-involved accidents, Kelvin Goh, Graham Currie, Majid Sarvi, and David Logan


Prevalence of and factors associated with distraction among public transit bus drivers, Russell Griffin, Carrie Huisingh, and Gerald McGwin Jr


Identifying public preferences using multi-criteria decision making for assessing the shift of urban commuters from private to public transport: A case study of Delhi, Suresh Jain, Preeti Aggarwal, Prashant Kumar, Shaleen Singhal, and Prateek Sharma


The promise and challenges of integrating public transportation in Bogotá, Colombia, Gwen Kash and Dario Hidalgo


Perceived Neighborhood Environment and Transit Use in Low-Income Populations, Jeongwoo Lee


A New Transit Safety Narrative, Todd Litman


Evaluating the Effectiveness of Onboard Video Feedback Systems on Reducing Transit Collisions and Injuries, Michael Litschi and Peter J. Haas


Exploring the impact of a dedicated streetcar right-of-way on pedestrian motor vehicle collisions: A quasi experimental design, Sarah A. Richmond, Linda Rothman, Ron Buliung, Naomi Schwartz, Kristian Larsen, and Andrew Howard


Microsimulation modelling of driver behaviour towards alternative warning devices at railway level crossings, Li-Sian Tey, Sicong Zhu, Luis Ferreira, and Guy Wallis


Bus lane safety implications: a case study in Hong Kong, Lai Yin Tse, Wing Tat Hung, and Agachai Sumalee


Evaluating the Performance of Public Urban Transportation Systems in India, Omkarprasad S. Vaidya


A Simulation Study on Passenger Escape in Rail Tunnels, W L. Wang and T Y Jacqueline Lo


Safety as a key performance indicator: Creating a safety culture for enhanced passenger safety, comfort, and accessibility, Anders Wretstrand, Bengt Holmberg, and Monica Berntman


A Study on Theoretical Calculation Method of Subway Safety Evacuation, Bing Zhang, Zhi-sheng Xu, Qian-wei Zhao, and Yang-yang Liu


A Transit-Based Evacuation Model for Metropolitan Areas, Xin Zhang and Gang-Ien Chang

Submissions from 2013


Paratransit Emergency Preparedness and Operations Handbook, Annabelle Boyd, Ream Lazaro, Dain Pankratz, Valerie Lazaro, Gary Gleeson, Adrian Moy, Jim Chesnutt, and June Isaacson Kailes


Road safety issues for bus transport management, Salvatore Cafiso, Alessandro Di Graziano, and Giuseppina Pappalardo


The connection between the hassles–burnout relationship, as moderated by coping, and aberrant behaviors and health problems among bus drivers, Ching-Fe Chen and Ya-Ling Kao


Understanding Road Safety Impact of High-Performance Bus Rapid Transit and Busway Design Features, Nicolae Duduta, Claudia Adriazola, Dario Hidalgo, Luis Antonio Lindau, and Rebecca Jaffe


Bus accident analysis of routes with/without bus priority, Kelvin Chun Keong Goh, Graham Currie, Majid Sarvi, and David Logan


Sustainable, safe, smart—three key elements of Singapore’s evolving transport policies, M. M. Haque, H. C. Chin, and A. K. Debnath


Transit Bus Operator Distraction Policies, Christopher A. Kozub


Influence of approaching tram on behaviour of pedestrians in signalised crosswalks in Poland, Maciej Kruszyna and Jeremi Rychlewski


Recommendations for Yield-to-Bus traffic control devices and bus pullout bays design characteristics, Pei-Sung Lin, Aldo Fabregas, Serkan Gunpinar, Osiel Perez-Angon, and Bijan Behzadi


Safer Than You Think! Revising the transit safety narrative, Todd Litman


Examining the Impact of Adverse Weather on Urban Rail Transit Facilities on the Basis of Fault Tree Analysis and Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation, Jiaqi Ma, Yan Bai, Jianfeng Shen, and Fang Zhou


Pedestrian/Bicyclist Warning Devices and Signs at Highway-Rail and Pathway-Rail Grade Crossings, Paul Metataxatos and P. S. Sriraj


Automatic Passenger Detection in Safety Critical Mass Transit Environments, A. Mroué, M. Heddebaut, F. Elbahhar, A. Rivenq, and J. M. Rouvaen


Psychological factors for driver distraction and inattention in the Australian and New Zealand rail industry, Anjum Naweed


Impacts of the Cedar Avenue Driver Assist System on Bus Shoulder Operations, Brian Pessaro


Annual Safety Performance Report 2012-2013, Rail Safety and Standards Board


A Qualitative Analysis of Bus Simulator Training on Transit Incidents - A Case Study in Florida, Amber Reep, Lisa Staes, and Victoria Perk


Enhancing the panic escape of crowd through architectural design, Nirajan Shiwakoti and Majid Sarvi