
Submissions from 2020


The impact of centroid connectors on transit assignment outcomes, Ouassim Manout, Patrick Bonnel, and François Pacull


Collaborative passenger flow control on an oversaturated metro line: a path choice approach, Fanting Meng, Lixing Yang, Yun Wei, Shukai Li, Ziyou Gao, and Jungang Shi


A multi-criteria assessment of the passengers’ level of comfort in urban railway rolling stock, Alireza Mohammadi, Luis Amador-Jimenez, and Fuzhan Nasiri


User characteristics influencing use of a bicycle-sharing system integrated into an intermodal transport network in Spain, Sebastian Molinillo, Miguel Ruiz-Montañez, and Francisco Liébana-Cabanillas


Fare evasion correction for smartcard-based origin-destination matrices, Marcela A. Munizaga, Antonio Gschwender, and Nestor Gallegos


Social media semantic perceptions on Madrid Metro system: Using Twitter data to link complaints to space, Joaquín Osorio-Arjona, Jiri Horak, Radek Svoboda, and Yolanda García-Ruíz


A thermal comfort field study on subway passengers during air-conditioning season in Beijing, Song Pan, Yiqiao Liu, Lang Xie, Xinru Wang, Yanping Yuan, and Xiaoyu Jia


Determinants of passengers' metro car choice revealed through automated data sources: a Stockholm case study, Soumela Peftitsi, Erik Jenelius, and Oded Cats


Examining the effect of land-use function complementarity on intra-urban spatial interactions using metro smart card records, Mengyao Ren, Yaoyu Lin, Meihan Jin, Zhongyuan Duan, Yongxi Gong, and Yu Liu


A typology of the built environment around rail stops in the global transit-oriented city of Seoul, Korea, Daniel A. Rodriguez and Chang-Deok Kang


Sequenced Ordered Logit Model Considering Latent Variables for Determining Trip Satisfaction of Metro Passengers, Tara Saeidi, Mahmoud Mesbah, and Meeghat Habibian


Demand-driven timetable and stop pattern cooperative optimization on an urban rail transit line, Pan Shang, Ruimin Li, and Liya Yang


Threshold and moderating effects of land use on metro ridership in Shenzhen: Implications for TOD planning, Qifan Shao, Wenjia Zhang, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, Jiawen Yang, and Jie Yin


Short-term metro passenger flow forecasting using ensemble-chaos support vector regression, Zhuangbin Shi, Ning Zhang, Paul M. Schonfeld, and Jian Zhang


India’s shift from mass transit to MaaS transit: Insights from Kochi, Mitashi Singh


Decomposing journey times on urban metro systems via semiparametric mixed methods, Ramandeep Singh, Daniel Hörcher, Daniel J. Graham, and Richard J. Anderson


Estimation of left behind subway passengers through archived data and video image processing, Charalampos Sipetas, Andronikos Keklikoglou, and Eric J. Gonzales


Customer satisfaction in urban rail: a study on transferability of structural equation models, Amirali Soltanpour, Mahmoud Mesbah, and Meeghat Habibian


Investigating Complementary and Competitive Relationships between Bikeshare Service and Public Transit: A Spatial-Temporal Framework, Ying Song and Yuchuan Huang


Determinants of transit-oriented development efficiency focusing on an integrated subway, bus and shared-bicycle system: Application of Simar-Wilson's two-stage approach, Reuben Tamakloe, Jungyeol Hong, and Jihoon Tak


Evacuating metro passengers via the urban bus system under uncertain disruption recovery time and heterogeneous risk-taking behaviour, Zhijia Tan, Min Xu, Qiang Meng, and Zhi-Chun Li


Typology of Bikeshare Users Combining Bikeshare and Transit, Léandre Tarpin-Pitre and Catherine Morency


Quantitative Modeling of Congestion in Metro Station Based on Passenger Time Perceptions, Jing Teng, Weiwei Pan, and Cen Zhang


The perception of service quality among paratransit users in Metro Manila using structural equations modelling (SEM) approach, Noriel Christopher C. Tiglao, Janna M. De Veyra, Niki Jon Y. Tolentino, and Mark Angelo Y. Tacderas


Understanding accessibility through public transport users' experiences: A mixed methods approach, Ignacio Tiznado-Aitken, Karen Lucas, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Ricardo Hurtubia


New IDEAS for Transit: Transit IDEA Program Annual Report, Transportation Research Board


Assessing the social costs of urban transport infrastructure options in low and middle income countries, Tam Vu and John Preston


Noise, odor and passenger density in perceived crowding in public transport, Bin Wang and John Zacharias


Relationship between eye-level greenness and cycling frequency around metro stations in Shenzhen, China: A big data approach, Ruoyu Wang, Yi Lu, Xueying Wu, Ye Liu, and Yao Yao


Modelling heterogeneity in behavioral response to peak-avoidance policy utilizing naturalistic data of Beijing subway travelers, Yu Wang, Yacan Wang, and Charisma Choudhury


Commuter value perceptions in peak avoidance behavior: An empirical study in the Beijing subway system, Yu Wang, Yacan Wang, Dick Ettema, Zidan Mao, Samuel G. Charlton, and Huiyu Zhou


Evaluating the effects of environmental factors and a transfer fare discount policy on the performance of an urban metro system, Wann-Ming Wey, Chao-Chung Kang, and Haider A. Khan


Weather, travel mode choice, and impacts on subway ridership in Beijing, Jingwen Wu and Hua Liao


Indoor air quality and passenger thermal comfort in Beijing metro transfer stations, Liming Wu, Haishan Xia, Xianfeng Wang, Qingfeng Dong, Chunxiang Lin, Xiaotong Liu, and Rui Liang


Optimal design of transit networks fed by shared bikes, Liyu Wu, Weihua Gu, Wenbo Fan, and Michael J. Cassidy


Public transport or E-bike taxis: the implication of everyday mobilities in contemporary China, Hua Xia


Field measurements of the interior and exterior aerodynamic pressure induced by a metro train passing through a tunnel, Xiaohui Xiong, Liang Zhu, Jie Zhang, Aihua Li, Xiaobai Li, and Mingzan Tang


On the importance of Shenzhen metro transit to land development and threshold effect, Jiawen Yang, Pinren Su, and Jason (Xinyu) Cao


Developing metro-based accessibility: Three aspects of China’s Rail+Property practice, Jiawen Yang, Lili Zhu, Yang Duan, Jiangping Zhou, and Hanxi Ma


Collaborative optimization of last-train timetables with accessibility: A space-time network design based approach, Lixing Yang, Zhen Di, Maged M. Dessouky, Ziyou Gao, and Jungang Shi


A bi-objective timetable optimization model incorporating energy allocation and passenger assignment in an energy-regenerative metro system, Songpo Yang, Feixiong Liao, Jianjun Wu, Harry J.P. Timmermans, Huijun Sun, and Ziyou Gao


An actor-critic deep reinforcement learning approach for metro train scheduling with rolling stock circulation under stochastic demand, Cheng-shuo Ying, Andy H.F. Chow, and Kwai-Sang Chin


Potential for metro rail energy savings and emissions reduction via eco-driving, Weichang Yuan and H. Christopher Frey


Data-driven approach for solving the route choice problem with traveling backward behavior in congested metro systems, Chao Yu, Haiying Li, Xinyue Xu, and Jun Liu


Empirical study on the impact of China's metro services on urban transportation energy consumption, Mingchao Yu, Ran Yu, Yuxuan Tang, and Zhen Liu


Metro and urban growth: Evidence from China, Haoran Zhang


Metro disruption management: Contracting substitute bus service under uncertain system recovery time, Shuyang Zhang and Hong K. Lo


Metro passenger’s path choice model estimation with travel time correlations derived from smart card data, Yongsheng Zhang, Enjian Yao, Kangning Zheng, and Hao Xu


Novel Three-Stage Framework for Prioritizing and Selecting Feature Variables for Short-Term Metro Passenger Flow Prediction, Yangyang Zhao, Lu Ren, Zhenliang Ma, and Xinguo Jiang


Multimodal subsidy design for network capacity flexibility optimization, Yu Zheng, Xiaoning Zhang, and Zhe Liang


Evaluation of Subway Bottleneck Mitigation Strategies using Microscopic, Agent-Based Simulation, Jiali Zhou, Haris N. Koutsopoulos, and Saeid Saidi


From compound word to metropolitan station: Semantic similarity analysis using smart card data, Dingyi Zhuang, Siyu Hao, Der-Horng Lee, and Gang Jin


Calibrating travel time thresholds with cluster analysis and AFC data for passenger reasonable route generation on an urban rail transit network, Wei Zhu, Wei-li Fan, Amr M. Wahaballa, and Jin Wei

Submissions from 2019


On evasion behaviour in public transport: Dissatisfaction or contagion?, Jaime Allen, Juan Carlos Muñoz, and Juan de Dios Ortúzar


Understanding the impact of built environment on metro ridership using open source in Shanghai, Dadi An, Xin Tong, Kun Liu, and Edwin H.W. Chan


Gauging differences in public transport symbolism across national cultures: implications for policy development and transfer, David P. Ashmore, Dorina Pojani, Roselle Thoreau, Nicola Christie, and Nicholas A. Tyler


Environmental impacts of commuting modes in Lisbon: A life-cycle assessment addressing particulate matter impacts on health, Loana Bastos, Pedro Marques, Stuart A. Batterman, and Fausto Freire


Factors influencing trip generation on metro system in Madrid (Spain), Francisco Calvo, Laura Eboli, Carmen Forciniti, and Gabriella Mazzulla


Vulnerability of public transportation networks against directed attacks and cascading failures, Antonio Candelieri, Bruno G. Galuzzi, Ilaria Giordani, and Francesco Archetti


Urban transport and social inequities in neighbourhoods near underground stations in Greater London, Mengqiu Cao and Robin Hickman


Discovering the spatio-temporal impacts of built environment on metro ridership using smart card data, Enhui Chen, Zhirui Ye, Chao Wang, and Wenbo Zhang


Timetable synchronization of last trains for urban rail networks with maximum accessibility, Yao Chen, Baohua Mao, Yun Bai, Tin Kin Ho, and Zhujun Li


Data-driven stochastic transit assignment modeling using an automatic fare collection system, Seung Hoon Cheon, Changju Lee, and Seongil Shin


How does the station-area built environment influence Metrorail ridership? Using gradient boosting decision trees to identify non-linear thresholds, Chuan Ding, Jason (Xinyu) Cao, and Chao Liu


Passenger Travel Time Reliability for Multimodal Public Transport Journeys, Malvika Dixit, Ties Brands, Niels van Oort, Oded Cats, and Serge Hoogendoorn


Exploring the catchment area of an urban railway station by using transit card data: Case study in Seoul, Jin Ki Eom, Jungsoon Choi, Man Sik Park, and Tae-Young Heo


Modelling passenger distribution on metro platforms based on passengers’ choices for boarding cars, Jiping Fang, Taku Fujiyama, and Howard Wong


Station-based average travel distance and its relationship with urban form and land use: An analysis of smart card data in Nanjing City, China, Zuoxian Gan, Tao Feng, Yunteng Wu, Min Yang, and Harry Timmermans


The impacts of rail transit on the lives and travel experiences of women in the developing world: Evidence from the Delhi Metro, Kavya Gopal and Eun Jin Shin


Spatial distribution of high-rise buildings and its relationship to public transit development in Shanghai, ChengHe Guan


Measuring immediate impacts of a new mass transit system on an existing bike-share system in China, Tianqi Gu, Inhi Kim, and Graham Currie


Passenger-Centric Performance Metrics for the New York City Subway, Anne Halvorsen, Daniel Wood, Timon Stasko, Darian Jefferson, and Alla Reddy


Sequence to sequence learning with attention mechanism for short-term passenger flow prediction in large-scale metro system, Siyu Hao, Der-Horng Lee, and De Zhao


Assessment of Urban Railway Transit Driver Workload and Fatigue under Real Working Conditions, Yuan-chun Huang, Lan-peng Li, Zhi-gang Liu, Hai-yan Zhu, and Lin Zhu


Early Warning Mechanism for the Surge of Passengers in Metro Systems Based on Automated Fare Collection Data: Case Study of Guangzhou, China, Ning Huan, Enjian Yao, and Binbin Li


2019 Public Transportation Fact Book, MacPherson Hughes-Cromwick


Impacts of Rail Transit Accessibility on Firm Spatial Distribution: Case Study in the Metropolitan Area of Washington, DC, Hiroyuki Iseki and Hyunjoo Eom


Managing Unplanned Rail Disruptions: Policy Implications and Guidelines Towards an Effective Bus Bridging Strategy, Alaa Itani, Aya Aboudina, Ehab Diab, Siva Srikukenthiran, and Amer Shalaby


Waiting time perceptions at bus and metro stations in Nanjing, China: the importance of station amenities, trip contexts, and passenger characteristics, Yanjie Ji, Liangpeng Gao, Yingling Fan, Chu Zhang, and Rouchen Zhang


Trustworthiness of unmanned automated subway services and its effects on passengers’ anxiety and fear, Hyunjin Kim


Do metro interruptions increase the demand for public rental bicycles? Evidence from Paris, Joris Klingen


Influence of ICT on Public Transport Use and Behaviour in Seoul, Sungwon Lee, Gyung Chuk Kim, Seung Kook Wu, and Jieun Oh


Bus transit network design with uncertainties on the basis of a metro network: A two-step model framework, Jinpeng Liang, Jianjun Wu, Ziyou Gao, Huijun Sun, Xin Yang, and Hong K. Lo


The analysis of catchment areas of metro stations using trajectory data generated by dockless shared bikes, Diao Lin, Yongping Zhang, Ruoxin Zhu, and Liqiu Meng


The impact of metro services on housing prices: a case study from Beijing, Shengxiao Li, Luoye Chen, and Pengjun Zhao


Simulation of passenger motion in metro stations during rush hours based on video analysis, Jia Liu and Xiaohong Chen


Smart card data-centric replication of the multi-modal public transport system in Singapore, Xioadong Liu, Yuan Zhou, and Andreas Rau


DeepPF: A deep learning based architecture for metro passenger flow prediction, Yang Liu, Zhiyuan Liu, and Ruo Jia


Employing land value capture in urban rail transit public private partnerships: Retrospective analysis of Delhi's airport metro express, Xinjian Li and Peter E.D. Love


Delay and disruption management in local public transportation via real-time vehicle and crew re-scheduling: a case study, Federico Malucelli and Emanuele Tresoldi


In-vehicle crowding: Integrating tangible attributes, attitudes, and perceptions in a choice context between BRT and metro, Luis Márquez, Julieth V. Alfonso A, and Juan C. Poveda


Estimating the Impacts of Capital Bikeshare on Metrorail Ridership in the Washington Metropolitan Area, Ting Ma and Gerrit-Jan Knaap


Estimating the long-run metro demand elasticities for Lisbon: A time-varying approach, Patricia C. Melo, Nuno Sobreira, and Pedro Goulart


Review of asset management for metro systems: challenges and opportunities, Alireza Mohammadi, Luis Amador-Jimenez, and Fuzhan Nasiri


Locating key stations of a metro network using bi-objective programming: discrete and continuous demand mode, Seyed Sina Mohri and Meisam Akbarzadeh


Energy-Efficient Train Operation Strategy with Speed Profiles Selection for an Urban Metro Line, Pengli Mo, Lixing Yang, and Ziyou Gao


Does demand for subway ridership in Manhattan depend on the rainfall events?, Shirin Najafabadi, Ali Hamidi, Mahdieh Allahviranloo, and Naresh Devineni


Recommendation of feeder bus routes using neural network embedding-based optimization, Chung Park, Jungpyo Lee, and So Young Sohn


Integrating Lagrangian and Eulerian observations for passenger flow state estimation in an urban rail transit network: A space-time-state hyper network-based assignment approach, Pan Shang, Ruimin Li, Jifu Guo, Kai Xian, and Xuesong Zhou


Characterizing Journey Time Performance on Urban Metro Systems under Varying Operating Conditions, Ramandeep Singh, Daniel J. Graham, and Richard J. Anderson